Light a fire in the heart of the world. Whakakāngia te kāpura ki roto i te ngākau o te ao tāngata.
The flames represent God’s love for the world. And our love for each other.
Caritas ‘lights a fire in the heart of the world’ by encouraging people to help those who suffer from injustice and poverty.
Human dignity Solidarity Stewardship Preferential Option for the Poor
Bringing emergency relief and help with recovery
Through education at kindergartens in the Solomon Islands
in the Philippines
in Nepal
Te Kura taumata o Panguru
Last year Caritas produced a report about the Pacific region called ‘Small but Strong’.
Lent calendar Teachers’ booklet including prayers Online worksheets Videos and PowerPoints Koha box Singout 4 justice Way of the Cross
Sing out 4 Justice Justice Leadership Days Fundraising for Lent Caritas Challenge
The Catholic Agency for Justice, Peace and Development Ngā Mihi Thank you Maraming Salamat Po Thanks to our partners for supplying the photos.