COMPE 343 Database Systems and Programming Spring Murat KARAKAYA Department of Computer Engineering
COMPE 343 Instructor : K. Murat KARAKAYA Office : Z-14 Lecture : Tuesday 1009 OfficeHour : Tuesday Z-14 TA: Dinçer ÖZORAN Office: Z-13 Lab : Thursday MULT. MED.LAB Course Web page is on Moodle
Objectives & Content Objectives: To cover advanced DB concepts To introduce DB programming (PL/SQL & PHP) To introduce OODB concepts. Content: Concurrent operations on databases Transaction processing Concurrency control DB recovery Security and authorization Introduction to DB programming Object Oriented DB concepts
Text Books and References Course Book: 1. Database Systems Concepts, Silberschatz, Abraham, Korth, Henry F. Sudarshan, S., 4 th Ed., Mc-Graw-Hill, Oracle 8i: A Practical Guide to SQL, PL/SQL, and Developer 6, Ali Yazıcı and Aydın Şekihanov, Atılım Yayınları, 2001 Other Sources : 1.Modern Database Management By: J. A. Hoffer, M. B. Prescott, F. R 2.McFadden, 8 th Ed., ISBN: Introduction to Relational Database and SQL Programming, C Allen, S. Chatwin, C. A. Creary, ISBN: Database Systems, 2 nd Ed., Garcia-Molina, Dllman, Widom, ISBN: An Introduction Database Systems, by C. J. Date, ISBN Database Management System, R.Ramakrishnan, ISBN:
Grading (Tentative) Midterm(s) / Pop Quizes*30% LAB (Midterm+Final) 30% Final Exam 35% Attd. + Active Participation 5% If you miss 4 or more classes OR 3 or more LAB sessions you will get NA grade! –Passing grade >= not 59! * Pop Quiz: an unscheduled or unannounced quiz.
Grading Policies Missed exams: o no make-up exam for midterms without approved excuse! o you will get zero for each missed pop quiz! o no make-up exam for final for any excuse! Lateness: o Late assignments are penalized up to 10% per day. Ethics: o All assignments/projects are to be your own work. Participation: o You are supposed to be active in the class by involving and participating disscusions via asking questions, proposing solutions, explaning your ideas, etc.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE AND PRE-STUDY PAGES Wee k Lecture Topics Pre-study Pages LAB Topics LAB Subjects/Materials 1 Application Design and Development Chapter 8 N/A 2 Transactions Chapters 15 N/A 3 Concurrency Control 1 Chapter 16 Fundamentals of SQL 1 Chapter 4 4 Concurrency Control 2. MIDTERM1 Chapter 16 Fundamentals of SQL 2 Chapter 4 5 Introduction of Database Programming (PL/SQL) 1 Main text 2 Fundamentals of PL/SQL 1 Main text 2 6 Introduction of Database Programming (PL/SQL) 2 Main text 2 PL/SQL (Cursors) MIDTERM1 Main text 2 7 Introduction of Database Programming (PL/SQL) 3 MIDTERM2 Main text 2 PL/SQL (Cursors) Main text 2 8 Recovery system 1 Chapter 17 PL/SQL (Procedures) Main text 2 9 Recovery system 2 Chapter 17 PL/SQL (Triggers) MIDTERM2 Main text 2 10 Introduction to scripting languages. MIDTERM3 Instructor Text Fundamentals of PHP Instructor Text 11 Query Processing Chapter 13 DB connection with PHP Instructor Text 12 Query Optimization Chapter 14 Using Stored Procedures in PHP MIDTERM3 Instructor Text 13 Introduction to Object Oriented Database concepts 1 Chapter 9 Security issues in PHP DB backup and recovery Instructor Text 14 Introduction to Object Oriented Database concepts 2 Chapter 9 FINAL Instructor Text
EXPECTED SKILLS Basic Knowledge of C++, PHP, HTML 5, JavaScript, and programming concepts DBMS (Prerequiste: COMPE 341) RDBMS concepts SQL ORACLE / MySQL Data structures Array Set Heap Tree
Any Questions?