Geometric Classification Rotator Cuff Tears James Davidson, MD Steve Burkhart, MD Phoenix San Antonio
Goals of a Classification System Communicate Treatment Prognosis Comparison
Previous Classifications Do not achieve these goals No current Standard Do not utilize three dimension info derived from MRI and Arthroscopy
McLaughlin Transverse Longitudinal Retracted LESIONS OF THE MUSCULOTENDINOUS CUFF OF THE SHOULDER BY HARRISON L. McLAUGHLIN, M.D., NEW YORK, N. Y. From the Fracture Service of the Presbyterian Hospital in New York, and the Department of Surgery, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY JANUARY 1944 Dr.
McLaughlin Not widely adopted Pre MRI Pre Arthroscopy
DeOrio and Cofield Measure the Maximum Single Diameter Small, Medium, Large, Massive
DeOrio and Cofield Not geometric or three dimensional
Harryman / Gerber Number of tendons torn
Harryman / Gerber Not geometric or three dimensional ?? treatment ?? prognosis
Geometric Classification Rotator Cuff Tears A System Linking Tear Pattern to Treatment and Prognosis Arthroscopy Current Concepts In Press, 2009
Foundation Burkhart, Adams, Arrigoni, Barth, Brady, Huberty, Lo, Parten, Pearce, Richards, Tehrani, Tauro, and others
Geometric Classification Type Description Preoperative MRI Treatment Prognosis 1 Crescent Short - Wide Tear End to bone Good to Excellent 2 Longitudinal (L or U) Long –Narrow Tear Side to Side 3 Massive Contracted Long and Wide Interval slides/ Partial repair Fair to Good 4 Cuff Tear Arthropathy Loss of AHI, DJD Irreparable Arthroplasty Variable
Crescent Short and Wide; Length ≤ Width
Crescent MRI Length: T2 coronal Width: T2 sagittal L ≤ W; L < 2cm
Crescent MRI
Crescent Repaired end to bone Good to excellent results
Longitudinal (U’s and L’s) Long and Narrow; Length > Width
Longitudinal MRI Length: T2 coronal Width: T2 sagittal L > W; W < 2cm
Longitudinal MRI
Longitudinal (U’s and L’s) Repaired side to side / margin convergence Good to excellent results
Longitudinal (U’s and L’s)
Massive Contracted Long and wide
Massive Contracted MRI Length: T2 coronal Width: T2 sagittal L ≥ 2cm; W ≥ 2cm
Massive Contracted MRI
Massive Contracted Slides / Partial repair Fair to good results
Massive Contracted L ≥ 2cm; W ≥ 2cm most require slides/partial L ≥ 3cm; W ≥ 3cm all require slides/partial
Rotator Cuff Arthropathy Loss of Acromiohumeral Interspace Glenohumeral Arthrosis Irreparable by Scope or Open Arthroplasty if Surgery
Additional Notations Related Pathology Subscapularis Biceps Labrum Instability Arthritis AC or GH Fatty Degeneration
MRI Predicts Tear Pattern Crescent Longitudinal Massive Contracted Cases were divided into three groups. Group one included all cases in which the MRI showed a coronal length less than the sagittal width and a length less than 2 cm. Group two included all cases in which the MRI showed a length greater than the width and a width less than 2 cm. Group three included all cases in which the MRI showed a length and width both greater than 2 cm.
Tear Pattern Determines Method of Repair and Prognosis So we see that tear shape and size determine repair technique. It would be helpful if the MRI could preoperatively show us the tear pattern and help us plan how to fix it.
Geometric Classification Type Description Preoperative MRI Treatment Prognosis 1 Crescent Short - Wide Tear End to bone Good to Excellent 2 Longitudinal (L or U) Long –Narrow Tear Side to Side 3 Massive Contracted Long and Wide Interval slides/ Partial repair Fair to Good 4 Cuff Tear Arthropathy Loss of AHI, DJD Irreparable Arthroplasty Variable
Geometric Classification Improved Communication Guidance re Treatment Guidance re Prognosis Meaningful Comparison
Geometric Classification Thank You James Davidson, MD Steve Burkhart, MD