Millions of E-Readers being purchased each year, many by parents and grandparents for their students. Get Direction!
After that purchase, how are titles selected for download onto the new E-Readers? Get Direction!
Advertising Reviews (paid?) Publisher PR Get Direction!
A better way to Get Direction for high quality reading…
Each State publishes yearly lists of titles selected by educators. These are Award Nominees. Get Direction!
Throughout the year, students read some or all of these titles, and then vote on their favorites. Get Direction!
And most states separate these by age group. So each year a vetting process is created for thousands of children’s titles. Get Direction!
Utilizing over 2000 titles from State Award Nominee Lists published each year. Vetted titles, arranged by state and by Reading Level. Get Direction!
Using these lists, Blue Ribbon Books on Tour creates a safer environment for students to select titles from. We Give Direction! Get Direction!
Parents and grandparents purchase download credits to use on the Books on Tour website. Schools can create master accounts for students to use. Get Direction!
Reading Charities hand out credit “cards” Community Organizations can purchase Whole School Licenses. Get Direction!
Librarians and Reading Specialists have less time available with school funding being challenged. Leveling Tools built in to help students select appropriate books. Get Direction!
Once they’ve explored their own State Lists, they can find titles that fit their Reading Level from other State Lists. Get Direction!
Students and Teachers can see what other books are being selected from around the country. Get Direction!
On the Books on Tour website, students can vote (or through social media) on their favorite, creating a “King of the Hill” award across the country. Get Direction!
Each member receives a “Passport” which encourages them to read at least one book from each state. Get Direction!
The member will receive an incentive prize for completing their Passport. Gain extra points with reviews and story submissions. Get Direction!
Downloads Hard Copy (shipped to home, with offer of repurchase on completion of reading) Hardware preloaded (e-readers) Peace of Mind Get Direction!
Crossreference: When student selects book, offer of other titles in genre and by same author. Get Direction!
Follow Up: generated each time a State Award list is updated. New titles from award authors. New Passport winners. Get Direction!