EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Short and Medium term Variability study of NGC2516 late type stars with EPIC-XMM Outline: NGC 2516 characteristics and XMM observations. Short term Variability Medium term Variability Summary and Future Work. I. Pillitteri 1, G. Micela 2, A. Marino 1, S. Sciortino 2 1: Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Astronomiche, Universita` di Palermo 2: INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 NGC 2516 cluster Rich Open Cluster, distance 387 pc Age: ~140 Myr, slightly older than Pleiades Solar Metallicity (Terndrup et al. 2002) Optical catalog: Jeffries et al. (2001)
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 EPIC-XMM observations 5 EPIC Calibration Observations, typical obs time: 20 ksec. Time coverage: 19 months Rev. number RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) Obs Time (ksec) FilterM1M2PNTime after 1st obs (months) segm. 7:58:20 “ -60:52:13 “ THICK YYYY YYYY YYYY :58: :45:3627THICKYYY :58:20-60:52:1322MEDIUMYYN segm. 7:58:22.3 “ -60:45:36 “ THICK YYYY YYYY YYYY :58: :45:3621.2THICKYYY19
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Previous pubblications based on EPIC data: Sciortino et al. 2001: Analysis of rev. number Ramsay et al. 2003: Study of variability of 4 sources.
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Analysis steps: 1. Calibrated event files obtained with SAS Filtering: Energy band : keV, “low” rate time intervals. 3. Source detection with Wavelet Convolution based code (PWXDetect) on (MOS1 + MOS2 + PN) of each observation and cross-id. with optical catalog, selection of a sample of dG and dM type stars. 4.Light curves and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for short term variability. 5.Lx Amplitude Variation distributions for medium term variability. SAS product...Filtering......and Detection
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Criteria for selection of the sample 1.Color index 2.isolated sources 3.detected at least once in XMM observations. 11 dG type stars (B-V 0 0.5 & V-I 0 0.93) 11 dM type stars (2.2 V-I 0 5.0)
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Results I. Short term variability G sample: 11 stars observed 7 times. Number of detections: 75/77 ~ 97.4% K-S test constant source null hypothesis P 0 < 1%: Variables: 10/75 ~ 13 % M sample: 11 stars observed 7 times. Number of detections: 31/77 ~ 40% Variables (K-S test P 0 < 1%): 8/31 ~ 26 % Results similar to field dG and dM stars (Marino et al. 2000, 2002). Different from Pleiades case where dG and dM stars show similar variability properties.
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Light curves. M type stars G type stars
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 X-ray spectral variability of a dG star between two observations. Star id. JTH 9465 from Jeffries et al.(2001) catalog: B-V Red: obs nr. rev 60-A: quiescent, black: obs nr. rev. 346: flare “Bump” at ~1.8 keV in the flare spectrum
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003 Results II. Medium term variability in dG stars Analysis Amplitude variation of log L X (A LX ) of dG stars at ~10 and ~20 month time scales. Cumulative Distributions of A LX of NGC2516 dG stars, compared with analogous Sun, Pleiades (Micela & Marino 2003, Marino et al ) and Hyades (Marino, priv. comm.) distributions. Sun data from YOHKOH/SXT full disk images in keV. Pleiades and Hyades data from ROSAT observations.
EPIC Meeting, Palermo Ottobre 2003
Summary: 1.Short time scales: dG in NGC 2516 are less variables than dM, similar result in field stars but different from Pleiades case. 2.Medium time scales: no evidence of solar-like cycle in NGC 2516 at 10 and 20 month time scales. Future work: Long term (~ yr) variability (XMM<>ROSAT data) Analysis of all summed exposures to achieve the deepest X-ray sensitivity.