FAIRE LA PUB POUR UN MONUMENT PARISIEN Make a commercial for a Parisian Monument
Contents: Green section: Information about project Orange Section: Monuments and links Yellow Section: Questions for you to answer Blue Section: Additional Links
Task: Our class has been hired to create commercials about Paris. You will be gathering information about a famous monument in Paris or in the Paris region. You and your partner will have 2 days to work in the library, to do your research. (April 15 and April 23) In between these 2 dates, I encourage you to work on your commercial at home or in the library when possible....Bonne Chance
How to proceed : 1. Read carefully through the green section. 2. Choose a partner and select a number from the tin. 3. Find your number in the Orange Section and visit your monument (click on the link) 4. Scroll down to the Yellow Section in order to find out what information needs to be covered in your commercial. (you may go beyond what is asked of you!!!) 5. Additional useful links are provided in the Blue Section.
Your Publicité has TWO componants: 1. The PowerPoint with images and information about your monument. 2. The Script which you will read as a voice-over for your Publicité. (The script should be written in English) The name of the monument and the last sentence where you encourage people to visit your monument must be in French! Feel free, however, to include as much French as you would like!
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Start your research using the suggested links in the orange or blue sections. 2. Collect pictures. (Choose pictures that enhance the information in your script) 3. Select a detailed map of Paris so you can show on where your monument is located. (You can mention what other monuments are close by) 4. Create your Publicité using PowerPoint. 5. Provide the information requested in your commercial, but also include at least one reason why we should visit. BE CLEVER and INVENTIVE. 6. Although the body of your Publicité is in English, include words and phrases in French to give your Publicité some flare. 7. The last line inviting people to come visit must be en français. 8. Turn in a copy of your script when PowerPoint is due.
1. Your Publicité is turned on-time: _____/20 2. Your Publicité lasts 2m50sec – 3 minutes: _____/20 3. Your Publicité contains at least 12 slides: _____/20 (Slides must transition automatically: 20 seconds maximum / slide) 4. Your Publicité is accompanied by a script: _____/20 (typed and printed on a sheet of 8.5 x11 computer paper) 5. All required questions are answered: _____/20 (see yellow section for your monument) 5. You and your partner make good use of library time: _____/20 6. Your Publicité is detailed, creative, and informative: _____/20 _____ /
#1: La Sainte Chapelle Notre Dame Notre Dame Cathedral La Sainte-Chapelle Notre Dame CathedralLa Sainte-Chapelle #2: Le Louvre La Pyramide du Louvre The Louvre Pyramide du Louvre The LouvrePyramide du Louvre #3: L’Arc de Triomphe Les Champs Élysées Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysees Champs- Élysées Wikipedia web cam of ChampsArc de TriompheChamps ElyseesChamps- Élyséesweb cam of Champs #4: L'Ile de la Cité L' Hotel de Ville La Conciergerie Hôtel de Ville, Paris Wikipedia Ile de la Cite ConciergerieHôtel de Ville, ParisIle de la Cite #5: Le Jardin de Tuileries La Seine La Madeleine La Seine (Rive Droite et Rive Gauche) Le Jardin des Tuileries La Madeleine Place de la Concorde WikipediaLa SeineLe Jardin des Tuileries La MadeleinePlace de la Concorde
#6: L’Opéra Garnier L’Opéra de la Bastille La Place de la Bastille The Garnier Opéra Palais Garnier Paris_Opera L'Opera de la Bastille Wikipedia La Place de la BastilleThe Garnier OpéraPalais GarnierParis_OperaL'Opera de la BastilleLa Place de la Bastille #7: Le Centre Pompidou Forum des Halles Galleries Lafayette Le Centre_Pompidou Forum des Halles Galeries Lafayette Galeries Lafayette – WikipediaCentre_PompidouForum des HallesGaleries Lafayette Galeries Lafayette – Wikipedia #8: La Tour Eiffel Le Palais de Chaillot La Tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower Palais de Chaillot (Trocadéro)La Tour EiffelEiffel TowerThe Eiffel TowerPalais de Chaillot (Trocadéro) #9: Montmartre Le Sacré Coeur La Sacré Coeur Montmartre La Place du Tertre Le Moulin RougeLa Sacré Coeur Montmartre La Place du TertreLe Moulin Rouge
#10: Le Palais et le Jardin du Luxembourg Le Bois de Boulogne Jardins et Palais du Luxembourg Luxembourg gardens The Pantheon Articles about Lux.. Le Bois de Boulogne #11: La Fondation Claude Monet Giverny The artist and his work WebMuseum: Monet, Claude Claude Monet Claude Monet Wikipedia La Fondation Claude Monet Village of Giverney Giverny and Vernon
#11: La Fondation Claude Monet Giverny The artist and his WebMuseum: Monet, Claude Claude Monet Claude Monet Wikipedia La Fondation Claude Monet Village of Giverney Giverny and Vernon #12: August Rodin (sculptor) Musee Rodin Auguste Rodin Wikipedia Auguste Rodin Musee Rodin WebMuseum: Rodin, Auguste #13: Les Invalides Tomb Musée d’Orsay Les Invalides Wikipedia Musée d'Orsay: Home Musée d'Orsay WikipediaLes Invalides Musée d'Orsay: HomeMusée d'Orsay
