Preliminary studies for T2 primary target for the NA61 fragmentation beam run 11 th October 2010 – NA61 Collaboration Meeting M. Calviani on behalf of EN/STI
Outline 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 2 Overview of T2 targets FLUKA simulation setup & geometry Energy deposition preliminary studies Production yields of 11 B and 32 P absolute & relative to all isotopes Conclusions & perspectives
Summary 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 3 Preliminary calculation for the optimization of a new target for a fragmented ion beam for the NA61 experiment Primary target is installed (and to be…) in the T2 target box shielded iron box with forced air cooling Iron shielding Primary beam Secondary beam TARGETs T2 target box Cooling fins Target plates Forced air flow
Pictures of one spare target head 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 4 Primary Pb beam Cooling fins 50 cm length 16 cm Spare target head to be eventually reused to install a new target plate in case needed
November 2010 test (Ilias-EN/MEF) 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 5 During the November 2010 production test two targets already in the T2 target box will be used for testing 40 cm beryllium plate 4 cm carbon plate A complete energy deposition study for the Pb beam case is at present being performed, in order to ensure proper/safe mechanical and controlled thermodynamical conditions on the box no need to dismount targets very radioactive, ~Sv/h at contact)
FLUKA simulations 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 6 Scoring of particles at the end of the chamber “collimator” (30 x 15 cm) – maximum production from target Air Target plate Iron shielding “collimator” 16 cm width, 2 mm height, variable length 30 cm 15 cm ~ 1 m 40 cm DPMJET-3 linked to the executable (HI nuclear reactions) PHYSICS settings in order to include 1) correct evaporation model with heavy fragments, 2) electromagnetic dissociation of projectile and 3) coalescence
Energy deposition (1/2) 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 7 First generic calculation of energy deposition for some plates in T2 16 cm width, 2 mm height, variable length Assuming a Pb beam FWHM=1.4 mm ( =0.6 mm) is ~ target Part of the beam does not interact AT ALL on the target, proceed outside of the iron shielding to the downstream collimator Total deposited energy 158 AGeV80 AGeV40 AGeV 4 cmC Be 2.05 W/bunch 1.59 W/bunch 2.04 W/bunch 1.59 W/bunch 2.03 W/bunch 1.60 W/bunch 10 cmC Be 3.65 W/bunch 2.79 W/bunch 3.67 W/bunch 2.87 W/bunch 3.79 W/bunch 2.88 W/bunch 20 cmC Be 4.89 W/bunch 3.58 W/bunch 5.06 W/bunch 3.71 W/bunch 4.95 W/bunch 3.71 W/bunch
Energy deposition (2/2) 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 8 Maximum deposited energy density Beam direction More detailed calculation will follow once the final Pb beam spot size (emittance) is clarified
Evaluation of produced particles 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 9 20 cm AGeV All particles B 11 B 20 cm 40 AGeV 11 B 32 P All particles Particle are scored at the exit of the T2 collimator face (only FLUKA heavy ion) these simulations assume only contribution from elements heavier than 7 Be calculations including (~same A/Z ratio as of 11 B and 32 P) are underway The secondary beam line is assumed to transport all fragments with a chosen rigidity P/Z or B* within a range of about ±2% the mean value of the P/Z of the selected isotope is selected ±2% Maximize the ratio (of P/Z) between selected isotopes and all the rest
P/Z with all particles produced by target 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) Pb (uncollided + beam halo) Absolute production is dominated by light fragments Protons discarded since they live in the low P/Z area (A/Z~1) 11 B ( 11 C and 32 P) produced in the area dominated by 4 He and d (A/Z~2 area) A/Z~3 A/Z~2 A/Z~1 20 cm, 80 AGeV
20 cm target, 80 AGeV At the exit for the T2 face “collimator”, 105 cm from target Mass d 3 H, 3 He 4 He Correlation between momentum/charge and mass of produced isotopes 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 11
11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 12 Absolute production rates - for 4, 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm targets (158, 80, 40 AGeV Pb beam) Inelastic scattering length is around 3 cm for C and Be, 2-3 for optimal production max production for ~10 cm
Results (absolute yield) - Carbon 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) AGeV80 AGeV40 AGeV Yield/primaryP/Z intervalYield/primaryP/Z intervalYield/primaryP/Z interval 4 cm8.43*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.23*10 -2 ( 32 P) 345±7 GeV/c 333±7 GeV/c 9.99*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.01*10 -2 ( 32 P) 175±4 GeV/c 169±3 GeV/c 1.07*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.20*10 -2 ( 32 P) 88±2 GeV/c 84±2 GeV/c 10 cm1.49*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.19*10 -2 ( 32 P) 342±7 GeV/c 330±7 GeV/c 1.34*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.19*10 -2 ( 32 P) 174±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 1.89*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.21*10 -2 ( 32 P) 87±2 GeV/c 83±2 GeV/c 20 