How did Caritas help?
Look at what happened when the typhoon hit!!
Many people had to stay in the church because their houses were damaged.
Caritas tried to find out who needed help.
Old people and little children needed help.
Here is Mark from Caritas NZ who went to help with giving out supplies.
Tarpaulins were given to people to help them build shelters.
Patching up the holes in the roof.
Caritas helped to give out food.
What do you think was in these buckets to help people?
Caritas helped provide clean water if the well water was too dirty to drink.
The wind blew down lots of coconut trees.
Caritas helped people to rebuild their houses from the broken coconut trees.
Caritas gave seedlings to grow new veges to eat.
The Filipino people worked hard and helped each other.
These people are happy to have new homes to live in.
Children were happy to go back to school again after the disaster.
This is how Caritas helped. Finding out what people needed Helping people evacuate to safe buildings Giving out tarps to shelter from the weather Giving out bags of food and bottles of water Mending broken houses Giving out seedlings for new food gardens
We help because We all belong to our one human family. What did Jesus teach us about looking after others?
You can help Caritas to help people in need. Photos:Mark Mitchell, Louise Far, Leo Duce, Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services