#14: Le Quartier Latin Le Musee de Cluny La Sorbonne La Rive Gauche (Left Bank) Le Quartier Latin WikipediaLe Quartier Latin La SorbornneLa Sorbornne Wikipedia Le Musee de Cluny #15: Le Chateau de Versailles History, famous rooms, gardens King Louis XIV Le Chateau de Versailles photos Louis XIV of FranceLouis XIV of France Wikipedia
#16: Cimetière Pere LaChaise Le Panthéon Catacombs Panthéon (Paris) Wikipedia Père Lachaise Cemetery Wikipedia Panthéon (Paris)Père Lachaise Cemetery Catacombs of Paris - Wikipedia Catacombs of Paris Museum #17: Parc de la Vilette Chateau de Vincennes Parc de la Villette - Wikipedia Science museum in Paris - the Cité des Sciences Château de Vincennes
#16: Cimetière Pere LaChaise Le Panthéon Catacombs Panthéon (Paris) Wikipedia Père Lachaise Cemetery Wikipedia Panthéon (Paris)Père Lachaise Cemetery Catacombs of Paris - Wikipedia Catacombs of Paris Museum #17: Parc de la Vilette Chateau de Vincennes Parc de la Villette - Wikipedia Science museum in Paris - the Cité des Sciences Château de Vincennes
Les Monuments: #1a: La Cathédrale de Notre Dame: What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? How long did it take to build? Tell about its architectural features: flying buttresses, Rose Window, La Galérie des Chimières (gargoyles) What famous book and movie was inspired by the cathedral? Describe one famous statue located inside. #1b: La Sainte Chapelle: What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? By whom? Why is it called “one of the greatest architectural masterpieces of the western world? Describe its features: 15 stained glass windows, Rose Window, Statues of the apostles #2a: Le Louvre What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? By whom? What was its original use? After that? Describe: Perrault’s colonnade, medieval moats, Arc de Triomphe du Carousel What is the most famous painting located in Le Louvre? Describe one piece of art or artifact in the museum that is most interesting to you. #2b: La Pyramide du Louvre: What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? By whom? What is special or interesting about it?
#3a: L’Arc de Triomphe What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? By whom? Why is the “place where it is located called “L’Étoile”? What does it look like? How is it used today? Describe the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. #3b: Les Champs Élysees: What is it? Where is it located? When did it begin? Who designed it? Why is it called the “Triumphal Way”? Name 2 interesting sights along this street. #4a: La Conciergerie What is it? Where is it located? How was it used during the French Revolution? What famous queen spent her last days here? What 11th century rooms remain? What is it used for today? #4b: L’Ile de la Cité What is it? Where is it located? What is its significance? What is Point Zero? Identify 4 important sights located here. does it have to do with Napoleon? #4c: L’Hotel de Ville What is it? Where is it located? What was originally used for? What is it used for today #5a: La Seine What is it? Where is it located? What is its significance? How does it divide Paris? What is a “bateau mouche”? #5b: Le Jardin des Tuileries What is it? Where is it located? What used to be there? What activities can you do there? #5c: La Madeleine: What is it? Where is it located? Why is it one of the “best known buildings” in Paris? When was it built? What is unique about its design and what does it have to do with Napoleon?
#6a: L’Opéra Garnier What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? Why is its appearance compared to a wedding cake? Describe its features: grand staircase, grand foyer, false ceiling by Marc Chagall, chandelier What type of entertainment is offered? #6b: L’Opéra de la Bastille What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? What does it look like? Describe its technological features. What type of entertainment is offered? #6c: La Place de la Bastille What is it? Where is it located? What was located here before? Why is this place significant to French history? #7a: Le Centre Pompidou What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? What is inside it? What is significant about the design of the building? Why is the building all different colors? Describe a piece of art or an artifact you can see there. What is of interest outside the museum? #7b: Le Forum des Halles What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? What used to be in this location? Describe the current structure. What is there now? #7c: Les Galeries Lafayette What is it? Where is it located? When and how did it begin? Describe the “flagship store” located in Paris. o What does it look like? o How many floors does it have? o What types of things can you buy there? What would you like to purchase there?