cm1.45*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.13*10 -2 ( 32 P) 340±7 GeV/c 329±7 GeV/c 1.39*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.85*10 -2 ( 32 P) 172±3 GeV/c 165±3 GeV/c 1.92*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.37*10 -2 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 82±2 GeV/c 30 cm1.10*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.04*10 -2 ( 32 P) 338±7 GeV/c 327±6 GeV/c 1.07*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.21*10 -2 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 164±3 GeV/c 1.42*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.40*10 -2 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 81±2 GeV/c 40 cm7.46*10 -2 ( 11 B) 6.7*10 -3 ( 32 P) 337±7 GeV/c 327±7 GeV/c 6.62*10 -2 ( 11 B) 4.4*10 -3 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 9.40*10 -2 ( 11 B) 9.8*10 -3 ( 32 P) 84±2 GeV/c 80±2 GeV/c Absolute yields of 11 B and 32 P as a function of target length and Pb primary energy around the maximum of the P/Z distributions of the two isotopes (±2%) According to SPSC-P-330-ADD-1 (Addendum 4 to proposal P330), “Proposal for secondary ion beams and update of data taking schedule for ) 30 cm target PRELIMINARY
Results (absolute yield) - Beryllium 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) AGeV80 AGeV40 AGeV Yield/primaryP/Z intervalYield/primaryP/Z intervalYield/primaryP/Z interval 4 cm9.83*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.57*10 -2 ( 32 P) 345±7 GeV/c 333±7 GeV/c 1.16*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.62*10 -2 ( 32 P) 175±4 GeV/c 169±3 GeV/c 1.19*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.57*10 -2 ( 32 P) 88±2 GeV/c 84±2 GeV/c 10 cm1.60*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.57*10 -2 ( 32 P) 342±7 GeV/c 330±7 GeV/c 1.55*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.49*10 -2 ( 32 P) 174±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 2.03*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.73*10 -2 ( 32 P) 87±2 GeV/c 83±2 GeV/c 20 cm1.52*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.64*10 -2 ( 32 P) 340±7 GeV/c 329±7 GeV/c 1.46*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.95*10 -2 ( 32 P) 172±3 GeV/c 165±3 GeV/c 1.99*10 -1 ( 11 B) 2.42*10 -2 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 82±2 GeV/c 30 cm9.67*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.12*10 -2 ( 32 P) 338±7 GeV/c 327±6 GeV/c 9.03*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.01*10 -2 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 164±3 GeV/c 1.42*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.27*10 -2 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 81±2 GeV/c 40 cm6.00*10 -2 ( 11 B) 5.10*10 -3 ( 32 P) 337±7 GeV/c 327±7 GeV/c 6.18*10 -2 ( 11 B) 3.60*10 -3 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 8.71*10 -2 ( 11 B) 6.30*10 -3 ( 32 P) 84±2 GeV/c 80±2 GeV/c Absolute yields of 11 B and 32 P as a function of target length and Pb primary energy, around the maximum of the P/Z distributions of the two isotopes (±2%) According to SPSC-P-330-ADD-1 (Addendum 4 to proposal P330), “Proposal for secondary ion beams and update of data taking schedule for ) 30 cm target PRELIMINARY
Absolute production for 11 B and 32 P around the to maximum of the P/Z distribution 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) % gain with a Be target wrt C target
11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 16 Fractional production rates - for 4, 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm targets (158, 80, 40 AGeV Pb beam)
Results (fractional yields) - Carbon 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) AGeV80 AGeV40 AGeV Fractional yieldP/Z intervalFractional yieldP/Z intervalFractional yieldP/Z interval 4 cm3.72*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.25*10 -3 ( 32 P) 345±7 GeV/c 333±7 GeV/c 3.83*10 -2 ( 11 B) 7.81*10 -3 ( 32 P) 175±4 GeV/c 169±3 GeV/c 3.84*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.59*10 -3 ( 32 P) 88±2 GeV/c 84±2 GeV/c 10 cm5.04*10 -2 ( 11 B) 9.76*10 -3 ( 32 P) 342±7 GeV/c 330±7 GeV/c 4.73*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.07*10 -2 ( 32 P) 174±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 4.61*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.39*10 -3 ( 32 P) 87±2 GeV/c 83±2 GeV/c 20 cm7.24*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.08*10 -2 ( 32 P) 340±7 GeV/c 329±7 GeV/c 7.09*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.00*10 -2 ( 32 P) 172±3 GeV/c 165±3 GeV/c 6.34*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.33*10 -3 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 82±2 GeV/c 30 cm1.01*10 -1 ( 11 B) 8.72*10 -3 ( 32 P) 338±7 GeV/c 327±6 GeV/c 9.98*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.02*10 -2 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 164±3 GeV/c 1.00*10 -1 ( 11 B) 7.54*10 -3 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 81±2 GeV/c 40 cm1.40*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.08*10 -2 ( 32 P) 337±7 GeV/c 327±7 GeV/c 1.27*10 -1 ( 11 B) 6.73*10 -3 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 1.19*10 -1 ( 11 B) 9.23*10 -3 ( 32 P) 84±2 GeV/c 80±2 GeV/c Fractional yields of 11 B and 32 P as a function of target length and Pb beam energy: Ratio between yield of 11 B or 32 P and the total heavy ions exiting the collimator around the maximum of the P/Z distributions of the two isotopes Kinematics effects partially change the results of the absolute yields calculations According to SPSC-P-330-ADD-1 (Addendum 4 to proposal P330), “Proposal for secondary ion beams and update of data taking schedule for ) 30 cm target PRELIMINARY
