Title I Technical Assistance Training Federal and State Programs
Welcome Introductions Materials and Handouts Title I Contacts (Yellow folder) Department of Federal and State Programs Contact List Title I Allowable Expenses Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Travel Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Field Trip Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Tutorial Guidelines FY13 Audit Checklist by Folder FY13 Audit Checklist by Month Title I Faculty presentation verification Title I Contact Handbook See lavender handout, review/show sample of materials
Goal of Title I To help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments
Benefits of Title I Additional funding to supplement the existing curriculum Parent involvement Highly effective staff Staff development
Title I Eligibility Based on number of students who qualify for free or reduced priced meals, ages 5-17 Percentages posted on School Food Services website http://www.palmbeachschools.org/sfs/reports/Title1.pdf “Date Certain” (FY14 - December 21, 2012) Schools ranked by percentage Academic Leadership Team sets Title I cutoff FY13 eligibility set at 49.5% Date Certain is tentatively 12/17/09
Schoolwide Programs All Palm Beach County Title I schools are schoolwide programs Serve all students in the school, but require special focus for lowest achieving students All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall schoolwide program Page 5 of handbook
Responsibilities of Title I Schools Adhere to Federal and State Requirements Document Federal and State compliances Manage Title I budget in accordance with SIP/SWP Close the Achievement Gap Recommendation Create a Title I school team consisting of key personnel Page 5 of handbook
Support Services Host Title I Chats – first Wednesday of the month Visit schools monthly – Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar, May Provide budget information and compliance updates Collaborate with Area Directors Meet with key school personnel in small groups with similar needs in virtual meetings Monitor SIP/SWP to ensure alignment of Title I budget(s) Approve budgets and reimbursements Visit school activities for compliance (e.g. Annual Meeting, Tutorial, Kindergarten Round Up, etc.) Page 5 of handbook
FY13 Budgets Step 1 – School submits Title I Planning Tool in May for approval
FY13 Budgets Step 2 – Budget is uploaded into PeopleSoft in June
FY13 Budgets Step 3 – School documents budget in SIP/SWP
FY13 Budgets Step 4 – Once the plan is approved by Title I, all changes to the budget must be approved by SAC and revised in the SIP template Recommendation Print approved SIP Final Budget to review when submitting budget transfers and requisitions
Title I Funds Title I (Part A Basic) – all schools Fund 4201 closes June 30, 2013 School Improvement Grant (SIG) – select schools Fund 4215 Sanction (Corrective Action) – select schools Fund 4214
Functions Functions How will the money be used? What is the function? Title I supports seven types of functions: Function 5150 – Instructional Function 6152 – Family Involvement Function 6402 – Staff Development Function 6202 – Media Center Function 6501 – Technology Instruction Function 7802 – Student Transportation for Tutorial Function 7803 – Student Transportation for Field Trips
Minimum Requirements a.k.a Set Asides All Title I schools must expend their Parent Involvement allocation in Function 6152 All schools should utilize a portion (10%) of their Title I allocation(s) on professional development activities that address the needs of students who are not demonstrating mastery
FY13 Title I Allowable Expenditures Supplemental salary positions Supplemental supplies Classroom/resource teachers Classroom libraries HQ paraprofessionals Learning centers Community Language Facilitator Readers/Writers Workshop materials Tutorial programs - beyond regular day Calculators/math manipulatives Headphones/microphones Extra periods for secondary teachers Lab consumable materials Subs for release time to attend PD Laminating film Part-time for collaborative work Paper for classroom use Ink for classroom use Technology Parent resource center Computers/Printers Food for parent trainings iPads Postage for parent mailings Document cameras Book study SMART boards Coach supplies Projectors Training supplies Software (i.e. Reading Plus) PD Webinars Online instructional websites Zip drives
FY13 Title I Unacceptable Expenditures Secretary, office assistant, attendance clerk School police officer, security guard, school police aide Clinic aide, school nurse, clinic supplies Custodian, custodial supplies Cafeteria worker, cafeteria supplies Administrative personnel and costs (i.e. grade books, office computers, and toner) ESE and ELL coordinators, ESE forms and tests Behavioral Intervention Assistant (BIA) Incentives and rewards Marketing items such as brochures, banners, and flags Memberships for professional organizations Field trips for entertainment Food items (unless purchased for parent trainings)
Reminders Title I funds allocated for a specific fiscal year must be utilized during that fiscal year or the funds are returned to the District In order to maximize the benefit of services, materials, and programs, it is recommended that purchases be made by December 21, 2012
Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Trainings Training must be tied to curriculum such as enhancing literacy or math and teaching parents strategies they can use to assist their children at home Not part of the School Advisory Council, PTA, or other committee meetings Reasonable in cost and type of food
Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Trainings Expenditures must be identified in the school’s Family Involvement Policy/Plan and the SIP/SWP as a means of encouraging or expanding family involvement Absolutely no food expenditures will be allowed for faculty or student events Contact your Title I Specialist to get clarification before incurring expenses
Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist handout
Travel Conferences/workshops must be documented in your SIP/SWP Out-of-County/State travel must be approved according to Charter – usually principal No charges should be incurred prior to approval Page 24 in handbook, reference bulletin on out-of-state travel
Title I Travel Audit Compliance Checklist handout, page 24 in handbook
Field Trips All field trips must relate to the needs outlined in the SIP/SWP All field trips must have a direct tie to the core content areas of reading, writing, mathematics, or science Title I field trips may not be used as incentives or rewards Field trip costs should be reasonable Resort or vacation areas (water parks, amusement parks, etc.) are not allowable as the issue of being “academic” in nature comes into play Title I funds cannot cover expenses for parents or chaperones Page 24 in handbook, reference bulletin on out-of-state travel
Title I Field Trip Audit Compliance Checklist handout, page 24 in handbook
Property and Equipment All unit items costing $250.00 through $999.99 must be labeled as Title I A running list of these items must be maintained throughout the year (Template on NCLB website) All items costing $1,000.00 or more must be labeled with a white or red Property Records Tag An accurate inventory of your equipment is essential
New Procedure for FY13 Property and Equipment During site visits, specialists will verify that items priced at $250 or more have been labeled and added to the school’s Title I Inventory List The location of the items should be indicated on the Title I Inventory List and updated if items have been relocated List should be updated on a regular basis and available for specialists during visit
Highly Qualified Staff All teachers of core content areas are to be highly qualified in the area for which they are hired All paraprofessionals providing instructional support must be highly qualified (i.e. those who assist with classroom management, provide instructional assistance in a computer lab or media center, or provide instructional support services) Staff who are NOT highly qualified cannot work in a tutorial program, with the exception of the lead tutor
Tutorial Guidelines Teacher rate is usually $20.44 an hour Non-instructional staff may earn their regular hourly rate ONLY highly qualified teachers will be placed in tutoring positions Teachers may ONLY be paid for 15 minutes of planning time for every hour of tutoring
Tutorial Guidelines One-on-one tutoring is not allowed A minimum of 5 students should be in a tutoring session If no students are in attendance, tutors may be paid up to 15 minutes wait time Tutors MAY NOT be paid for the entire scheduled tutorial session without students present Tutorial documentation should be ordered by teacher sign-in/out, student attendance, and lesson plans and submitted weekly for approval
Tutorial Tools Individual Time Sheet Individual Time Sheet with Make-up Hours Student Attendance Sign-in School Sign-In Time Sheet Title I Tutorial Budget Planner Track Hours for Tutorial Program Title I Tutorial Monitoring Checklist
Family Involvement – Fall Requirements Email to all Title I Principals and Contacts will be sent mid-August Supporting documentation available on website Distribution of LEA/District Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) Summary Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) School-Parent Compact Title I Annual Meeting See lavender handout, review/show sample of materials
Parent Trainings Hold at least three parent trainings a year Trainings are to cover core content areas: reading, math, writing, and science Document with invitations, agendas, sign-in sheets, and parent evaluation of trainings Resources in handbook and on website Page 5 of handbook
Staff Training Required to hold at least one staff training before February Trainings to cover strategies for teachers to improve relationships with parents Document with agenda, sign-in sheets, and follow-up Resources on website Page 5 of handbook
Schoolwide Plan (SIP/SWP) The School Improvement Plan is the document that serves as the Title I Schoolwide Plan The plan should reflect all actions or strategies the school intends to implement during the year Every Title I school must have a Family Involvement Policy/Plan that includes action steps from the SIP/SWP Review 10 components in detail and relate to SIP review, pages 5-8 of handbook, SIP family involvement goals mirrors policy/plan SINI Elements are on pages 8-9
Schoolwide Plan (SIP/SWP) All Title I schools must have a Schoolwide Plan that: Documents how Title I funds will be used to meet the needs of the lowest performing students Documents professional development that will be provided for teachers Provides a needs assessment that justifies strategies being implemented Shows evidence of the Ten Components Review 10 components in detail and relate to SIP review, pages 5-8 of handbook, SIP family involvement goals mirrors policy/plan SINI Elements are on pages 8-9
Required of all Title I schools Components Required of all Title I schools
Changes to the Title I Budget The SIP/SWP is critical in all funding decisions As noted in the regulations, all funds and services must support the school’s schoolwide plan (Sec 200.27 Development of a Schoolwide Program Plan)
Changes to the Title I Budget Title I will not approve reimbursement requests associated with item(s), program(s), and/or personnel that are not outlined in the SIP/SWP Steps to change budget Plan ahead Seek approval from SAC/Board and revise template Email your Specialist when revisions have been completed
