Nanopore Membranes for Single-Molecule Detection and Characterization Anna Schibel, Ryuji Kawano and Henry S. White University of Utah October 26, 2007
The Glass Nanopore (GNP) Membrane Zhang et al. Anal. Chem. 2007, 79,
Fabrication of the GNP Membrane Zhang, B.; Galusha, J.; Wang, G.; Bergren, A. J.; Jones, R. M.; White, R. J.; Ervin, E. N.; Cauley, C. C.; Shiozawa, P.; White, H. S. Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, Bo Zhang Nanodisk electrodeNanopore electrodeNanopore membrane
Stochastic Single-Molecule Detection - hepta-sulfano- -cyclodextrin (s 7 CD) R = -OSO 3 - Bound State Unbound State - -Hemolysin ( HL) HL insertion Single Binding Events Applied Voltage -40 mV Gu et al., Science 2001, 291, M KCl 10 mM Potassium phosphate buffer pH M aHL backside 50 M s 7 CD frontside 250 nm pore
Stochastic Single-Molecule Detection R = NH 3 + Clement Osei Akoto Rainer Group trans cis - Reference + - a 7 CD M a 7 CD Voltage in wrt cis side 50 M a 7 CD detection Electrostatic trapping Electrostatically trap molecule inside HL channel 1 s i a 7 CD GNP radius - 95 nm
Nanoparticle Detection Wang, G., Single Nanoparticle Sensing with Protein Ion Channel Embedded in Lipid Bilayer Supported By Glass Nanopore Membrane (unpublished) Gold Nanoparticle with Tiopronin Monolayer 2nm
Characterization of Hairpin DNA Structures 9bp-GC9bp-AT9bp-TG Common structure
1 sec 9 bp-GC 1 sec 9 bp-TG 1 sec 9 bp-AT ~1 minute Current Discrimination Of Individual DNA Hairpin Molecules
Heparin Detection Heparin
Applications In Development Biomedical Analysis DNA sequencing Heparin analysis Homeland Defense Chemical warfare agent detection Environmental Analysis Ultra-trace level detection of pollutants Nano-particle analysis