Tasks and selected results of the project „Ecosystem approach to marine spatial planning – Polish marine areas and the Natura 2000 network” Department of Ecology, Maritime Institute in Gdańsk Sopot, June 2008 L. Kruk-Dowgiałło, A. Osowiecki, P. Brzeska, R. Opioła, M. Błeńska
Areas of research
Methodology Sonar map of the Rowy boulder area (coastal waters Stilo-Ustka) Batymetric map of the Rowy boulder area (coastal waters Stilo-Ustka) Selection of sampling sites: based on habitats delineated by experts using sonar and bathimetric maps
Methodology Sampling of benthic flora and fauna: -scuba diver -DAK, van Veen grab -video and photo documentation -type of sediment -% vegetation cover Samples preservation: - benthic flora - frozen - benthic fauna - preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution Analyses: - qualitative - species composition - quantitative: flora - dw·g/m 2, fauna - ww·g/m 2, abundance DAK device for collecting biological samples
Baltic habitat classification Classification based on: Species composition Biomass Type of the sediment % vegetation cover Photos and video films
A Marine habitats Substrat e A5 Sublittoral sediment A3 Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata mobile non-mobile Characterised by macroalgae/1.9xSecchi d. A4 Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata No Yes A5.1 Sublittoral coarse sediment (gravel, coarse sand) A5.2 Sublittoral sand A5.3 Sublittoral mud A5.4 Sublittoral mixed sediments A5.5 Sublittoral macrophyte dominated sediment Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 A3.2 Moderate energy infralittoral rock A3.1 High energy infralittoral rock A3.3 Low energy infralittoral rock A4.2 Moderate energy circalittoral rock A4.1High energy circalittoral rock A4.3Low energy circalittoral rock Level 4 & 5 LIST OF POTENTIAL HABITAT TYPES Littoral A1 (rock) A2 (sediment) Yes EUNIS Habitat Classification
Results Puck Bay A5: Sublittoral sediment A5.2 – Sublittoral sand A5.3 – Sublittoral mud A5.4 – Sublittoral mixed sediments A5.5 – Sublittoral macrophyte-dominated sediment
Puck Bay A5: Sublittoral sediment A5.2 – Sublittoral sand A5.21 – Sublittoral sand sediment in low or reduced salinity A5.211 – Baltic level sandy bottoms of the infralittoral photic zone with little or no macrophyte vegetation
Puck Bay A5: Sublittoral sediment A5.2 – Sublittoral macrophyte-dominated sediment A5.54 – Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity A5.545 – Zostera beds in reduced salinity infralittoral sediments
Puck Bay A5: Sublittoral sediment A5.2 – Sublittoral macrophyte-dominated sediment A5.2x – Macroalgae communities in reduced salinity proposal A5.2xx – Chara baltica dominated sublittoral sediment proposal
Results Słupsk Bank boulder area A3 Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata A5 Sublittoral sediment
Słupsk Bank boulder area A3: Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata A.3?? Mytilus edulis and Furcellaria lumbricalis community - proposal A3.4 : Baltic exposed infralittoral rock A3.5 : Baltic moderately exposed infralittoral rock A3.6 : Baltic sheltered infralittoral rock Energy level need to be determined
A Marine habitats Substrat e A5 Sublittoral sediment A3 Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata mobile non-mobile Characterised by macroalgae/1.9xSecchi d. A4 Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata No Yes A5.1 Sublittoral coarse sediment (gravel, coarse sand) A5.2 Sublittoral sand A5.3 Sublittoral mud A5.4 Sublittoral mixed sediments A5.5 Sublittoral macrophyte dominated sediment Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 A3.2 Moderate energy infralittoral rock A3.1 High energy infralittoral rock A3.3 Low energy infralittoral rock A4.2 Moderate energy circalittoral rock A4.1High energy circalittoral rock A4.3Low energy circalittoral rock Level 4 & 5 LIST OF POTENTIAL HABITAT TYPES Littoral A1 (rock) A2 (sediment) Yes EUNIS Habitat Classification ?Offshore Infralittoral... ?Offshore Circalittoral...
Słupsk Bank boulder area A5: Sublittoral sediment A5.6 – Sublittoral biogenic reefs A5.62 – Sublittoral mussel beds on sediment? Biogenic reefs or mosaic sediments?
A Marine habitats Substrat e A5 Sublittoral sediment A3 Infralittoral rock and other hard substrata mobile non-mobile Characterised by macroalgae/1.9xSecchi d. A4 Circalittoral rock and other hard substrata No Yes A5.1 Sublittoral coarse sediment (gravel, coarse sand) A5.2 Sublittoral sand A5.3 Sublittoral mud A5.4 Sublittoral mixed sediments A5.5 Sublittoral macrophyte dominated sediment Level 3 → Level 2 → Level 1 → A3.2 Moderate energy infralittoral rock A3.1 High energy infralittoral rock A3.3 Low energy infralittoral rock ?Offshore Infralittoral... ?Offshore Circalittoral... A4.2 Moderate energy circalittoral rock A4.1High energy circalittoral rock A4.3Low energy circalittoral rock Level 4 & 5 → List of potential habitat types X32 ?? Mosaic of mobile and non-mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone X32.2 Moderate energy Mosaic of mobile and non- mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone X32.1 High energy Mosaic of mobile and non- mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone X32.3 Low energy Mosaic of mobile and non- mobile substrata in the infralittoral zone Littoral A1 (rock) A2 (sediment) Yes
Tasks to do for Department of Ecology (9%) Model for identifying the habitats of PMA in reference to EUNIS classification and the results of methodology studies. (9%) Developing maps of the coastal water habitats from Stilo to Ustka. Vector map of habitats. (10%) Determining the elements and processes that characterize habitats for biological and socioeconomic valorization. Methodology instructions.(18%)
Criteria of natural valuation of marine water areas ElementsCriteria Benthic flora presence of macrophytes (sandy or stony sediment) - biomass of each taxon (angosperms, macroalgae) Underwater meadows (habitats for fauna) - ratio of Angiosperms biomass to benthic flora biomass Presence of species used in restoration of degrated water areas - Ratio of protected/endangered species biomass to benthic flora biomass Trophy state - % biomass of Pilayella and Ectocarpus in total benthic flora biomass Benthic fauna Biomarkers Species richness/ diversity Abundance of oppurtunists Dominant species Community trophic structure
Problems to be disscussed 1.Energy levels in the Baltic Sea. 2.Adding new habitat classes to EUNIS classificaton: -mosaic sediments -offshore habitats, e.g. Słupsk Bank boulder 3. Criteria for natural valuation