Using Clarizen – sample scenario
1: Register Go to Press the “Login” button at the top right corner Click the “create new account” link in the login page. Fill in your details, select a password and create your organization Click the “Play” button in the welcome screen and watch the tutorial Click the “create new project” button -- Continue as in the “create new project” scenario
2: Create a new project Click the “Add new Project” link in the home page OR Click the “Add project” button in the Project page and then choose “Create New Project” In the New Project Wizard, select “Create project from a default template” Change the project name to “My Project” Change project “Start Date” to 6/1/2007 Click “Finish” Click “Go To project”
3: Edit the new project Start with the default template
4: Edit the new project Add tasks “t2” and “t2.1” at the end of the project and indent task “t2.1” to become the child of task “t2”
5: Edit the new project Add a milestone “ms1” before “first milestone in the project” Add a child task “t1” to “ms1”
6: Add a new user Go to “Home” Click “Add new user” Enter first name, last name, your email address Click “Finish” You will receive an email message with a temporary password Sign in to the application with the new user and password After signing in, select a new password
7: Edit WBS items Select your project from the Projects pane in the Home page Double-Click on the ‘manager’ cell in task ‘t1’ and assign a user as manager Click the resources cell in task ‘t1’ and start typing the name of a user. Select the user from the drop-down list. Change the duration of ‘t1’ to 10 days Do the same with task ‘t2.1’
8: Create a dependency Select ‘t1’ and ‘t2’ Click on the “add dependency” icon in the WBS toolbar Choose “t2 depends on t1”, click “OK” See that the start date of “t2” is now after the due date of “t1”
9: Documents, Notes & Discussions Click the layout button and show the Info card Select “t2” and click on the ‘documents’ tab in the info card Click “Add document” and upload some document from your PC into the system Select “t1” and click the ‘notes/discussions’ tab Click “add note”, write some text and save it. Select “t2.2” Click “Open discussion”, write a post and save it.
10: Templates Select “My project” in the WBS Open the context sensitive menu in the WBS Select “save as template” Go to step 2 and create a new project, but this time select the new template you have just created