Data Bits Sets Trans- actions Specials Domains Normalization $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final DataBit
$100 Answer from Sets This includes members of either or both sets with no duplicates..
$100 Question from Sets What is Union?
$200 Answer from Sets This includes only those members of the set on the left side of the expression that are not contained in the set on the right side of the expression.
$200 Question from Sets What is Minus or Except?
$300 Answer from Sets This includes members that are common to both sets.
$300 Question from Sets What is Intersect?
$400 Answer from Sets This works like UNION, except it keeps duplicate rows in the result.
$400 Question from Sets What is Union All?
$500 Answer from Sets In order to do this all tables must have to contain the same number of objects of the same type.
$500 Question from Sets What are set operations?
$100 Answer from Transactions Transaction is either performed in its entirety or not performed at all.
$100 Question from Transactions What is atomicity?
$200 Answer from Transactions Transaction should appear as though it is being executed separately from other transactions.
$200 Question from Transactions What is isolation?
$300 Answer from Transactions Transaction must take the database from one valid state to another.
$300 Question from Transactions What is consistency?
$400 Answer from Transactions Changes applied to the database by a committed transaction must persist, even if the system fails before all changes reflected on disk.
$400 Question from Transactions What is durability?
$500 Answer from Transactions The actual execution sequence of two or more concurrent transactions where running transactions T1 and T2 is the same effect as either T1;T2 or T2;T1.
$500 Question from Transactions What is a serializable schedule?
$100 Answer from Specials You have this when one or more attributes of a class are characteristics of only some individuals of that class, but not of others.
$100 Question from Specials What is a subclass?
$200 Answer from Specials This is the process of designing subclasses from “top down”.
$200 Question from Specials What is specialization?
$300 Answer from Specials This is the UML notation to indicate that a class type really represents a collection of individual components.
$300 Question from Specials What is aggregation?
$400 Answer from Specials This is a stronger form of aggregation that indicates component instances cannot exist on their own without a parent.
$400 Question from Specials What is composition?
$500 Answer from Specials The subclass association line is labeled withthese. One example is “incomplete”. The subclass association line is labeled with these. One example is “incomplete”.
$500 Question from Specials What are specialization constraints?
$100 Answer from Domains Domains One goal of database developers is to provide this, part of which means insuring that the value entered in each field of a table is consistent with its attribute domain.
$100 Question from Domains Domains What is data integrity?
$200 Answer from Domains Domains Sometimes we can devise one of these to separate good from bad data.
$200 Question from Domains Domains What is a validation rule?
$300 Answer from Domains Domains Attribute domains that may be specified by a well-defined, reasonably-sized set of constant values are called this.
$300 Question from Domains Domains What are enumerated domains?
$400 Answer from Domains Domains This goal of database developers is to ensure that the value entered in each field of a table is consistent with its attribute domain.
$400 Question from Domains Domains What is data integrity?
$500 Answer from Domains Domains This type of association connects a single class type (serving in one role) to itself (serving in another role).
$500 Question from Domains Domains What is a recursive association?
$100 Answer from Normalization This is a process of applying a set of rules to your database design, mostly to achieve minimum redundancy in the data.
$100 Question from Normalization What is normalization?
$200 Answer from Normalization This normal form eliminates subkeys where the subkey is part of a composite primary key..
$200 Question from Normalization What is second normal form?
$300 Answer from Normalization This normal form eliminates subkeys where the subkey is not part of the primary key.
$300 Question from Normalization What is third normal form?
$400 Answer from Normalization This normal form eliminates multi- values attributes and repeated attributes.
$400 Question from Normalization What is first normal form?
$500 Answer from Normalization This form of normalization is only affected by relations with overlapping candidate keys.
$500 Question from Normalization What is Boyce Codd Normal Form?
Final DataBit Trivia This computer scientist developed the relational model database for IBM in the 1970s.
Final DataBit Who is Dr. E.F. Codd?