Alfred Day Hershey His best known experiment is Hershey Chase experiment Concerned the replication of genetic structure of viruses 4 Dec May 1997
Teaching and research at the Department of Bacteriology 1936 Held an instructorship in bacteriology and immunology Work together with Professor J. J. Bronfenbrenner Became assistant professor 1942 Became associate professor
What is T2 ? The T2 phage is a strongly toxic bacteriophage and tadpole-shaped virus small virus that infect only bacteria Contain 50% DNA and 50% protein
Contains linear double-stranded DNA Infect E-coli
tail fibers of the phage attach to the bacterial cell to initiate infection
Protein coat of the T2 carries the organ of attachment to bacteria.
Virus attach to the surface of their host cellVirus attach to the surface of their host cell (a) The infective cycle of T2 in E.coil
Inject the DNA into the cellInject the DNA into the cell (b)
DNA accumulate,other genes are transcribed and translatedDNA accumulate,other genes are transcribed and translated (C)
DNA and protein are assembled into complete virusDNA and protein are assembled into complete virus (d)
The cell breaks and releases its content of virusThe cell breaks and releases its content of virus (e)
Hershey Chase Experiment Radioactive Sulphur (35S) non-radioative DNA? Radioactive Phosphorous(35 P) radioactive DNA?