Foundation Stage Framework and Curriculum Presentation to Governors March 2013
The Development of EYFS 2000 - The Foundation Stage came into being as a distinct, detailed and focused curriculum with the emphasis on learning through planned play activities. 2000 ‘Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage’ published for children aged 3-4 years and 4-5 years. ‘Birth to Three Matters’ also published 2007 these two curriculums were combined to produce The Foundation Stage
The Tickell Review Independent review by Dame Claire Tickell into EYFS Made recommendations and the new ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ and ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)’ was developed and based on her recommendations and became statutory from September, 2012
Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Prime Areas
Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Making relationships Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and Behaviour Physical Development: Moving and handling Health and self-care Communication and Language: Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Eight areas to assess children
Prime Areas Specific Areas Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Specific Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Prime Areas
Nine areas to asses children Specific Areas Literacy: Reading Writing Mathematics: Numbers Shape, Space and Measures Understanding the World: People and communities The World Technology Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative Nine areas to asses children
Prime Areas Characteristics of learning Specific Areas Playing and exploring - engagement Active learning - motivation Creating and thinking critically- thinking Characteristics of learning Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Specific Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Prime Areas
Developmental Framework Birth - 11 months 8 – 20 months 16 – 26 months 22 – 36 months 30 – 50 months 40 – 60+ months Early Learning Goals ‘Meeting expected levels’ ‘Exceeding expected levels’ ‘Not yet reaching expected levels’
What are the significant changes to the curriculum Areas of learning and development: there are now three prime areas and four specific areas Early learning goals and assessment: instead of 69 goals, there are now 17. Instead of the set of judgements against 117 scale points, teachers will now make judgements against the 17 goals. Providers are required to share the report on each child, along with a brief report on the characteristics of learning, with the year 1 teacher. Progress check at age two: EYFS providers are required to review children’s progress when they are aged between two and three Play and teaching: it has been made clearer that providers are responsible for ongoing judgements about the balance between play and teaching, between activities led by children and activities led or guided by adults Wrap-around and holiday care: the revised framework makes clear that the EYFS requirements do not need to be delivered in full when children spend limited amounts of time in a setting Safeguarding procedures Training and qualifications of those working in Early Years settings
Our journey so far at River Beach… Summer Term 2012 Assistant Head and EYFS lead teacher attended briefing July, 2012 Worked with colleagues in EYFS in summer 2012 to introduce the changes to curriculum Autumn Term 2012 Implemented the new curriculum from September 2012 Assessing and monitoring children’s progress using Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from September Worked with AST to revise planning formats Moderated observations across EYFS at RB Spring Term 2013 Briefing with other EYFS setting from locality Locality INSET Day to share good practice Assessment and data training Informal ‘networking with other settings’ Revised report format for reporting to parents Presentation to Governors Updating school website
What next… Summer Term 2013 Assessment of Early Learning Goals Work with Y1 teachers to support transition into Y1 Develop medium term plans ready for September 2013 Acquire most up to date assessment grids compatible with SIMS to record and track pupil progress Assess pupils against Early Learning Goals and report to Government Data analysis for the end of the year to inform action plan for Y1 and EYFS for the next academic year Write action plan for next academic year for EYFS
What are the challenges? The Government has run no training for the new EYFS Framework and Development Matters The new documents were only released early last summer, so there was little time for planning and implementing the new curriculum The Government has still not informed schools how we are to report on children’s attainment at the end of this academic year Information found on the Foundation Years website Summary: bits and pieces have been released bit by bit, so it has been very difficult to plan and prepare
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