Making Fly Parviz Deyhim
Scalable, Highly-available and Secure Obsession Scalable, Highly-available and Secure
Scalable, Highly-available and Secure Obsession Scalable, Highly-available and Secure
Amazon Elastic MapReduce
Cost effective AWS wrapper What is EMR? Map-Reduce engine Integrated with tools Hadoop-as-a-service Massively parallel Cost effective AWS wrapper Integrated to AWS services EMR Is managed Hadoop Offering that takes burden of deploying and maintaining hadoop clusters away from developers. EMR uses Apache Hadoop mapreduce engine and integrates with variety of different tools.
Integration HDFS Amazon EMR
Integration HDFS Amazon EMR Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB
Integration Amazon EMR Data management Analytics languages Amazon S3 HDFS Amazon EMR Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB
Integration Amazon EMR Data management Analytics languages Amazon RDS HDFS Amazon EMR Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB
Integration Amazon EMR Data Pipeline Data management Analytics languages Integration Amazon RDS HDFS Amazon EMR Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Data Pipeline Amazon RedShift
Integration Amazon EMR Data Pipeline Data management Analytics languages Integration Amazon RDS HDFS Amazon EMR Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Data Pipeline Amazon RedShift
Amazon EMR Concepts Master Node Core Nodes Task Nodes
Core Nodes DataNode (HDFS) Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node We’ll start with Core nodes. Core nodes run TaskTracker and Datanode. Core nodes are very similar to traditional Hadoop salve nodes. They can process data with mappers and reducers and can also store data with HDFS or Datanode. HDFS HDFS Core instance group
Core Nodes Can Add Core Nodes: More CPU More Memory More HDFS Space Amazon EMR cluster Can Add Core Nodes: More CPU More Memory More HDFS Space Master instance group Master Node We’ll start with Core nodes. Core nodes run TaskTracker and Datanode. Core nodes are very similar to traditional Hadoop salve nodes. They can process data with mappers and reducers and can also store data with HDFS or Datanode. HDFS HDFS HDFS Core instance group
Core Nodes Can’t remove core nodes: HDFS corruption Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node We’ll start with Core nodes. Core nodes run TaskTracker and Datanode. Core nodes are very similar to traditional Hadoop salve nodes. They can process data with mappers and reducers and can also store data with HDFS or Datanode. HDFS HDFS HDFS Core instance group
Task Nodes No HDFS Provides compute resources: CPU Memory Amazon EMR cluster No HDFS Provides compute resources: CPU Memory Master instance group Master Node We’ll start with Core nodes. Core nodes run TaskTracker and Datanode. Core nodes are very similar to traditional Hadoop salve nodes. They can process data with mappers and reducers and can also store data with HDFS or Datanode. HDFS HDFS Core instance group
Task Nodes Can add and remove task nodes Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node We’ll start with Core nodes. Core nodes run TaskTracker and Datanode. Core nodes are very similar to traditional Hadoop salve nodes. They can process data with mappers and reducers and can also store data with HDFS or Datanode. HDFS HDFS Core instance group
Spark On Amazon EMR
Bootstrap Actions Ability to run or install additional packages/software on EMR nodes Simple bash script stored on S3 Script gets executed during node/instance boot time Script gets executed on every node that gets added to the cluster
Spark on Amazon EMR Bootstrap action installs Spark on EMR nodes Currently on Spark 0.73 & upgrading to 0.8 very soon
Why Spark on Amazon EMR? Deploy small and large Spark clusters in minutes EMR handles node recover in case of failures Integration with EC2 Spot Market, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Data pipeline, Amazon Cloudwatch and etc
Why Spark on Amazon EMR? Shipping Spark logs to S3 for debugging Define S3 bucket at cluster deploy time
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Bid on un-used EC2 capacity Spark is memory hungry. Bid on large memory instances with the fraction of the cost