Results (fractional yields) - Beryllium 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) AGeV80 AGeV40 AGeV Fractional yieldP/Z intervalFractional yieldP/Z intervalFractional yieldP/Z interval 4 cm3.86*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.13*10 -2 ( 32 P) 345±7 GeV/c 333±7 GeV/c 3.98*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.09*10 -2 ( 32 P) 175±4 GeV/c 169±3 GeV/c 3.80*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.06*10 -3 ( 32 P) 88±2 GeV/c 84±2 GeV/c 10 cm5.26*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.04*10 -2 ( 32 P) 342±7 GeV/c 330±7 GeV/c 5.37*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.06*10 -2 ( 32 P) 174±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 4.87*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.45*10 -3 ( 32 P) 87±2 GeV/c 83±2 GeV/c 20 cm8.51*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.95*10 -3 ( 32 P) 340±7 GeV/c 329±7 GeV/c 8.27*10 -2 ( 11 B) 1.10*10 -2 ( 32 P) 172±3 GeV/c 165±3 GeV/c 7.67*10 -2 ( 11 B) 8.86*10 -3 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 82±2 GeV/c 30 cm1.11*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.13*10 -2 ( 32 P) 338±7 GeV/c 327±6 GeV/c 1.07*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.03*10 -2 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 164±3 GeV/c 1.12*10 -1 ( 11 B) 8.32*10 -3 ( 32 P) 85±2 GeV/c 81±2 GeV/c 40 cm1.47*10 -1 ( 11 B) 1.09*10 -2 ( 32 P) 337±7 GeV/c 327±7 GeV/c 1.50*10 -1 ( 11 B) 7.31*10 -3 ( 32 P) 170±3 GeV/c 163±3 GeV/c 1.28*10 -1 ( 11 B) 7.79*10 -3 ( 32 P) 84±2 GeV/c 80±2 GeV/c Fractional yields of 11 B and 32 P as a function of target length and Pb beam energy: Ratio between yield of 11 B or 32 P and the total heavy ions exiting the collimator around the maximum of the P/Z distributions of the two isotopes Kinematics effects partially change the results of the absolute yields calculations According to SPSC-P-330-ADD-1 (Addendum 4 to proposal P330), “Proposal for secondary ion beams and update of data taking schedule for ) 30 cm target PRELIMINARY
Results - 11 B production for C and Be target 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 19 The fractional yield is enhanced by use of longer target At 158 AGeV primary beam energy, the gain is 15% with respect to 40 AGeV for a 40 cm target (for shorter targets, the dependence is almost constant) given by the favorable A/Z ratio For the same target length, the gain with a Be target is roughly ~5- 20% than graphite in the same experimental conditions Excluding the contribution of complete simulations underway
Results – 11 B carbon vs. beryllium targets 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 20 ~5-15% larger yield for a Be target than a C one Higher fractional yield for longer target given by the higher ionization loss of higher Z particles Excluding the contribution of
Results - Fractional yields of 11 B and 32 P 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) P relative production shows little dependence on target length Fractional yield almost constant Values might be affected by the lack of in the simulation
Conclusions 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 22 Evaluation of 11 B and 32 P particle yields were estimated with a mock up geometry of the T2 target Pb beams of 158, 80 and 40 AGeV energy were considered Different target lengths (4, 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) and materials (C and Be) were used Absolute and fractional yields were estimated taking into account the production around the mean value of the P/Z distribution (±2%) Comments on performed simulations: basing on the scoring at the end of the “target box” (no secondary beam line nor degrader considered) maximum production from target are excluded, but contribution significant: complete evaluation underway further studies required Complete studies are underway to validate the present targets and the production from an optimized new one
11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 23 Thanks a lot for your attention and for the very interesting experiment!
11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 24 Additions
Total momentum for different beam energies 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) cm target 158 AGeV 80 AGeV 40 AGeV
Contribution from other mass & charge 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 26 All particles 11 B 10 B 12 B Z=4 Z=6
Correlation momentum vs. time from primary beam interaction 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 27 Z=1 20 cm 40 AGeV 11 B
Correlation P/Z vs. time from interaction 11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) B 32 P
11th October 2010T2 target preliminary calculations (NA61 Collaboration Meeting) - M. Calviani (EN/STI) 29