Data Access Framework (DAF) Technical Work Group March 5 th 2014
DAF Technical Work Group (Scope) 2 In Scope: – Leverage the IHE White Paper developed by IHE PCC outlining existing IHE profiles and their applicability to DAF – Identify additional standards/profiles that can be leveraged to meet the DAF (LDAF and Targeted) query use cases with a focus on modularity and substitutability – Identify the gaps in the existing standards/profiles to meet the use cases and requirements outlined – Development of implementation guides/API’s required for implementation of the use cases – Support DAF Pilot activities Out of Scope: – Creation of policies to enable queries Policies include consent, patient matching, disclosure requirements etc. – Identifying business processes and workflows required to enable queries.
DAF Timeline S&I Lifecycle (Discovery Pilot & Evaluation) Today 3/5 February May Signifies milestone or deliverable March AprilJune Define Use Case & Functional Requirements Define Use Case & Functional Requirements Discovery (Use Case 2) UC 2 Consensus (2/5) Draft DAF/IHE White Paper Complete (2/28) DAF/IHE White Paper Published January 2014 UC 2: Targeted Data Access: Inter- Organizational Query Implementation (DAF/IHE Community) DAF IHE/ S&I Joint Work Group IHE Activities Publish DAF/IHE White Paper IG Consensus Implementation (S&I Community) Candidate Standards Analysis TWG #1: Document Metadata based access for LDAF & TDAF Finalize Actors + Transactions + Technology Stacks and Standards Create IG’s based on existing standards Create SWG to modify/add standards as necessary Update IG’s based on SWG output Candidate Standards Analysis Finalize Actors + Transactions + Technology Stacks and Standards Create SWG to profile standards for data element access TWG #2: Data Element based access for LDAF & TDAF White Paper Comment Period
DAF Abstract Model 4
DAF Queries for Document Metadata Based Access 5 Transactions/Queries required for DAF Find Patient Identifiers for Patient Demographics Find Document(s) based on Patient Identifiers Find Document(s) based on Patient Demographics Get Document(s) based on Document Identifiers Supply and Consume User Assertions to support security aspects of the query
Document Metadata based DAF Queries to IHE Profiles Mapping (Initial Version) 6 Transactions/Queries required for DAF TransportLDAFTDAFFDAF Find Patient Identifiers for Patient Demographics SOAP PIX/PDQv3PIX/PDQv3 - ITI 45, ITI 47 PIX/PDQv3PIX/PDQv3 - ITI 45, ITI 47 XCPDXCPD – ITI55 XCPDXCPD – ITI55 REST GAP (In progress in IHE) Find Document(s) based on Patient Identifiers SOAPXDSXDS – ITI 18 XDSXDS – ITI 18 XCAXCA - ITI 38 XCAXCA - ITI 38 RESTMHDMHD – ITI 66, ITI 67?? Find Document(s) based on Patient Demographics SOAPGAP RESTGAP Get Document(s) based on Document Identifiers SOAPXDSXDS – ITI 43 XDSXDS – ITI 43 XCAXCA - ITI 39 XCAXCA - ITI 39 RESTMHDMHD – ITI 68?? Supply and Consume User Assertions to support security aspects of the query SOAP XUAXUA – ITI 40 BPPC XUAXUA – ITI 40 BPPC XUAXUA – ITI 40 BPPC RESTIUAIUA - ITI Y1, ITI Y3IUAIUA - ITI Y1, ITI Y3IUAIUA - ITI Y1, ITI Y3
Document Metadata based DAF Queries – Other Candidate Standards 7 Transport ? Security ? Content (Query Structure and Query Response Structure) ? Vocabularies ?
DAF Queries – Next Steps 8 Analyze any other potential candidate standards and their maturity for DAF Document Metadata based access Start identifying granular parts of the IHE profiles that would be required for DAF purposes Actual Transport/Security aspects Queries to support Optionality that needs to be removed Result structure for documents
Data Access Framework Resources DAF Wiki Homepage – Become a Community Member – tive tive DAF Charter – embers embers Standards and Interoperability(S&I) Framework – S & I Calendar of Events – mentation mentation 9