DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM Mayfield Primary School Parents/carers September 2014
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM DfE 2013 “The new national curriculum will set out only the essential knowledge that all children should acquire, and give schools and teachers more freedom to decide how to teach this most effectively and to design a wider school curriculum that best meets the needs of their pupils”
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM The national picture New national requirements / curriculum statutory from September 2014 for Y1-Y6 Core subjects - English, maths and science for 2 and Y6 from September 2015 No level descriptors from Sept 2014, replaced with end of key stage expectations so we won’t have levels and sub levels Assessment will include more formal testing for EYFS, Y2 and Y6 have an element of being secondary ready – more likely to be scale score which won’t relate to a level – still waiting for details Current Y5 will be the first year group to be tested under the new arrangements
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM Our vision Mayfield is a place where Everyone is welcome Our diversity enriches us all We will do our best for ourselves and for each other Our mission is to provide an environment in which all children can excel Our aim is by 2015, is to be securely good with many outstanding aspects by our own and Ofsted measures
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM So we looked to develop a curriculum which aims to meet and exceed the National Curriculum at the same time as developing the curriculum we were mindful of measuring and tracking progress
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM Basic learning At any age Labelling/listing/memory re-call Advanced learning Compare and contrast Explain cause and effect Deep learningTheories, ideas, questions
CHANGES TO THE MATHS CURRICULUM: YEAR 1 What’s gone? Data handling/Statistics is removed from Y1 No specific requirement to describe patterns No specific requirements to describe ways of solving problems or explain choices What’s been added? Counting & writing numerals to 100 Write numbers in words up to 20 Number bonds secured to 20 Use of vocabulary such as equal, more than, less than, fewer, etc.
CHANGES TO THE MATHS CURRICULUM: YEAR 6 Detail of problem-solving processes no longer explicit Divisibility tests Calculator skills move to KS3 PoS Rotation moves to KS3 Probability moves to KS3 Median/Mode/Range no longer required Compare and ordering fractions greater than 1 Long division 4 operations with fractions Calculate decimal equivalent of fractions Understand & use order of operations Plot points in all 4 quadrants Convert between miles and kilometres Name radius/diameter and know relationship Use formulae for area/volume of shapes Calculate area of triangles & parallelograms Calculate volume of 3-d shapes Use letters to represent unknowns (algebra) Generate and describe linear sequences Find solutions to unknowns in problems
CHANGES TO THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM: Y1 Requirement to write non-narrative texts Chronological & non-chronological texts Typing skills Reading of phonically-suitable texts Reading words with contractions Reading words with regular endings Making inferences from texts Learning and reciting poetry Re-reading own writing to check for sense Using capital letters for proper nouns Name the letters of the alphabet Spell the names of the days of the week Adopt a suitable writing position Form capital letters and digits 0-9 Practise handwriting letter ‘families’
CHANGES TO THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM: Y5 Specific mention of working in groups Specific mention of dramatic skills Creating multi-layered texts Preparing poetry for performance Learning poems by heart Formal presentations about reading Précising long passages of writing Greatly detailed grammar specifics
HISTORY Reduced emphasis on sources & methodology Relatively little change at KS1, with slight increase in national focus Reduced emphasis on diversity & culture Significant changes in KS2 breadth of study: Victorians/Britain since 1930 & Tudors removed Stone age added Romans, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings all required Slightly changes to ancient civilisation options A non-European study must be included One period of study that stretches past 1066
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM So what are Ofsted after? Thirst for knowledge and love of learning Opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence Positive impact on all pupils behaviour
DESIGNING A NEW CURRICULUM We have been working on the curriculum since last January Subject leaders have been key in giving an overview of their subject in curriculum meetings Teachers then started to design a skills based curriculum and choose topics based on the skills identified Now we have a first draft of the long term overview which class teachers are using for the curriculum this year
WHAT DRIVES OUR CURRICULUM? Diversity Enquiry and Challenge Outdoors Readers on a mission