Page 1 1 Association of Issuing Bodies Jon Hov Lauritzen Chairman of Board Ankara 28 th April 2006 AIB: the leading enabler of international energy certificate.


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Presentation transcript:

page 1 1 Association of Issuing Bodies Jon Hov Lauritzen Chairman of Board Ankara 28 th April 2006 AIB: the leading enabler of international energy certificate schemes

page 2 2 AIB services l International markets l Economies of scale (realised) l Facilitating & informing the market l Common standards & systems l Shared expertise

page 3 3

page 4 4 AIB Organisation Board Norway (chair) France Germany Italy Netherlands Secretariat General meeting President: W Boltz Austrian Regulator and Chair CEER Single Energy Market workgroup Participants: Members Working groups

page 5 5

page 6 6 Energy Certificate Systems Certificate system Supply Demand Issuing Body Transfer Electricity market Certificate market Redemption Computer System Issuing Physical flow Contractual flow

page 7 7

page 8 8 Regulation Principles & Rules of Operation Subsidiary Documents 1.Assessment Panels 2.Voting Rights 3.Registry Systems 4.Use of Agents 5.Change Management 6.Assignment of Codes 7.Periodic Reviews Chapters 1.Guarantees of Origin 2.RECS 3.Disclosure 4.CHP Fact Sheets 1.List of Fact Sheets 2.List of Subsidiary Documents 3.Types of Public Support 4.Member Codes 5.Energy Sources & Technologies 6.Addresses for notices 7.GO Members 8.RECS Members 9.EECS Disclosure members 10.Guidelines & Framework for Domain Protocols 11.Reviewer matrix Domain Scheme

page 9 9 What is in the PRO? l Core principles l Definitions l EECS Schemes l Admission & Expulsion l Harmonisation Measures (principle of subsidiarity) l Processing of EECS Certificates l Probity of Members l Member’s Agents & Measurement Bodies l Compliance l Disputes l Assessment Panels l Change procedures l General l Chapters (per EECS Scheme)

page PRO - Core Principles The Ten Commandments l Uniqueness - a certificate is unique l Ownership - account holders own certificates l Operational reliability l Protection of Account Holders l Governance l Access & Transparency l Cost Effectiveness l Communications l Regulation & Oversight l Records

page AIB Articles PRO Inter-IB Agreement Liability Market Structure Trading arrangements Domain Protocol Market Parties Articles (voluntary) or Legislation (Service Provision Agreement) Issuing Body (member) Service Provision Agreement Sub- contractor Standard Contract of Sale

page EECS network – CMO-CMO interface NL CH FR ESPT DE AT DKSENO SIIT FIUK IE Reporting BE/LU BE (F) Common data BE (W) EECS Hub

page Summary of Activity Since Issued120,729,01447,934,206 Exported33,200,27513,690,440 Redeemed59,522,70124,753,055

page Certificates issued

page Certificates transferred

page Questions & Discussion 12 Broadway, Amersham, HP7 0HP, United Kingdom Tel: / Fax: