Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 UNIONE EUROPEA CHIMERA (CoMD ed ISOSPIN projects) on the TriGrid and Cometa. Gaetano Lanzalone 1,2, Annamaria Muoio 1 Marcello Iacono-Manno 1, Barbera Roberto 1 1 INFN Sezione di Catania and Consorzio COMETA Catania IT 2 INFN LNS Catania IT Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN Catania,
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Outline 1 Introduction 2 Problem Solution by GENIUS 3 Results and Conclusions
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Partners INFN – sez. CT –Massimo Papa –Enrico De Filippo ( ) [ISOSPIN] INFN – sez. CT & LNS –Annamaria Muoio –Gaetano Lanzalone Porting “command line” –Marcello Iacono-Manno
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Introduction
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CHIMERA Charged Heavy Ion Mass and Energy Resolving Array
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, m 1° 30° Fascio ° 504 CHIMERA 1m 1° 30° ° 504 CHIMERA
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CHIMERA
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, PD Si CsI V E V t V t V E Z=6 Charge Identification
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Kolcata (India) ROCHESTER (NY) Michigan State University Caen Orsay Milano Bologna Firenze Napoli Varsavia Cracovia Katowice Bucarest CHIMERA Collaboration “Distribution” CT-Me-LNS USA Zagreb Main server of CHIMERA data is located on cluster Linux at Sezione INFN di Catania (mirror al LNS-Catania).
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, ISOSPIN Program ISOSPIN analysis program is a data-analysis tool developed for the 4π multi-detector CHIMERA. The main goal is to provide a tool containing all the algorithms for the particle identification (i.e. determining particle’s charge and mass) and particle calibration (i.e. determining Energy, rapidity, TOF and other physical observables) starting from raw data produced by the data acquisition system. 1200*2 (ΔE-E) (ΔE-Time)+ …………. + >1200*8 (calib Ener) + >1200*8 (calib Time) = _________________ >30000 (spectrum+matrix)/Reactions + other …
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, DATA Analysis with multidetector CHIMERA. C (low level routines) “ISOSPIN program” :software tool analysis of physical data. Fortran 95 shell Particles Identification Calibrations: Energy, rapidity, TOF, charge, mass,..... CHIMERA database: parameters, pedestal, “offset”, “cuts”… Interface to operative system. read and compact data. Input parameter lists : manage macro-language for data input and analysis. Event control, assignment parameters, delete, search, sort, … etc. Only “public methods “ available in the “shell” to operate on DATA. No information how work the low level C routines. Output: CERNLIB (mono-bi- dimensional spectrums, nuple(paw- formatt). Output: C++ on Root “Root trees” to record physiscal DATA.
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Constrained molecular dynamics (CoMD[*]) is a model applied to the N-body problem in nuclear physics. The heavy computational taskes related to quantum effects, to the presence of the "hard core" repulsive interaction have been worked out by defining a set of transformations based on the concept of impulsive forces. In particular in the implemented version II of the Constrained Molecular Dynamics model the problem related to the non conservation of the total angular momentum has been solved. This problem can affect others semiclassical microscopic approaches as due to the "hard core" repulsive interaction or to the use of stochastic forces.. [*] M.Papa et al., Physical Review C72, (2005) Fission of heavy participant 124 Sn+ 64 NiMultifragmentation of light participant 124 Sn+ 64 Ni The CoMD-II model ( Constrained Molecular Dynamics )
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, General overview of algorithms. Cluster Grid
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Problem Solution by GENIUS
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CLI vs GUI Command line interface Expert User long time before start … Web interface Dummy User immediate start … We need: Friendly User Interface ENGINFRAME (GENIUS)
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, A web portal: why and how ? It can be accessed from everywhere and by “everything” (desktop, laptop, PDA, WAP phone). It can keep the same user interface to several back-ends (grid “dialects” command-line UI’s). It must be “secure” at all levels: –1) secure for web transactions, –2) secure for user authentication, –3) trustworthy at VO level. All available grid services must be incorporated in a logic way, just “one mouse click away” Its layout must be easily understandable and user friendly.
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, EnginFrame in brief Standards based GRID portal –Java, Tomcat, XML/XSL GridML Solves back-end integration problems –Visual rendering for most Grid objects jobs, job arrays, hosts, etc. –Multiple Grid technologies support Globus, LSF, SGE, LoadLeveler*, PBS*, even OS! –Authentication delegation (GSI,NIS,NT,Krb5,...) –Data management, UL/DL + remote file browsing –Integration with interactive applications, tools,…
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Application Servers Application Servers Grid / Compute Farm Web ServerClients Standard Web Browser Interactive applications Interactive applications EnginFrame Server Browsing request HTML Rendering XML Output Service request EnginFrame Agents EnginFrame workflow
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, GENIUS OS & Net services Basic Services High level GRID middleware ALICEATLASCMSLHCb Applications’ specific layer Bio apps GLOBU S toolkit EGEE architecture GENIUS web portal
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, User interface and WEB interface…. XML JDL USER DEVELOPER BASH
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Isospin Features on the Grid 1.The application realized for Isospin is an execution trivial parallel on the Grid of data analysis program for nuclear physics 2.The application copies on the Grid the experimental data about several measure campaigns (size ~ 1 TB/campaign) Input File ~ 1 GB Output File ~.5 : 5 GB 3.The application supplies to the users of the Virtual Organization the metadata possibility to organize and to consult a catalogue of experimental data Faster Data storage Metadata
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD Features on the Grid 1.The application realized for CoMD is an execution trivial parallel on the Grid of a program of data analysis for N Bodies 2.The application copies on the Grid the experimental data about several measure campaigns (size ~ 1 TB/campaign) Input File ~ 10 MB Output Files ~ 100 MB (hundreds of files) The application supplies to the users of the Virtual Organization the metadata possibility to organize and to consult a catalogue of experimental data Faster Data storage Metadata
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Let’s Go ! … connecting !
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, GENIUS
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, GENIUS-login
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Inzializer PROXY- step 1
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Inzializer PROXY - step 2
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Inzializer PROXY - step 3
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Inzializer PROXY - step 4
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Inzializer PROXY - step 5
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, USERCERT
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, USERKEY
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN,
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN,
Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 UNIONE EUROPEA
Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 UNIONE EUROPEA
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Isospin
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Data
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Metadata
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Data
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Analysis of jobs on the Grid
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Check-status of jobs submitted
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Output
Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 UNIONE EUROPEA
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Data-catalog
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Publish a file
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Publish a file
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Publish a file
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Publish a file
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Navigate a catalog
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Results and Conclusions
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Difference Parallel Serial
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, GRIGLIA CLUSTER
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, GRIGLIA CLUSTER
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, CoMD
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Conclusions… Friendly User Interface (dummy). Faster, Data storage, Metadata Web SLAVE ! Cheap
Catania, Grid Open Day al LNS dell’INFN, Any Questions ? Thank you very much for your kind attention!