SOIS Dictionary of Terms
Model-Based Dictionary Is a variation on model-based engineering. Allows expression of relations between terms. Can be checked algorithmically for consistency, using existing reasoners. Can be source for algorithmic generation of artifacts for use in a tool chain. Human-readable glossary in html. Xml schema of terms for inclusion in EDS schema. Check designed interfaces. Supports inclusion of other ontologies, such as QUDV.
Summary of DoT in SOIS Tool Chain DoT Ontology Team Manufacturer Mission Control Team Mission Design Team
Syntactic Attributes These attributes were handled by the Scisys Schema, and so weren’t generated in schema for that project. These attributes are present in DoT to support generation of other artifacts, such as html glossary. SyntacticAttribute sizeInBits lowerBound = 1 upperBound encoding IEEE754_1985 twosComplement
Combinatorial Constraints on Syntactic Attributes Individuals represent excluded combinations. These attributes are present in DoT to support generation of other artifacts, such as html glossary. ExcludedSyntax lowerBound_ sizeInBits upperBound _sizeInBits
Standard Types of Numbers These attributes were handled by the Scisys Schema, and so weren’t generated in schema. These attributes are present in DoT to support generation of other artifacts, such as html glossary. SyntacticType value_sizeInBits 32 value_encoding IEEE754_1985 float32
Semantic Attributes These attributes come from the following sources. QUDV xTEDS Imported type system may include some semantic properties. SemanticProperty referenceFrame device ECI unit meter second …
Referential Semantics This part of the model allows description of subject of a measurement. The xml example is notional. SemanticProperty focalPlane processor imager ModelOfOperation PartOfModel subject refersTo hasPart
Combinatorial Constraints on Semantic Attributes Individuals represent excluded combinations. These attributes are present in DoT to support generation of other artifacts, such as html glossary. ExcludedSemantics value_unit value_quantityKind
Standard Engineering Profiles EngineeringProfile value_unit meter value_quantityKind length angle