Ally Kasulis, Nancye Lashley, and James Robb
Performance Expectations MS-LS4-2 Apply scientific ideas to construct an explanation for the anatomical similarities and differences among modern organisms and between modern fossil organisms to infer ancestral relationships.
Engage Show the development and relationships between devices
Explain TIME Students will create a cladogram to show similarities and differences of pasta.
Explain-Formative Assessment Exit Ticket: “Based on the activities, what is the big idea?” Example: A cladogram is a visual representation of the development and relationship of organisms (objects) based upon similarities and differences in anatomical structure.
Elaborate “Nailing Cladistics” Activity *Observing modern day organisms and constructing a cladogram *Observing ancient organisms and constructing a cladogram Reading an article related to common ancestry and summarize Visit the SNOMNH and observe the Hall of Ancient Life or check out a kit from the museum. View a video *These two extensions are required.
Evaluate Students will use the modern day organisms they observed with the ancient organisms and create a combined cladogram.