Select Team Man Up Offense: Black Knight
Black Knight: Level of Play Black Knight is a more difficult man-up with a variety of simultaneous movements that may be difficult for players at the younger age and skill levels. Black Knight is most appropriate for teams with good stickwork that are capable of executing the necessary passes for the completion of this play. Black Knight is very effective if a team has a good inside shooter who can draw the defense’s attention. Level of Play (Black Knight)
Black Knight: Set-up Black Knight starts in a and ends in a X1 wants to start in the middle of the field at, or around, the restraining line. The two crease players (defined here as X5 and X6) should align themselves about 2-3 yards above the crease on the left and right pipe respectively. X2 and X4 want to start on the left and right wings about 5 yards above GLE and 7 yards to either side of the goal… Set-up (Black Knight)
Black Knight: Set-up Continued X3 should start behind the goal at “X” 1-2 yards behind the crease so he is in position to “sneak” around the goal and provide back up. Set-up (Black Knight Cont.)
Black Knight: Set-up X5 X3 X6 X4 X2 X1 Ideally, X4 is a good feeder and decision maker. Ideally, X6 is a good right-handed feeder and inside finisher. Ideally, X3 is a good inside finisher or “crease-man”. Ideally, X2 is a capable left- handed feeder and inside finisher. Ideally, X1 is a good outside shooter. Ideally, X5 is a good outside shooter.
Black Knight: Execution The ball moves around the perimeter before it is transferred to the top middle (X1). X1 wants to carry the ball to his right. As this is happening, X4 is going to roll-up from the wing. X1 is going to throw back to X1. X1 is going to continue to carry. As he carries, X5 is going to roll off the crease to replace X4 on the bottom right wing… Execution (Black Knight)
Black Knight: Execution Continued As this is happening, X3 is going to cut up from “X”. As X3 cuts up from “X”, X6 is going to roll out to the bottom right underneath X3’s cut, and X2 is going to pinch to the bottom left. As he is carrying X4 wants to look to X3 on the cut, or X6 on the underside roll out. If neither of these looks is available he can move the ball to X5 who has rolled up to the top right wing. From here, if nothing is on, we will play out of the 3-3 set. Execution (Black Knight Cont.)
Black Knight: Execution X5 X3 X6 X4 X2 X1
Black Knight: Execution After he receives the pass from X1, X4 wants to continue carrying, scanning the field for cutters and skip lanes. He will have looks at X3 cutting from “X”, X2 and X6 on the bottom pipes, and X4 on the follow if none of the other looks are available.
Black Knight: Final Thoughts Black is a very intricate play that requires good timing and the ability of X4, the carry player to read the field and make good decisions. Like Greyhound, this play needs to be practiced a great deal before everyone is in synch. If X4 can find no looks available off the play, he wants to continue carrying until he is in the top middle. X5 will roll up until he is in the top right, and we will play out of the 3-3 set with X6 and X2 on the bases. Black Knight: Final Thoughts