SPORTY MATES Providing sporting opportunities for inactive males aged throughout The Wakefield District!
Idea TAP Project Female orientated/families/Male hard to engage Sport England Segmentations Links to strategy Sustainability
Bid History Sport England – Get Healthy, Get Sporty Oct 2012 Partnership bid knocked back, but with good feedback via PASHP Sport England – Community Sport Activation Fund opens Jan 2013 – re-worked bid submitted Feb 2013 Awarded grant April 2013
Project Kev’s Why - Hard to engage in PA and Health Where - 7 priority areas of Wakefield District How - Using informal sports Recruitment - Participants Staffing – 3 employees Sustainability - Sporty Mate Sportivators Data – MIS
The following organisations will be working in partnership to deliver the aims and objectives of the Sporty Mates Project: Sport & Active Lifestyles (Lead Partner) Public Health (Partner) Wakefield District Housing, WDH (Partner) Parterships
Activities Rugby – First programme done Football – First programme completed, others on going, Taxi driver league Walking – Training completed some one to ones done Running – Training completed some started Cycle – Links made with Wakefield Cycle, British Cycling forum to deliver, looking at Beginner studio cycling, Golf – Started in two locations Swimming – Swim for a pound Boxercise - Beginner sessions and community delivery Multi activity programme??? Is it worth looking at one
Partnerships and Links Wakefield Council - Active Lifestyles Team, Public Health & Community Engagement Officers, Environmental Health, Streetscene West Riding - F.A. Just Play Walking for Health & Change for Life Team – Walking Groups in Area Run England British Cycling – Wakefield Cycle Forum, Yorkshire Development Manager, Sky rides WDH –Tenant involvement officers NHS and Mid Yorkshire Health Trust (Nurses and Health Trainers) Rugby Clubs
Promotions & Marketing Local Press & Media (Ridings FM, 5 Towns FM) Partnership Organisations (e.g. Wakefield Wildcats Website, WDH Notice boards and offices) Community Organisations Area Work Clubs Local Shops, Supermarkets, Bars and Bookmakers Health Referrals (Internal and External) Businesses and work places Other programmes and facilitating people to attend Social media - Marketing tools: - Beer Mats, posters, flyers, expression of interest forms - Sporty Mates Branding (t-shirts & bottles) - Targeting Factories and Services - Job Clubs
Outcomes Increased participation in informal sport Create strong relationships with Partners Develop all sports in at least 3 areas throughout district Ensure sports are accessible in order to break down barriers, cost, locations, sustainable Support whole lifestyle changes Recruit, Train and Build Volunteer network to sustain activities, CSLA training, PAC, Qualificattions Affordable activities for people Improved Health Awareness
Targets- Year 1Rugby Sports ProjectRevised Y1 Target Running /walking78 Boxing68 Cycling86 Golf68 Rugby80 Swimming68 Football100 Referral60 TOTALS608 Session WK 5 Totals WTWC 57 CT 1219 FR 612 Total 2338 Learning from this Day of session Location Time of year
Mark A - Age 36 - Minor learning difficulties Sunny Bank Care Home Attends sessions accompanied by a carer Carer commented – “Mark really enjoys the sessions and looks forward to the whole experience and the other participants have made him very welcome” William M – Age 50 – unemployed Found out from WDH Job Club at Featherstone Rovers ground Quite reserved initially but now interacts well with the other participants and has become a real character of the group and often helps with Mark A during the session Will commented –“ I was a bit nervous at first as I have not done any real exercise for ages and I was worried that the other blokes were all going to be really fit and good players - but after the first session I am really enjoying the sessions and I feel really good after them” Potential candidate for Sporty Mates Champion PARTICIPANTS
Future Plans - Programme activities, events and pathways - Expand Sporty Mates Brand & Marketing - Launch - Sporty Mates in the Community recognition - Daytime sessions – target unemployed and shift workers - Build participant relations (create, build and sustain sessions) - Budget manage - Inexpensive activities - Variations of the sports e.g. Beginner sessions studio cycling, boxercise, Football Golf - Costs – will people pay a little towards activities - Multi sport component - Demographics of district
Future Activates Lads and Dads, Drop off Dads Targeted Groups of Males, substance misuse, mental health, homeless WDH open spaces Events, supermarkets Workplace leagues Cycle training schemes Identify more volunteers
Ian Smales Active Lifestyles Officer