Why Study French? Next to English, most taught language in the world. Along with English, spoken on 5 continents. French and English are the only two global languages. Two million Americans speak French at home. Spoken by over 200 million people world wide. 62 Countries speak French Third most common language on the internet. French is an official language in Louisiana.
Why French?Who Speaks French?Allez Viens! The Francophone world.
Belgium Benin Burkina-Faso Burundi Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of Congo Djibouti France Gabon Guinea Haiti Ivory Coast Luxembourg Madagascar Mali Monaco Niger Republic of Congo Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Switzerland Togo Vanuatu Official Language Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Bulgaria Cambodia Cape Verde Croatia Czech Republic Dominica Egypt Equatorial Guinea Georgia Greece Guinea-Bissau Hungary Laos Lebanon Lithuania Macedonia Mauritania Mauritius Moldova Morocco Poland Romania Saint-Lucia Sao-Tomé et Principe Slovakia Slovenia Tunisia Vietnam Recognized Language The Francophone world.
Triumphal Arch L’Arc de Triomphe
The Basilica Sacré Couer (Sacred Heart) Montmarte
Notre Dame Cathedral / La Cathédrale Notre Dame
The Louvre Museum / Le Musée du Louvre
The Eiffel Tower La Tour Eiffel
_____ 1. À la carte_____ 7. C'est la vie_____ 14. Femme fatale _____ 2. Art Deco_____ 8. Cordon bleu_____ 15. Je ne sais quoi _____ 3. Au naturel_____ 9. Crème brûlée _____ 16. Mardi gras _____ 4. Avant garde_____ 10. Crème de la crème_____ 17. Merci beaucoup _____ 5. Belle époque_____ 11. Déjà vu_____ 18. Papier mâché _____ 6. Bon appétit_____ 12. Du jour_____ 19. Pot-pourri _____ 13. En route_____ 20. RSVP A. ‘Beautiful era’ or the golden age of art and culture in France in the early 20 th century. B. ‘Burnt cream’, baked custard with a carmelized crust. C. ‘Enjoy your food’. D. ‘Fat Tuesday’. E. ‘Of the day’. F. ‘On the way’. G. ‘Thank you very much’. H. ‘That’s life’! I. A dangerously attractive woman. J. A material used for scultural artwork and craftwork. ‘Mashed paper’. K. A mixture of dried petals of different flowers mixed with spices, kept in a jar for its perfume. L. An inexpressible something. Literally, ‘I know not what’. M. Decorative art originating in Paris in the early 20 th century. N. High quality, especially cooking. O. On the menu, with each dish priced. P. Please respond (to my message). ‘Répondez, s’il vous plaît’. Q. The best of the best. ‘Cream of the cream’. R. The feeling of having seen or experienced something before; ‘already seen’. S. The innovators in art during a particular period and a military term meaning ‘advance guard’. T. Undressed or ‘in a natural state’. A B C D E F G HI J K LMN O P Q R S T
GreetingsFrench Hello Goodbye What’s your name? I am…/My name is… Bonjour! Au revoir! Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle… How are you? Well Okay Ça va? Ça va bien. Pas mal.
Let’s practice! NumbersFrenchNumbersFrench un deux trois quatre 5 cinq six sept huit neuf dix
COLORES French COLORES French Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink Brown Black White Gray rouge rose orange jaune vert bleu violet brun noir blanc gris Let’s practice!
How is French similar to Latin & Spanish? 1.Numbers: 2.Greetings: 3.Colors: 4.Pronunciation:
French Used in English -À la carte / On the menu, with each dish priced -Art Deco/ 'Decorative art' - a style of art originating in Paris in the early 20th century. An eclectic and glamorous art form, taking in aspects of Cubism and geometric industrial design -Au naturel / Undressed or 'in a natural state‘ -Avant garde / The pioneers or innovators in art in a particular period. Also, a military term, meaning vanguard or advance guard -Belle époque / 'Beautiful era' - the golden age of art and culture in France in the early 20th century -Bon appétit / 'Good appetite' - "Enjoy your food". -C'est la vie / That's life or such is life. Often used in disappointed resignation following some bad fortune -Cordon bleu / High quality, especially of cooking. -Crème brûlée / 'Burnt cream' - baked custard with a carmelized crust -Crème de la crème / The best of the best. Literally the cream of the cream. -Déjà vu / The feeling of having seen or experienced something before. Literally 'already seen'. -Du jour / 'Of the day' - as in 'soup du jour' ('soup of the day'). -En route / On the way. -Femme fatale / A dangerously attractive woman. -Je ne sais quoi / An indescribable or inexpressible something. Literally, 'I know not what'. -Mardi gras / The last day of the Carnival or pre-Lenten season. Literally, 'Fat Tuesday', called Shrove Tuesday in the UK. - Merci beaucoup / Thank you very much - Papier mâché / A material used for scultural artwork and craftwork. Literally 'mashed paper' - Pot-pourri / A mixture of dried petals of different flowers mixed with spices, kept in a jar for its perfume. Also, a stew made from a variety of meats cooked together. By extension, any collection of miscellaneous items. - RSVP / Please respond (to my message). Literally the abbreviation of 'Répondez, s'il vous plaît' French
Greetings Colors Vert – green Violet – purple Bleu – blue Noir – black Brun – brown Gris – gray Blanc – white Jaune – yellow Orange – orange Rouge– red Rose – pink French Textbook pgs Textbook pgs: Greeting People pgs Saying Goodbye pgs Telling Who I Am pgs Telling Where I Am From pgs
Cultural Facts Textbook Pages: 94 (Welcome to French) 102 (Common French Names) 105 (Schools in France) 108 (French Money) (Fast Food in Paris) 119 (Time Zones) 122 (French Impressionism) 124 (The French Calendar) 127 (Vacation Time in France) 130 (A Special Winter Class) 132 (French Spelling) 136 (French Speaking Cities) 139 (The French Speaking World) 143 (School Schedule) 151 (The Family in French Culture) 154 (Animal Talk in French) 156 (French Pets) 159 (Le Tour de France) 163 (Clothing Today) French
What do you think of when you think of France…French?