#8a: La Tour Eiffel What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? Why was it originally built? Why was it considered controversial? What can one see or do there? What is its significance today? #8b: Le Palais de Chaillot What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? Why was it originally built? What does it look like? What 4 museums are inside? #9a: Montmartre What is it? Where is it located? What does the name “montmartre” mean? What group of people has this area been associated with for 2oo years? Identify: Moulin Rouge, Place du Tertre #9b: Sacré Coeur What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? What is unique about its design? Describe its features: bell tower, crypt vaults, bronze doors. #10a: Le Jardin du Luxembourg What is it? Where is it located? Why is it the most “popular park” in all of Paris? What does it look like? What fun things can one do there? #10b: Le Palais du Luxembourg What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? What queen was it built for? What Italian palace is it modeled after? What have been its different uses since it was a royal palace? What is it used for today? Describe the Fontaine de Médicis.
#11a: La Fondation Claude Monet What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? What does it look like? What can you see there? #11b: Claude Monet, the artist and his work When did he live? Die? Briefly describe his early years. Was he famous for his art when he was alive? What style of painting is he known for? Describe two well known Monet paintings. #12a: Le Musée Rodin What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? When did the artist live here What works of art are housed here? #12b: Auguste Rodin, the artist and his work When did he live? Die? Briefly describe his early years. Was he famous for his art when he was alive? What type of art is he known for? Describe two sculptures. #13a: Musée d’Orsay What is it? Where is it located? When was it built? What was this building before it was a museum? What type of art is found here? Describe two #13b: Les Invalides What is it? Where is it located? When was it built and by whom? What was its original use? What museum is there? Whose tomb is there? What types of artifacts might one see there? Examples?
#14a: Le Quartier Latin What is it? Where is it located? What is this area famous for? Identify: Boulevard St Michel, St Etienne du Mont #14b: Le Musée de Cluny What is it? Where is it located? How were Roman ruins incorporated into a medieval mansion? What type of artifacts is displayed? Describe: Lady with the Unicorn tapestry, Gallo-Roman Baths, Gallery of the Kings, everyday objects of Middle Ages #14c: La Sorbonne What is it? Where is it located? When and how did it begin? How is it used today? #15a: Le Chateau de Versailles What is it? Where is it located? Who built it and why? How long did it take to build? How many people could be housed there in its prime? Who were the last French king and queen to live there? Describe le Petit Trianon Describe Le Grand Trianon Describe the Queen’s bedroom Describe the Hall of Mirrors Describe the Chapelle Royale Describe the palace gardens
#16a: Le Panthéon What is it? Where is it located? Who decided to build it and why? When? What is it used for today? Describe features: iron framed dome, temple portico, shape of interior, cryptwho is buried here? #16b: La Cimetière Père Lachaise What is it? Where is it located? Who decided to build it and why? When? Name three famous people buried here #16c: Les Catacombes What is it? Where is it located? What is an “ossuary”? What is buried there? When and why were people first buried there? What can a tourist see there today? #17a: Chateau de Vincennes What is it? Where is it located? Who decided to build it and why? When? After it was a royal residence, what was it used for? What are its two main attractions? #17b : Le Parc de la Villette What is it? Where is it located? Who decided to build it and why? When? What are the Follies? Describe le Musée de la Musique. What is La Géode? What is Cité des sciences?
Many of these sites are available in French and English. ParisParis Paris from Wikipedia Paris France,Ile- de-France,Introduction to the French region of Ile-de-France Paris.org has an interactive map of Monuments and Museums of Paris.. Paris Tourist Office: includes many photos and Discover Paris.com Districts of Paris Paris in pictures (from USA Today) Paris from Timeout Webcams of Paris Paris Webquest Yahoo Paris...lots of links & info Photo guide to Paris !Paris parisrama lots of good photos Virtual tour of Paris / Interactive Paris Map / worksheet Paris syndrome ParisParis France,Ile- de-France,Introduction to the French region of Ile-de-FranceParis.orgParis Tourist Office Discover Paris.comDistricts of ParisParis in picturesParis from TimeoutWebcams of ParisParis WebquestYahoo Paris Photo guide to Paris!Paris parisramaVirtual tour of Paris Interactive Paris Mapworksheet Paris syndrome
Places in Paris Paris Metro EntrancesParis Metro Entrances Paris Metro Map Paris RER Map Paris tickets Ile de France Assemblee Nationale Place de la Concorde Disneyland ParisParis Metro Map Paris RER MapParis ticketsIle de FranceAssemblee NationalePlace de la ConcordeDisneyland Paris General Sites Magic Paris France.com Smartweb Paris Tourism Web Museum Paris Paris from Frommers Paris Guidebook From TimeOut Marais Les HallesMagic ParisFrance.comSmartweb Paris TourismWeb Museum ParisParisParis GuidebookMaraisLes Halles
ARCHITECTURE Great BuildingsGreat Buildings architectural site with information on particular monuments & buildings. Check out the 3-D models of some buildings which you can download! La Cathderale de Chartres Gothic architecture St. Louis des Invalides Le Chateau de Fontainbleau photos Jeopardy pics Take a survey La Cathderale de ChartresGothic architectureSt. Louis des InvalidesLe Chateau de FontainbleauphotosJeopardy picsTake a survey