C HESAPEAKE R ESEARCH C ONSORTIUM Tom Gross (Chesapeake Community Modeling Program) J OHNS H OPKINS U NIVERSITY Bill Ball (Dept. of Geography & Environmental.


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Presentation transcript:

C HESAPEAKE R ESEARCH C ONSORTIUM Tom Gross (Chesapeake Community Modeling Program) J OHNS H OPKINS U NIVERSITY Bill Ball (Dept. of Geography & Environmental Engineering) Randal Burns (Dept. of Computer Science) U NIVERSITY of D ELAWARE Dom DiToro (Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering) U NIVERSITY of M ARYLAND Mike Kemp (Center for Environmental Science) D REXEL U NIVERSITY Mike Piasecki (Dept. of Civil & Architectural Engineering) S AN D IEGO S UPERCOMPUTER C ENTER Ilya Zaslavsky Conceptual Design of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) A Collaborative Planning Project funded by the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION

Motivation for a Prototypical Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory 1.Management Needs are Linked with Science Water quality impairment and loss of living resources 2.Wealth of Data, Models and Research Archived data; on-going data streams; history of model runs 3.Important Unresolved Questions Complex questions of broad national interest (e.g., hypoxia) 4.Clear Need for Better Cyberinfrastructure Disparity among data & lack of inter-operability stymies progress 5.Excellent Test Bed for EO Integration other EONs; research & education programs; outreach

Hypoxia An Excellent Problem for EO and Cyberinfrastructure Fundamentally linked to other concerns: -- Affected by land use, water quality, hydrodynamics, biota; -- Affects chemical cycling and living resources Well-studied issue, but with complex unresolved questions: -- Non-linear O 2 responses to management & climate -- Missing source of organic matter to fuel hypoxia A Prototypical Science Issue Relevant to environmental management in many aquatic systems; Long history of policy and management focused on D.O. Requires linking data-sets & models; Requires multiple observing & computing systems; Involves multiple spatial & temporal scales; Identifiable management benefits via modeling and visualization. Strong Links with Engineering & Management

Chesapeake Watershed MAREO (NEON) Susquehanna River Hydrologic Observatory (CUAHSI / WatERS) Potomac River & Western Tributary Hydrologic Observatory Baltimore LTER/CLEANER Chesaspeake Bay Observing System (CBOS) CBEO (CLEANER/WatERS) York River ORION Chesapeake as Test Bed for EO Integration from K. Selner, CRC (ERF 2005) Mid-Atlantic Environmental Observatories:

Environmental Observatories: Four Parallel and Interactive Activities for Prototype Development N – develop a Node on a national network system to ensure compatibility within a broader EON E – develop links and programs for Education, outreach, and widespread use of the EO T – build a Test-bed for the development and demonstration of technical tools S – develop and explore the Science, engineering & management issues EO:NEO:E EO:TEO:S

ORION WaTERS NEON Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory CBEO Integration with Multiple EO Networks Nationwide EON/EAN Grid?


Hypoxia vs. N Loading ( ) (Hagy et al. 2004) Hypoxia increases with N loading. Equivalent N loading in recent years (since ‘80) generates more hypoxia than in past. Winter-Spring NO 3 - Loading (10 6 kg) Hypoxic Volume (10 9 m 3 ) (DO<1 mg l -1 ) Unresolved Science Questions

Core Grid Services GT3, OGSA-DAI, GSI, CAS, gridFTP, SRB, PostGIS, mySQL, DB2 Portal (login, myGEON) Physical Grid RedHat Linux, ROCKS, Internet, I2, OptIPuter (planned) Registration Services Data Integration Services Indexing Services Workflow Services Visualization & Mapping Services RegistrationGEONsearch GEONworkbench Community Modeling Environment courtesy of Ilya Zaslavsky (San Diego Supercomputer Center) CBEO:N GeonGRID Software Layers

Extensive data collectionExtensive data collection --Fixed station 2-4 wk --Fixed station 2-4 wk --Research data at finer spatial scales --Research data at finer spatial scales CBP ~50 stations inCBP ~50 stations in mainstem Bay plus many more in tribs mainstem Bay plus many more in tribs Vertical profiles in deep & shallow waterVertical profiles in deep & shallow water CBP monitoring initiated in 1985CBP monitoring initiated in 1985 through present with few changes through present with few changes CBP monitoring data available on webCBP monitoring data available on web Monitoring focuses on deep channels,Monitoring focuses on deep channels, & extensive shallows under-sampled & extensive shallows under-sampled Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program 2. Wealth of Data, Models and Programs (cont’d)

Dissolved oxygen and Chlorophyll-a Derived from transects taken using a vertically undulating sensor system (Scanfish) (Kemp, 2005) 2. Wealth of Data, Models and Programs (cont’d)

Serve as a node in a larger EON grid structure to demonstrate the ability of CI to facilitate shared use of data, data streams, model, and tools; Develop and demonstrate new tools and approaches for linking research with education and public policy. Be a test-bed for the development, demonstration, and dissemination of new cyberinfrastructure tools; Transform science and engineering research by providing nationwide access to and interoperability among data sets, model results, model applications, analytical tools and data streams (existing and future) in the nation’s largest estuary. A Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory would: Conclusions (2)