Rationale for Audit Compliance Mandated by law Creating a Schoolwide Plan with strategies that will increase student achievement with an emphasis on the lowest performing students Detailing the use of Title I funds in the Schoolwide Plan so an auditor can track how federal funds are used to increase student achievement Being able to successfully complete an auditor’s interview by explaining compliance
Example of State Compliance Compliance Item KIA-6: The Local Educational Agency (LEA) shall ensure that each participating school, in conjunction with the parents of participating students, has jointly developed a school- parent compact that: describes the school's responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment; addresses the importance of ongoing communication between teachers and parents; and describes the ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their child's learning. Section 1118(d), P.L.107-110 School Level Review Question(s) Who was involved in the development of the compacts? When and how were these compacts developed and/or revised? How are the compacts used? Page 10 in work papers
Another Example School Level Review Question(s) Compliance Item JIA-3: The Local Educational Agency (LEA) shall ensure that each school identified as in need of improvement has reserved not less than 10 percent of its total allocation under this part for high quality, ongoing professional development. Section 1116(b)(3)(A)(iii), P.L.107-110; 34 CFR, Part 200, Section 200.41(c)(5) School Level Review Question(s) What types of professional development activities have been provided with Title I, Part A? How does the school decide the amount to spend on professional development activities funded with Title I, Part A? Page 13 in work papers, 23 compliances, suggestion: highlight a compliances every 2 weeks during faculty meetings or in emails to staff
Family and Community Involvement Areas of Compliance Organization of Documentation Audit Assurance Checklists Fiduciary Property & Equipment Supplement Allocation Family and Community Involvement Other Support Parent Communication Parents’ Right Pre-K Instructional Support Programs TA PD Tutorial Highly Qualified Check folder packet, purple folder is the working folder for checklists, non-SINI do not have orange folders, middle and high schools do not have yellow 7 (Pre-K), may pull out checklist by folder to follow along Accountability Assessment School Improvement
Instructional Support Highly Qualified (Y1) Attestation List of Non-Highly Qualified Staff (Teachers and Paraprofessionals) Parent notification letters Paraprofessional Schedules Tutorial Services (Y2) Teacher sign-in/out sheets Student generated sign-in sheets Lesson plans
Instructional Support On-Site PD (Y3) LTM/Faculty agendas, minutes, sign-ins Full day PD agendas, sign-ins, follow-up Coaches’ schedules Staff PD for Family Involvement Off-Site PD (Y4) Travel documentation (including checklist)
Instructional Support Technical Assistance (Y5) Site Logs Title I Chat agendas with notes Instructional Programs (Y6) List of students enrolled in special programs Pre-K Transition (Y7) Kindergarten Round-up documentation
Fiduciary Allocation (G1) Supplement – Not Supplant (G2) Copy of Final SIP Budget Supplement – Not Supplant (G2) Copy of operating budget overview Copy of Charter reimbursement packets and Title I Staff Directories Property and Equipment (G3) Property Control Record Title I Inventory List of items costing $250+
Accountability School Improvement (R1) Assessment (R2) SAC/Board agendas, minutes, and sign-in sheets SIP and Title I review Peer Review of SIP/SWP SIP/SWP Mid-Year Review Documentation of 6402 expenditures Assessment (R2) SPAR Student assessments FCAT scores Page 19, 20, and 21 in handbook
Family and Community Involvement Parents’ Right to Know (B1) Evidence of FY12 Title I Survey Review Parents’ Right to Know letters Annual Meeting Development and distribution of School Compact Development and distribution of PIP FY13 Title I Surveys Refer to page 38 in handbook for plan, discuss in detail and page 45 for compact, discuss in detail
Family and Community Involvement Communication with Parents (B2) Parent Training and Food Expenses (B3) Minimum of 3 trainings: reading, math, writing, and science Document food expenses – use checklist Other Support (B4) Volunteer names with hours Business Partners Refer to page 38 in handbook for plan, discuss in detail and page 45 for compact, discuss in detail
Role of Title I Contact and Team Maintain Title I audit files Monitor family involvement activities Serve as school contact for compliance Coordinate participation at Title I meetings Submit the Monthly Electronic Audit Assurance Checklist on department website Print and initial each audit folder, verifying that required documentation is filed
Role of Title I Contact and Team Monitor FY13 Title I Budgets in order to expend non-salary by December 2012 Monitor Position Status Reports Monitor SIP/SWP Participate in monthly Title I Chats Attend Title I Technical Assistance trainings Collect and file audit compliance documentation
Title I Audit Checklist by Folder Color handout
Pink handout
Monthly Electronic Audit Assurance Checklist Available on website - due monthly handout
Procedures for Reimbursements Title I funds may be used only for student achievement, staff development, and to build parental capacity. These funds must supplement the regular school program. How does this expenditure affect student achievement? How does this expenditure affect staff development? How does this expenditure increase parental capacity or involvement? Is this something that would be purchased if the school was not Title I?
