Testing GPS Controlled Spreading and Data Collection Tivoli Hotel, 10.th February 2011 Bo Sommer, Danish Road Directorate
SIDE 2 County of Frederiksborg The very first data was received in October 1998
SIDE 3 Success in 1998: We Saw a Dot ! 21. januar 2000
SIDE 4 A Route Without GPS Control
SIDE 5 A New Spreader With GPS Control Before After
SIDE 6 How Well Does It Actually Work ? We don’t know how well GPS Controlled Spreading actually works We have seen a lot of fine data but also some problems with data collection during the last 10 years > Its time for testing !
SIDE 7 When We Do the Indoor Test… 15. September 2010 We do end up with two hours outside
SIDE 8 Identifying a Nice Piece of Asphalt Research Centre Byghom Nice Hotel 700 Meter Asphalt – no Traffic
SIDE 9 My First Idea at a Closed Area…
SIDE 10 VTI: GPS Controlled Spreading
SIDE 11 Project Plan Autumn 2009: Presentation of the test idea to the companies Spring 2010: Detailed planning of the test procedure May 2010: Test day: “Testing the test method” June 2010: Test plan presented to the participating companies The test week: 13.th – 17.th September 2010 November 2010: Report ready for the companies for comments January 2011: Final report published
SIDE 12 Starting at a Whiteboard
SIDE 13 Test Route Length: 640 meter between the roundabout inner circles N A B CD F G H I E First part, A-F: X1-A: Transport, start point at e.g. X1 A-E: Spreading at 6 meter B-C: Bus stop at 2,5 meter, R C-D: Bus stop 2,5 meter, L E-F: Transport O1 O2 X1 X2 E
SIDE 14 Test Route N A B CD F G H I E O1 O2 X1 X2 E Close to two times around in O2: F-G: Spreading at 4 meter G-H: Transport H-I: Spreading at 4 meter
SIDE 15 Test Route N A B CD F G H I E From O2 and back: H-I: Spreading at 4 meter I-E: Spreading at 8 meter E-O1-I: Transport I-F: Spreading at 4 meter O1 O2 X1 X2 E
SIDE 16 Test Route Length: 640 meter between the roundabout inner circles N A B CD F G H I E Test route at recording: X1-A: Transport, start point at e.g. X1 A-E: Spreading at 6 meter B-C: Bus stop at 2,5 meter, R C-D: Bus stop 2,5 meter, L E-F: Transport O1 O2 F-G: Spreading at 4 meter G-H: Transport H-I: Spreading at 4 meter I-E: Spreading at 8 meter E-O1-I: Transport I-F: Spreading at 4 meter X1 X2 E
SIDE 17 Where Should We Put the Camera? Maj 2010 Selected camera: HD Hero from GoPro
SIDE 18 The Best Position 15. September 2010
SIDE 19 Driving direction Reference Point Markings -10m-15m-20m-2m E 2m10m15m20m
SIDE 20 View From the Top of the Spreader +2 m +4 m +6 m Reference point A
SIDE 21 Test Week 13.th – 17.th of September 2010: Monday: Nido Tuesday: Falköping Wednesday: Küpper Weisser (NVF demo day) Friday: Epoke The order was randomly chosen
SIDE 22 Preparation 15. September 2010
SIDE 23 Recording a Route 14. September 2010
SIDE 24 Replaying Twice First run at 30 km/h Second run at 50 km/h with an optional detour
SIDE 25 Video Evaluation Right After 15. September 2010
SIDE 26 Evaluation of Accuracy Driving direction -10m-15m-20m-2m E 2m10m15m20m
SIDE 27 GPS Controlled Spreading
SIDE 28 Vinterman Data Collection
SIDE 29 Vinterman Data Collection
SIDE 30 GPS Accuracy and Synchronisation Tuesday: Falköping Friday: Epoke
SIDE 31 Problems in Datafields Monday: Nido Spreading length is updated incorrect
SIDE 32 The Report is Available Now
SIDE 33 Thank You… Bo Sommer -