Replace this text with a title Replace this text with author, date, or reference; or remove this text and leave this area blank.
User Instructions Add your category headings to the Jeopardy board (slide #3) Add your answers and questions to slides A1:1 through Q5:5 (X:Y stands for category X, item Y; A=answer; Q=question) Launch the show (use F5) and the title slide will show. One mouse-click or right arrow should take you to the Jeopardy board. Click on a number (like 100) to get to the Answer for that number; click again to get to the questions for that number; click the third time to get back to the Jeopardy Board Caveats: Running this from anything but the hard-drive will cause delays Sometimes it will take longer than expected for the mouse cursor to appear/re-appear, even running from the hard drive Once you have clicked on a number, you can also use the arrow keys to advance from the answer to the questions and back to the board. All slides except two are “hidden” so you can’t get to them by traditional means, only through the Jeopardy board. This version of the Jeopardy template uses custom shows and internal hyperlinks so don’t add slides or move the existing ones around or the infrastructure may no longer work. Points will turn blue once an item is selected. Close the presentation and re- launch it to recover the default yellow numbers.
Construction Notes This Jeopardy template is based on one found on the web at: It was modified to use custom shows and hidden slides, and so removed the necessity to move the mouse to a specific area on the question slide to return to the board. Each A & Q pair is one custom show; a board button links to each custom show, and uses the show and return feature. This version adds a note for each A & Q slide to let you know which slide you are on if you accidentally delete all the text on a slide. This version adds user instructions and these construction notes. It darkened the background blue to be more like the blue on TV Jeopardy, and darkened the “followed link” color so it would nearly disappear after a topic had been chosen. This one uses a different font--the san-serif font Trebuchet--so the words are easier to read on the screen. Because of all the extra infrastructure, this one is slower running. If you add a sixth category or a sixth point button, please be careful not to disturb the existing structure or you may get strange results. Be sure you link to the text on the button and not to the autoshape button itself. These modification were made by Clark Parsons:
Jeopardy Board Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading Category Heading
A1:1 Replace this text with an answer.
Q1:1 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A1:1
A1:2 Replace this text with an answer.
Q1:2 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A1:2
A1:3 Replace this text with an answer.
Q1:3 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A1:3
A1:4 Replace this text with an answer.
Q1:4 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:1
A1:5 Replace this text with an answer.
Q1:5 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A1:5
A2:1 Replace this text with an answer.
Q2:1 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A2:1
A2:2 Replace this text with an answer.
Q2:2 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A2:2
A2:3 Replace this text with an answer.
Q2:3 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A2:3
A2:4 Replace this text with an answer.
Q2:4 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A2:4
A2:5 Replace this text with an answer.
Q2:5 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A2:5
A3:1 Replace this text with an answer.
Q3:1 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A3:1
A3:2 Replace this text with an answer.
Q3:2 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A3:2
A3:3 Replace this text with an answer.
Q3:3 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A3:3
A3:4 Replace this text with an answer.
Q3:4 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A3:4
A3:5 Replace this text with an answer.
Q3:5 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A3:5
A4:1 Replace this text with an answer.
Q4:1 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:1
A4:2 Replace this text with an answer.
Q4:2 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:2
A4:3 Replace this text with an answer.
Q4:3 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:3
A4:4 Replace this text with an answer.
Q4:4 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:4
A4:5 Replace this text with an answer.
Q4:5 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A4:5
A5:1 Replace this text with an answer.
Q5:1 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A5:1
A5:2 Replace this text with an answer.
Q5:2 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A5:2
A5:3 Replace this text with an answer.
Q5:3 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A5:3
A5:4 Replace this text with an answer.
Q5:4 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A5:4
A5:5 Replace this text with an answer.
Q5:5 Replace this text with the question corresponding to A5:5