Timeline for Financial Requests A quarterly submission of receipts is required. Any expenses, including salary, submitted outside of the quarter timeline may not be reimbursed. October 12, 2012 (Expenses from July – September) January 11, 2013 (Expenses from October – December) April 12, 2013 (Expenses from January – March) June 13, 2013 (Expenses from April – June) The last day to submit salary for June expenses for reimbursements is July 12, 2013.
Procedures for Reimbursements An approved School Improvement Plan/Schoolwide Plan must be on file that documents expenses Submit a completed Title I Checklist for Quarterly Reimbursements signed by principal
Checklist for Quarterly Reimbursement
Procedures for Reimbursements Submit Original Grant Reimbursement Request Letter Charter school’s letterhead Address on the letter must match the address on file with the District Separate letters and packets are needed for multiple funding sources Signed in blue ink by a board member Copies are not acceptable
Grant Reimbursement Request Letter Original Signature
Procedures for Reimbursements Submit completed Charter School Summary Reimbursement Spreadsheet Submit documentation of expenditures by non-salary/salary and by function
Documentation of Expenditures Non-salary expenses Copies of cancelled check(s) or bank statement(s) Copies of credit card statement(s), if applicable Evidence that credit card has been paid (cancelled check) Itemized receipts/paid invoices 5150 Classroom expenses (classroom libraries, software, etc.) 6152 Family Involvement expenses (training materials, postage, etc.) 6402 Professional Development expenses (PD books, training materials, etc.) Title I does not reimburse taxes except for out-of-state travel.
Documentation of Expenditures Salary expenses Detailed payroll reports Federal Grants Charter School Staff Directory Tutorial documentation, if applicable 5150 Classroom expenses (tutoring, teacher salary, etc.) 6152 Family Involvement expenses (parent liaison salary, PRT, etc.) 6402 Professional Development expenses (stipends, trainers, subs, etc.) Charter School Staff Directory must be included with each packet.
Documentation of Expenditures Consultant expenses Board approved consultant contract Copies of invoices Copies of cancelled check(s) or bank statement(s) Documentation of services – agenda, sign-in sheets, etc. 6402 Professional Development non-salary expenses (PD trainer, etc.) It is recommended that consultant contracts be all inclusive. If not, follow travel reimbursement procedures outlined below.
Documentation of Expenditures Travel expenses Per diem per day is allowed for meals based upon school Charter and not exceed federal guidelines No meal receipts are required Mileage is reimbursed based upon school Charter and may not exceed federal guidelines Copy of the registration form and receipt Receipt for air travel Receipt for hotel showing a zero balance Parking or toll receipts, if applicable Agenda/program of the activities PBSD 0096 summarizing all expenditures for travel Completed Title I Travel Audit Compliance Checklist Title I does not reimburse taxes except for out-of-state travel.
Documentation of Expenditures Food expenses Allowed for parent trainings only Agenda Sign-in sheets Itemized receipts Parent evaluation of training Cancelled check(s) or bank statement(s) Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist Title I does not reimburse for gratuity.
Procedures for Reimbursements Order packet as follows: Quarterly Checklist Request Letter Spreadsheet Non-salary documentation for 5150, 6152, 6402 Staff Directory Salary documentation for 5150, 6152, 6402
District Reimbursement Procedures Grant Reimbursement Request Packet is date stamped when received Documentation reviewed and verified by Title I Specialist Title I budget manager reviews packet and forwards to Director for final approval/signature If corrections are required, the Title I specialist contacts school If no corrections are needed, the reimbursement will be processed for payment Expect payment within 10 business days upon final approval of reimbursement packet.
Stipends vs. Part-time In-system (PRT) Stipends are used to pay teachers to attend a workshop or training. The only function for stipends is 6402. The rate is usually $20.44 for teachers. PRT is used to pay tutors (5150), trainers (6402), temp parent liaisons (6152), etc.
Go live to website
Complete handbook available on website
First Task Orient staff on responsibilities of Title I schools Presentation available on website Complete verification attaching agenda and sign-in sheets for filing in yellow 3
Title I Chats First Wednesday of the month, starting in September Agenda and times will be emailed First chat will discuss SIP and requires Complete verification of receipt of Webcam
Conclusion Questions Evaluation Pick-up audit box and lid Thank you for your attention The Department of Federal and State Programs wishes you another successful school year!