Pedagogical workflow management with “functions” Ioan Rosca 18 nov.2004
Summary 1 Pedagogy and management of procedures 2 Example: function modeling the ADISA-EXPLORA chain 3 Function- aggregate structure 4 Reproducing procedures by functions 5 Aggregation process 6 Aggregation by orchestration 7 Prototype demonstration 8 Demonstration chain 9 GEFO prototype as a specification driver 5 Prototype demonstration : an integrative story 6 Demonstration chain
1 Pedagogy and management of procedures thinks analyses observes resource memory acts images decides concepts and rules 1 knowledge understanding, as a cognitive procedure op RI RA A RP RO 3 management of a pedagogical procedure OI PA 2 pedagogical management of a procedure OI PA 4 auxiliary procedure
2 Example: function- modeling the ADISA-EXPLORA chain engineer defines project project ADISA designer designs course course Explora editor learner explore course traces Explora executor Analyst Analyses traces report Analyzer Reengineering
3 Function- aggregate structure AF(K) K RA(K)RI(K) S(K) C(K) thin declarations Editor (F) Explorer (F) M(P) M(A) M(O) M(C)M(K) M(S) RO(K)RP(K)AX(K) fat components heavy manipulators
Metafunction execution Driven edition Editor. designers Function execution Inspire guide, explain Declare, manage help Facilitate manipulations Coordinate, sharematch 4 Reproducing procedures by functions Primary phenomena Used Ress. Product Ress. participants P secondary phenomena Used Ress. Product Ress. participants S Function Primary Edition Function Editor Designers P observation Utilizations generation Spy Demonstrator MetaFunction generation Spy Demonstrator imagination Meta- Edition MetaFunction Editor Engineers observation
Support Composer Facilitator Prepare Composition phase Phase 1 – Prepare Composition Aggregate Classes Define A structure Connect R resources Compose KSC layers Publish Compose aggregates Composer Phase 2 – Compose Aggregate Instances Activate instance Prepare aggregate instance Administrator Phase 3 – Prepare Exploration Explorer Products Traces Use resources Compose Annotate Explorer Save and close Use aggregate Uses support Explorer Facilitator Phase 4 –Explore Load /Analyse product Analyzer References Phase 5 –Analyze Modify aggregate 5 Aggregation Process
6 Aggregation by orchestration Aggregation by grouping Aggregation by integration Workflow orchestration Flowchart orchestration Function orchestration IMSLD WF Consortium TELOS functions
public 7 Prototype demonstration : an integrative story Application X1 1 General flow function A1 replica Application X2 2 Exploration facilities 1 A observe, navigate, consult 2 A declare advancement 3 A operation batches 4 S post and ante operation advice 5 S verify by questions 6 S(K) competence equilibrium advice 7 R launch; intercept, timers 8 R concretize resources 9 R(K) competence driven concretization 10 U person and category access 11 U access by profile 12 U(K) access by competence 13 U(K) concretize users (competence driven) 14 C aggregate actor and multi-actor floor control 15 C(K) competence driven user matching 16 C(K) ressource control and batches Edition operations 0 core construc 1 LKMS constr 2 LKMS instanciation 3 LKMA create (global) 3.1 a Prepare KVAL 3.1 b PrepareKMOT 3.1 c Prepare K list 3.2 a Declare UVAL 3.2 b DeclareUMOT 3.3a Prepare R 3.4a Declare RVAL 3.5 Edit F (global) Intercep (global) Inter K ref Inter P(K) Inter R(K) Define Fl DefineA(K) DefineU(K) DefineR(K) Define S(K) DefineC(K) 4 Declare inst global 4.1 Open 4.2 Adapt 4.3 Activate 5 Explore 6 Analyse
3.1a edit K Designer K Designer U 3.2a Edit RP(K) 3.3a Prepare R Designer R 0 Creates core tool engineer 1 Creates LKMS class technologist 2 Parameterize LKMS instance LKMS Administrator 3 Creates LKMA1 designer 5 Execute facilitatorlearner 6 analyze LKMP Administrator LKMA administrator 4 Adapt instance New function 3.5 create function Close class Edits Edit A(K) Edit U(K) Users Edit R(K) Instruments Edit S(K) Edit C(K) Designer M Edit manual Activities chain Intercept report chain Designer I Flowchart edition Competence chain Designer F Edit UEdit K Edit U(K) 8 Demonstration chain
9 GEFO prototype as a specification driver VAL Prototype Specification 1 Architecture Application GEFO 1 Prototype Specification 1 Architecture Application GEFO 2 TELOS 0 Prototype Specification 1 Architecture Application TELOS1 TELOS 2 Prototype Specification 1 Architecture Application Prototype Specification 1 Architecture Application GEFO 3