OCEAN-ONLY SIMULATIONS WITH CORE-II x2 NCOMx1 POP Forcing1958-19971958-2000 # of cycles43 Initial conditionsx3 spin-upLevitus T & S, state of rest Sea-iceSTR.


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Presentation transcript:

OCEAN-ONLY SIMULATIONS WITH CORE-II x2 NCOMx1 POP Forcing # of cycles43 Initial conditionsx3 spin-upLevitus T & S, state of rest Sea-iceSTR climatologySSM/I data set Under ice forcing strong restoring w/ 386 W m -2 K -1 and 2770 mg m -2 s -1 psu -1 + frazil ice formation no restoring, w/ frazil ice formation and diagnosed ice-ocean freshwater fluxes Salinity restoring weak restoring in ice free regions w/ 23 mg m -2 s -1 psu -1 (hor.-mean subtracted) weak restoring everywhere w/ 11.5 mg m -2 s -1 psu -1 (hor.- mean subtracted) Precipitation factor adjusts yearly based on S change (~1.11) no runoff adjusts yearly based on S change (~1.01) with runoff


INITIAL CONDITION SENSITIVITY (x2 NCOM) Sufficient historical data are not available to fully initialize an ocean simulation in 1958, and the repeat cycle forcing necessarily introduces errors because of inappropriate initial conditions. Perform a 10-year branch integration for model years replacing the end of model year 120 fields with data from model year 113 (labeled as IC). CONTROL – IC RMS DIFFERENCE PROFILES (GLOBAL)




Doney, S.C., S. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, W.G. Large, and J.C. McWilliams, 2003: Modeling global oceanic inter-annual variability ( ): Simulation design and model-data evaluation. NCAR/TN-452+STR. Doney, S.C., S. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, W.G. Large, and J.C. McWilliams, 2007: Mechanisms governing interannual variability of upper-ocean temperature in a global hindcast simulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., v37, McWilliams, J.C., and G. Danabasoglu, 2002: Eulerian and eddy-induced meridional overturning circulations in the tropics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., v32, Yeager, S., and W.G. Large, 2004: Late-winter generation of spiciness on subducted isopycnals. J. Phys. Oceanogr., v34, Yeager, S., and W.G. Large, 2007: Observational evidence of winter spice injection. J. Phys. Oceanogr. (in press). Capotondi, A., M. Alexander, C. Deser, and M.J. McPhaden, 2005: Anatomy and decadal evolution of the Pacific subtropical-tropical cells (STCs). J. Climate, v18, Capotondi, A., M. Alexander, C. Deser, and A.J. Miller, 2005: Low frequency pycnocline variability in the Northeast Pacific, J. Phys. Oceanogr., v35, Large, W.G., and G. Danabasoglu, 2006: Attribution and impacts of upper-ocean biases in CCSM3. J. Climate, v19, Gent, P.R., F.O. Bryan, G. Danabasoglu, K. Lindsay, D. Tsumune, M.W. Hecht, and S.C. Doney, 2006: Ocean chlorofluorocarbon and heat uptake during the twentieth century in CCSM3. J. Climate, v19, Deser, C., A. Capotondi, R. Saravanan, and A. Phillips, 2006: Tropical Pacific and Atlantic climate variability in CCSM3. J. Climate, v19, Partial list of publications that use the inter-annually forced simulations I I I I I