Agenda 09.15 – 10.45 Session 1 The story so far….. 11.00 – 12.15 Session 2 Updates on the Renewed Frameworks 13.15 – 13.30 Session 3 BGfL Plus information.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda – Session 1 The story so far… – Session 2 Updates on the Renewed Frameworks – Session 3 BGfL Plus information Session 4 Beginning the implementation process

Renewing the Frameworks Autumn Term 2006

The Story So Far

National Curriculum – 1989 EnglishArtMathematics ScienceHistory Geography MusicPhysical Education Design Technology Religious Education Content Driven National Testing National Curriculum Levels National Framework of Inspections

Literacy Strategy – 1998 Literacy Framework: Rec/Y1 – Y 6 Literacy Hour Speaking and Listening Reading Writing Shared, Guided, Plenary Literacy Consultants Leading Teachers

Numeracy Strategy – Sept 1999 Numeracy Framework: Rec/Y1 – Year 6 Whole Class Teaching 45 minutes to one hour every day Oral mental introduction Main Plenary Numeracy Consultants Leading Teachers

Foundation Stage 2000 Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage Stepping Stones Early Learning Goals 2001 Foundation Stage Profile Birth to 3 Framework

Excellence and Enjoyment – May 2003 Excellent Primary Teaching – Literacy/Numeracy Character and Innovation – broad rich curriculum Individualised Learning – needs and abilities Partnerships – parents, other agencies Continuous Professional Development Leadership and Collaboration – leadership at all levels Skills and Processes, Aspects of learning v Content

National Primary Strategy Primary Leadership Programme Intensifying Support Programme English as an Additional Language (EAL Pilot) Aiming High Pilot Social Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Blended Learning Use of ICT/e-learning

Aspects of Learning enquiry reasoning motivation empathy communication creative thinking problem solving social skills self-awareness managing feelings information processing

Excellence and Enjoyment : Learning and teaching in the Primary Years Planning and assessment for learning Designing opportunities for learning Assessment for Learning Creating a learning culture Conditions for learning Classroom community, collaborative and personalised learning Understanding how learning develops Progression in key aspects of learning Aspects of learning across the curriculum

Every Child Matters Five Outcomes Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being

Where Next?

Personalised Learning is… … about tailoring education to ensure that every pupil achieves and reaches the highest standards possible. It is also about personalising the school experience to enable pupils to focus on their learning and involve the community.

The Five Components of Personalised Learning Assessment for Learning Effective Teaching and Learning Curriculum Enrichment and Choice Organising the School for Personalised Learning Beyond the Classroom

Personalisation QCA Futures Renewing the Frameworks Early Years Foundation Stage Remodelling agenda

Curriculum Innovation Networks Build the vision: re-energise curriculum debate and development Re-new debate in the moral purpose for education and schools Create a national climate for curriculum thinking and innovation 21 st Century curriculum: “What does a good one look like?” A design standard not a prescription. In a spirit of co-development and investigation From ‘top down’ to ‘co-designing’ – “sharing” and “borrowing” and making together Building capacity locally and nationally – “sustainable leadership” Unleash the energy and ideas of schools and their communities - “Catch-up and stretch” policy Disciplined innovation and investigation - Identify, stimulate and share best and next practice Local impact : national consequence Improving your school: improving the system “School leaders must have a greater stake in the development of broader education policy.”

What are we trying to achieve? How to organise learning? How well are we achieving our aim? The ‘big picture’ of the curriculum

Working draft (May 06) Accountability measures Attainment and improved standards Reduced NEET Behaviour and attendance Civic participation Healthy Lifestyle Choices To secure…

Accountability measures Attainment and improved standards Reduced NEET Behaviour and attendance Civic participation Healthy Lifestyle Choices To secure… The curriculum aims to enable all young people to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens Successful learners who make progress and achieve Responsible Citizens - who make a positive contribution to society Curriculum Aim Aim Confident Individuals who lead safe and healthy lives Developing individuals… Personal Development Whole Curriculum Skills, Knowledge and Attributes Enjoy and achieveSafeHealthyParticipationEconomically active Skills Functional Skills (Lit/Number/ICT) + Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills Personal Development Attitudes and dispositions, determined, adaptable, learning to learn To do To know and understand To be Five outcomes Knowledge and Understanding Big Ideas that shape the world Chronology, conflict, scientific method, etc. The curriculum as the entire planned learning experience Areas of Learning Learning Approaches National Curriculum Ethical – Cultural – Physical and health – Spiritual- Creative and aesthetic- Environmental- International – Scientific and technological – Employability and enterprise – Human and social A range of teaching and learning approaches (enquiry, active learning, practical and constructive) - in tune with child development and adolescence - learning beyond the school, community and business links – deep immersive and regular frequent learning – relevant and connected to life and work – a range of audiences and purposes – opportunity for learner choice and personalisation Eng Art MaSciICTDTHist Geog RE Cit/P S MfLPE Music The ‘big picture’ of the curriculum Working draft (May 06) Assessment fit for purpose Assessment Building a more open relationship between learner and teacher Clear learning intentions shared with pupils Understood, shared/negoti ated success criteria Celebrate success against agreed success criteria Advice on what to improve and how to improve it Peer and self assessment Peer and self evaluation of learning Taking risks for learning TestingIndividual target setting Using error positively * To make learning and teaching more effective * So that learners understand quality and how to improve * Components Lesson s Out of schoolExtended HoursRoutinesEvents Location Environment

Reviewing the Frameworks – Five Key Areas that Schools are Encouraged to Consider  Encouraging flexibility in the organisation of the curriculum and the structure of literacy and mathematics lessons  Structuring learning over sequences of lessons as well as within lessons  Raising expectations for all children, especially those at greatest risk of underachievement  More effective use of assessment to inform and direct teaching and learning  Broadening and strengthening pedagogy to include a clearer focus on inclusion, the use of ICT, speaking, listening and learning, and in developing core areas of learning in literacy and mathematics across the curriculum

Wave 1 Quality first teaching Effective whole-school policies and frameworks Wave 2 Catch-up small group intervention Wave 3 Individualised support

Within our leadership team how do we … share, agree and disseminate our vision, aspirations and improvement strategies with the wider community? identify and develop our expertise and define and communicate our roles and responsibilities in supporting our aspirations? report back to and support each other and all staff in raising expectations, and in improving teaching and standards for all our children? establish whole-school accountability based on common success criteria and ensure accountability to the wider community? lead and manage improvement in literacy and mathematics and sustain improvement across the curriculum? Five Key Questions
