Venus de Milo cca. 130 BCE (discovered 1820)
Praxiteles (4th century B.C.) The Aphrodite of Cnidus Kos Knidos The Ludovisi Aphrodite of Cnidus (Roman copy): Venus Pudica The Colonna Venus, a Roman Copy
Phryne Courtesan, mistress of Praxiteles Wealthy: “destroyed by Alexander, restored by Phryne the courtesan” (offered to rebuild the walls of Thebes) ? Swam in the nude, inspired the myth of the birth of Venus /ˈθiːbz/
Jean-Léon Gérôme, Phryne before the Aeropagus, 1861 with Hypereides the Orator Offended the Eleusinian mysteries ceremony. Beauty considered a sign of divinity.
Sandro Boticelli, Birth of Venus, 1485-6, Galleria dei Uffizi, Florence
Salvador Dali, Venus on a Shell, 1976
Titian, Venus of Urbino 1538 /ˈtɪʃən/
Anonymous (School of Fontaineblau, 16th century), Gabrielle d’Estree and one of her sisters?, Musee du Louvre
Melanie Manchot, Emma and Charlie I, 2001, The Brooklyn Museum photograph
Melanie Manchot, Namita and Zena, 2001, The Brooklyn Museum http://www
Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, 1510
Rembrandt, Venus and Amor, 1630s?
Dominique Ingres, The Grand Odalisque, 1812, Musée du Louvre
Dominique Ingres, Odalisque with a Slave, 1842
Pieter-Paul Rubens, Venus with Mirror, 1613-14
Édouard Manet, Olympia, 1863
Salvador Dali, Venus de Milo with Drawers, 1936