1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand ASIACOVER Socio- economic indicators and data Availability at sub-national level And potential for standarisation
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand ASIACOVER data sources Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Cambodia Thailand Vietnam
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand Secondary data sources assessment Differences in the ASIACOVER database at provincial/sub-regional level: Assessment in terms of definitions Comparability Distance from MDGs
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A1- General Economic Conditions Indicators of economic conditions are mostly unavailable at provincial level –Growth in GDP –Share of Agriculture in GDP –Growth in GNP per capita
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A2 – Demographic Structure Demographic structure indicators: do no have consistent age group classification n/a at provincial level for Myanmar
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A3 – Economic Activities Indicators of economic activities n/a for Malaysia Need economically active population (13+ years) by: –age –sex –sector (primary, secondary and tertiary)
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A4 – Education (Schooling) Ratio of Girls to Boys in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education: mostly available but only as “Gender enrolment gap” Ratio of Literate Females to Males Years Old: n/a for Cambodia, Myanmar and Malaysia
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A4 – Education (Literacy) Adult Literacy Rate 15 Years and Over (%) by gender: n/a for Malaysia Gross enrollment: definitions are not comparable across countries
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A5 – Health (child mortality, maternal health) Indicators not selected in original ASIACOVER list Indicators widely available in Health surveys Recommend inclusion of MDG indicators 13 & 14, 16 & 17 in ASIACOVER list
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A5 - Health Prevalence of people affected by malaria (1000 population): n/a for Myanmar Prevalence of households with access to safe drinking water: n/a for Malaysia. Health services availability in rural areas (n/a)
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand A5 - Health Need to adhere to UNAIDS/WHO recommendations ASIACOVER to liaise with UNAIDS/WHO for coverage Include the rest of MDG health indicators in the database –orphans –contraceptive prevalence
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand B1- Access to Natural Resources Forest land data: availability difficulties for Cambodia, Malaysia and Myanmar Average annual rate of deforestation: n/a for Myanmar and Thailand Area under protected management Conclusion: Inconsistent definitions (Owning vs. owned land; forest fires vs. destroyed area
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand B2 - Use of Natural Resources Arable land per capita: n/a for Thailand and Malaysia Holdings data: availability data from Ag. Census Irrigated land data: n/a for most countries (4/6) Conclusion: need for more in-depth analysis e.g. gender-disaggregated data and rural/urban differentiation ; liaise with CSO/Min.Ag.
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand B3 - Agriculture mechanization and inputs Equipment ownership data n/a for >1/2 of participating countries Data usually generated by agricultural census (10 year interval) Focal points will need to liaise with CSO/Min. Ag. For access to recent census data (when available)
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand B4 – Production (Agricultural Sector) Production in arable land by crop and land area: n/a for Malaysia Livestock production by size of holding: n/a for Myanmar Off-farm activities (production): n/a for any of the countries
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand C – Food Insecurity & Poverty Inconsistent definitions and methodologies Lack of indicators integrity The analysed data sources do not really meet the MDGs indicators homogeneity in definitions
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand C – Food Insecurity & Poverty Data not disaggregated by gender at provincial/ sub-regional level Possible to obtain gender disaggregated data only at national level
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand C – Food Insecurity & Poverty Poverty rate, poverty gap and Index of severity available for LAO PDR and Cambodia All three indicators missing for Malaysia and Myanmar Severity of Poverty indicator not available for Thailand and Vietnam
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand C – Food Insecurity & Poverty Dietary energy supply per capita: n/a for LAO PDR, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam Questionable sample size for Myanmar Percentage of undernourished population by sex and age (as a % of people food insecure) n/a in any of the countries
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand C – Food Insecurity & Poverty % Underweight (weight for age) - only for Malaysia, Myanmar and Cambodia but not gender-disaggregated % Stunting (height for age) - only for LAO PDR, Myanmar and Cambodia, not gender- disaggregated. % of undernourished children <5 years old by sex - n/a for Malaysia; inconsistency and non-homogeneity of definitions in rest of countries
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand Collecting and compiling data Provide accurate metadata : by Country & Data Category Provide information within a Metadata Dimension and Metadata Element(s) (data coverage, periodicity, timeliness, etc.) Key Concepts within Metadata Element(s) for one or more Countries and Data Categories
1-6 December 2003ASIACOVER Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand Data categorie s Core indicatorsEncouraged extension (s)PeriodicityTimeliness Socio-demographic data Populati on Population characteristics: size and composition of the population by standard enumeration units, derived from census, surveys, or vital registration system Dynamics of growth: vital statistics: births, deaths, and migration. Disaggregation of population and vital statistics data by age, sex, and geographic units Reporting of mortality rates, crude birth rate, fertility rate, and life expectancy Annual (Cen sus every ten years ) 3-6 months for annual update s; 9-12 months for Census Example