Modeling Classification Systems in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts Joan S. Mitchell OCLC, Inc. Marcia Lei Zeng Kent State University Maja Žumer University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
History Long-term research project to model classification systems using general conceptual models to support organization and discovery in Semantic Web settings Can the FRSAD conceptual model be extended to model classification data? (presented at UDC Seminar, 2011) Can the FRBR model be used to represent the complex relationships among different versions of classification systems? (presented at ISKO conference, 2012)
Current Study Can the FRSAD conceptual model be extended to model classification data in order to derive implementable models for classification systems that involve multiple translations and/or multicultural implementations?
Outline 1.FRSAD conceptual model 2.FRSAD model for classification systems 3.DDC translation case study 4.Chinese Library Classification case study 5.Use cases 6.Future work
1. FRSAD Conceptual Model
The core of the FRSAD conceptual model FRSAD Part 1: WORK has as subject THEMA / THEMA is subject of WORK FRSAD Part 2: THEMA has appellation NOMEN / NOMEN is appellation of THEMA NOMEN = any sign or sequence of signs (alphanumeric characters, symbols, sound, etc.) that a thema is known by, referred to or addressed as
2. FRSAD model for classification systems Thema corresponds to the full category description of the class Nomen is the symbol (or surrogate) used to represent the full category description
Thema: Class
Nomens: DDC number, Full caption, URI Computer science, information & general works/Library & information sciences/Operations of libraries, archives, information centers/Information storage and retrieval systems
Alternative nomens: Relative Index terms with explicit functional equivalence relationship ( ) to class
3. DDC translation case study
Relationships between DDC classes in translations 1.Thema [class] 22/eng = Thema [class] 22/swe 2.Nomens may be used interchangeably (if not limited by a language-specific attribute)
Equivalent classes at same notational level Class /engClass /swe
Interchangeable Nomens for Class Arts & recreation / Drawing & decorative arts / Drawing and drawings / Special applications / Comic books, graphic novels, fotonovelas, cartoons, caricatures, comic strips Konst & fritid / Teckningskonst och konsthantverk / Teckningskonst och teckningar / Speciella tillämpningsområden / Seriemagasin, grafiska romaner, fotonovelas, tecknade serier, karikatyrer, skämtserier
Equivalent classes at same notational level, with further expansion in one edition Class T2— /engClass T2— /swe
Relationship between terminal class in one edition with interoperable subclasses in another edition
4. Chinese Library Classification case study
CLC Class J29 Calligraphy
Alternative (optional) notation Q Biological sciences [Q89] Environmental biology Preferred class: X17 X1 Environmental Sciences... X17 Environmental biology
5. Use cases Translation Mapping Integration Discovery
Example: Integration (Virtual scope note) T2—4888 (22/eng) T2—4888+ (22/swe)
Example: Discovery T2—4888 (22/eng) T2—4888+ (22/swe) Relative Index term “Pajala kommun (Sverige)” retrieves T2—4888 (22/eng) or T2— (22/swe)
6. Future work Model Relative Index as a separate controlled vocabulary under the FRSAD conceptual model to explore topic- centered approach (exploratory work under way by R. Green) Investigate mapped terminology from other controlled vocabularies Investigate mapped relationships between different classification systems