An O*NET Academy Briefing: Tools and Technology for In- Demand Occupations Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Sr. Trainer, O*NET Academy
2 Goals of the Webinar Provide background and information on the new tools and technology part of O*NET Show how O*NET Online, Career Voyages, and Career InfoNet incorporate tools and technology Indicate future plans for tools and technology
3 Tools and Technology New addition to O*NET system –Part of O*NET Content Model Identifies technology competencies for occupations Includes: –tools –information technology –software –equipment –machines Focuses on the in-demand occupations
4 Why T2? Identify the Tools and Technology (T2) workers must use for optimal functioning in a high-performance workplace This is what employers refer to as “Hard Skills” Emphasis placed on cutting edge technologies and emerging workplace practices (not exhaustive)
5 How T2 Can Be Used - Identify Impact of Innovation Understand how tools and technology have changed occupations –Medical Records and Health Information Technicians Computer-based record keeping software indicates a radical change in skills required –Paralegals and Legal Assistants Increased use of software suites aimed at organizing and preparing legal cases for litigation –Chemists T2s such as high-pressure liquid chromatography systems and mass spectrometers are early indicators of the transformation to nanotechnology
6 How T2 Can Be Used - Workers Understand occupation and job requirements Identify education and training needs Develop resumes Search occupations by software, equipment, tool, and technology
7 How T2 Can Be Used - Employers Improve training needs assessment Develop training program and curricula Use training resources more efficiently Enhance occupational searchers Assist in job order creation Help with resume evaluation Enhance the job matching process Perform more specific “skills gap” analysis Create more robust, up-to-date descriptions of occupations/industries
8 How T2 Can Be Used – Education and Training Design educational and training programs that meet employer and worker needs Develop certifications and related programs Identify new technical skills/competencies and cutting-edge technologies used in the workplace
9 Development Over 14,000 tools and technologies have been identified Organized into existing United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) classification system –This system is a global standard for business
10 Classification Structure United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) ( –Open, global electronic commerce standard that provides a logical framework for classifying goods and services –Basis of international procurement processes, enabling businesses to market products and services more efficiently, and avoid developing a proprietary classification system –Developed and maintained by the United Nations in partnership with Dun & Bradstreet
11 Classification Structure UNSPSC is an ideal, hierarchical classification system for T2 –Segment Family –Class (group of commodities sharing a common use or function) »Commodity (group of substitute products and services) * Business Function
12 Classification Structure O*NET T2 Classification –Class level Commodity Level – O*NET T2 Example LevelEXAMPLE –Class Level: Soldering, brazing, and welding machinery and supplies Commodity Level: Blow Torches –O*NET T2 Level: Acetylene torches
13 T2 Development Internet-based data collection –Build on previous O*NET project tasks (i.e., task development) –Trained analysts Strong proficiency in Internet searching procedures Strong background and training in occupational analysis Data classification Quality control
14 T2 Development First tier –Use occupational information to “scrape” the Web for T2s Occupational description, tasks, and “raw” task information –Successful in capturing objects central to occupation performance –Produced the majority of T2s Second tier –Use industry terms and first-tier T2 examples –Use the UNSPSC classification system to identify potential gaps or weak areas –Successful in capturing cutting-edge technologies; newer, emerging T2s; and increases occupational coverage
15 T2 Development Occupation Expert (OE) verification –Reviewed sample of occupations –High degree of overlap, consensus –OE additions at the T2 Example Level, not at the Commodity Level
16 How has T2 been included in O*NET? Focus on In-Demand Occupations (now 327 occupations) –High growth, high-demand occupations –Important to national security –Important to US economy –Emerging occupations Occupations have 94 per occupation (average) Range of 13 to 300 per occupation –
17 Enter Keyword
18 Select Occupation Note IN DEMAND
19 Select Tools and Technology
20 See Results
21 More in Details Report
22 Find All Tools and Technologies
23 See All Tools (partial listing here)
24 All Technology
25 Using Keyword
26 Select Occupation
27 Select Tools and Technology
28 See Results
29 Browse by High Growth Industry
30 Select Occupation
31 Select Tools and Technology
32 See Results
33 Use in O*NET
34 Search by Tool/Technology
35 Some Results
36 More Results
37 Use In Career Voyages
38 Click on In-Demand Occupations
39 Partial List
40 Obtain Summary Report
41 Results
42 Career InfoNet
43 Select Job Family
44 Select Occupation
45 Tools (partial listing)
46 Technology
47 Future Plans for T2 Continue development of T2 for in-demand occupations –DoL is working on the next set of 100 occupations --include engineering, architecture, technology, management, science, mathematical sciences. Investigate multiple methods of keeping T2 current –Customer input, industry review, new webscraping techniques, expert review, transactional analysis
48 Review Provide some background and information on the new tools and technology part of O*NET Show how O*NET Online, Career Voyages, and Career InfoNet incorporate tools and technology Indicate future plans for tools and technology
49 O*NET T2 Sites O*NET Portal: O*NET Online: Database download: O*NET Customer Service:
50 Questions?
52 Opportunities for O*NET Users Spotlight on Podcasts on how you use O*NET –Contact me at