Multi-agency working in
S TRUCTURE 1Why do we have to protect children? 1.1Reasons for child protection 1.2Definitions of child abuse 2The cases of Victoria Climbié and Baby P 2.1What went wrong in both these cases? 3The importance of multi-agency working 3.1Definition of multi-agency working 3.2Framework for assessment 3.3 Significant harm 3.4Key sections 4Who is responsible for child protection?
1 W HY DO WE HAVE TO PROTECT CHILDREN ? 1.1 Reasons for child protection Children are protected against: accidents the consequences of poverty underdevelopment child abuse and sexual abuse illness suicide
1.2 Definitions of child abuse physical abuse emotional abuse sexual abuse neglect
Victoria: born on 2 nd November 1991 in Abidjan October 2008: moved to France, later to London from 14 July 1999 to February 2000: victim of physical and sexual abuse by her great-aunt and her boyfriend several local authorities involved 25 February 2000: Victoria‘s death Death caused by multiple injuries arising from months of ill-treatment and abuse 128 separate injuries found on her body
Baby P: born on 1 March 2006 in London from 18 September 2006 to August 2007: Baby P suffered more than 50 injuries Baby P registered for physical abuse and neglect he was seen nearly 60 times by local authorities 3 August 2007: Baby P‘s death He had a broken back, broken ribs, several bruises, a thooth missing and marks on his head
2.2 What went wrong in these cases? failure of the system including agencies, social workers, doctors … poor gathering, recording and sharing of information lack of urgency, action in response to reasonable inference not enough checking on the parents agencies acting in isolation without effective co- ordination and co-operation poor child protection plans failure in implementing the Children Act
3 T HE IMPORTANCE OF MULTI - AGENCY WORKING 3 T HE IMPORTANCE OF MULTI - AGENCY WORKING 3.1 Definition of multi-agency working all agencies working together information sharing and good communication no agency has the total responsibility for the safety of a child
Child child‘s developmental needs parenting capacity family & enviromental factors 3.2 Framework for assessment
3.3 Significant harm a concept of the Children Act 1989 justifies intervention into family life Children Act 1989 replaces the public law
3.4 The key sections S.17Provision of services for children in need, their families and others S.20Provision of accommodation for children S.31Care and supervision orders S.44Orders for emergency protection of children S.47 Local authorities´ duty to investigate S.8Private law orders
4. W HO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CHILD PROTECTION ? Teachers Police Social worker Social Services Department Health Visitor Doctors and nurses