Spark on EC2 Spot Market 1TB Memory Cluster Instance Type # of nodes On-demand Cost Spot Cost Cost/GB Of Memory Using Spot M1.xlarge 63 $31/h $4.41/h 0.44c/GB/h CC2.8xlarge 16 $39/h $4.64/h 0.46c/GB/h M2.4xlarge 15 $24/h $2.25/h 0.22c/GB/h
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Launch initial Spark cluster with core nodes Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node Launch initial Spark cluster with core nodes HDFS to store and checkpoint RDDs HDFS HDFS 32GB Memory
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node Add Task nodes in spot market to increase memory capacity HDFS HDFS 32GB Memory 256GB Memory
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Create RDDs from HDFS or Amazon S3 with: Amazon EMR cluster Create RDDs from HDFS or Amazon S3 with: sc.textFile OR sc.sequenceFile Run Computation on RDDs Master instance group Master Node HDFS HDFS 32GB Memory 256GB Memory Amazon S3
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Save the resulting RDDs to HDFS or S3 with: Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Save the resulting RDDs to HDFS or S3 with: rdd.saveAsSequenceFile OR rdd.saveAsObjectFile Master Node HDFS HDFS 32GB Memory 256GB Memory Amazon S3 saveAsObjectFile
Spark on EC2 Spot Market Shutdown TaskNodes when your job is done Amazon EMR cluster Master instance group Master Node Shutdown TaskNodes when your job is done HDFS HDFS 32GB Memory
Elastic Spark With Amazon EMR
Autoscaling Spark Master Node Amazon EMR cluster HDFS 32GB Memory
Autoscaling Spark Amazon EMR cluster 32GB Memory 256GB Memory Master Node Amazon EMR cluster HDFS 32GB Memory 256GB Memory
Elastic Spark When to Scale? CPU bounded or Memory intensive? Depends on your job CPU bounded or Memory intensive? Probably both for Spark jobs Use CPU/Memory util. metrics to decide when to scale
Amazon EMR Cloudwatch metrics EMR integrates with Cloudwatch Provides many metrics. Examples: Load Metrics HDFS Metrics S3 Metrics
Amazon EMR Cloudwatch metrics
Basics on Cloudwatch Metrics Pick any Cloudwatch metrics Pick a threshold that you like to be notified if its breached Setup Cloudwatch Alarms based on your thresholds Receive SNS notification in forms of: Email SNS HTTP API Call
Basics on Cloudwatch Metrics Receive Email Notification Monitor With Cloudwatch Take Manual Action Such As Adding More Task Nodes
Basics on Cloudwatch Metrics Monitor With Cloudwatch HTTP API Calls Take Automated Actions
Spark Autoscaling Based on Load Setup Cloudwatch alarm on EMR “TotalLoad” metric Receive Email/SNS/HTTP notification Add more worker nodes by adding EMR task nodes
Spark Autoscaling Based Memory Spark needs memory Lost of it!! How to scale based on the memory usage?
Spark Metrics Spark 0.8 provides cluster metrics Source and Sink topology
Spark Metrics Spark Metric Sources ( worker.source.jvm.class=org.apache.spark.metrics.source.JvmSource driver.source.jvm.class=org.apache.spark.metrics.source.JvmSource executor.source.jvm.class=org.apache.spark.metrics.source.JvmSource
Spark Metrics Spark Metric Sinks ( Package: org.apache.spark.metrics.sink ConsoleSink JmxSink CsvSink GangliaSink
Spark Metrics Spark Metric Sinks ( CloudwatchSink
Spark Metrics & Cloudwatch
Spark Metrics & Cloudwatch Monitor Spark metrics with Cloudwatch Setup Cloudwatch alarms and get notified if any metrics reached your threshold. Example: if JvmHeapUsed > 20G Receive notification and take manual or automated actions
Spark Streaming and Amazon Kinesis
Amazon Kinesis Kinesis
Amazon Kinesis CreateStream Creates a new Data Stream within the Kinesis Service PutRecord Adds new records to a Kinesis Stream DescribeStream Provides metadata about the Stream, including name, status, Shards, etc. GetNextRecord Fetches next record for processing by user business logic MergeShard / SplitShard Scales Stream up/ down DeleteStream Deletes the Stream
Amazon Kinesis Kinesis
Spark Streaming and Amazon Kinesis SparkStreaming Kinesis Receiver Extends NetworkReceiver Creates a single Receiver per shard and reads from Kinesis
Misc. New AWS instances provide enhanced networking in VPC Higher PPS Less Jitter Great CPU Power Suitable for Spark: Serialization and Shuffle
What Do You Like To See On Spark By Amazon? Send Feedbacks To: Parviz Deyhim @pdeyhim