Institute of Biomedical Engineering Ata Akın, PhD Neuro-Optical Imaging Laboratory
IBME Kandilli Campus
Faculty Profile
R&D and Infrastructure FundingR&D (€)IS (€) YEARS
Biomechanics Laboratory 1. Musculoskelatal systems mechanics by FEM 2. New Perspective to muscle force generation Therapeutic applications to healthy/pathological cases FEM Animal Experimentation Intraoperative human exp. In vivo muscle mechanics via MRI Gait Analysis Can Yücesoy
Robotics Laboratory - Biomechanics of Knee - Modeling of muscle-skelatal system Mehmed Özkan
Surgical Robotics Applications -Design of Electronics -Mechanical Design -Control design Mehmed Özkan
Analysis of evkoed responses in somatosensory cortex via stimulation of Pacinian touch sensors Psychophysics Lab Burak Güçlü
Neurosignal Analysis Lab - Localization of sources via temporal and spatial decomposisiton of EEG maps - Simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements in steady state stimulation - Source localization for epileptic siezures - Brain Computer Interface Ahmet Ademoğlu
Cellular Imaging and Electrophysiology Lab Live hipocampal crosssection, Electrophysiology/patch clamp, Apoptosis and neurodegenerative diseases, Effects of environmental toxins on neuronal signaling. Fluorescence microscopy Ca imaging. Hale Saybaşılı
Medical Device testing and Calibration Lab Tıbbi Cihazların “Tıbbi Cihaz Direktiflerine” Uygunluk Testleri, Tıbbi Cihazların Kalibrasyon Ölçümleri ve Raporlanması, Tıbbi Cihazların Elektrik Güvenlik Ölçümleri, X-ışınlı Cihazlarda Doz Ölçümleri, Medikal Görüntüleme Cihazları Test ve Performans Ölçümleri, Radyoterapi -ışını Doz Dağılım Ölçümü. Yekta Ülgen
Medical Imaging Lab - Diffusion Tensor MRI - Neuronal pathway detection - Unsupervised tractography - Brain perfusion via MRI -MR-Xray fusion -Dental X-Ray development Cengizhan Öztürk
Neuro-Optical Imaging Lab Funtional Near Infrared Spectrosopy, –Neuroimaging of cognition in health and disease –Muscle metabolism in health and disease –Systems Biology –Photon MigrationModeling
Medical Laser Lab Design of Surgical Laser Systems, Laser-Tissue Interaction, Photodynamic Therapy, Applications of lasers in ophthalmology, dentistry and dermatology.
Tissue Lab Dokuların Mekanik ve Optik Özelliklerinin Ölçümü, Doku Takibi, Doku Kesme, Boyama, Histolojik Analiz.
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