Morkoc, Strite, Gao, Lin, Sverdlov, Burns (U Illinois) Large band-gap SiC, III-V nitride, and II-VI ZnSe- based semiconductor device technologies Nakamura, Mukai, Senoh (Nichia) Candela-class high-brightness InGaN/alGaN double-heterostructure blue-light-emitting diodes Wilber (Biox Technology) Blood constituent measuring device and method New, Corenman (Nellcor Inc) Calibrated optical oximeter probe Pease, Bond, Crevelt, Holmes, Verne (IGT) Secure automated electronic casino gaming system Leonard, Krishnamurthy, Reaves, Denbaars, Petroff (UCSB) Direct formation of quantum-sized dots from uniform coherent islands of InGaAs on GaAs surfaces Amano, Sawaki, Akasaki, Toyoda (Nagoya U) MOVPE growth of a high-quality GaN film using an AlN buffer layer Villa-Real (Self) Programmable telephone system Casper, Lowrey (Micron Technology) Flat panel display with low-voltage row and column address signals Cullis, Canham, Calcott (U Sheffield) The structural and luminescence properties of p-Si
Tang, Vanslyke (Kodak) Organic electroluminescent diodes Burroughes, Bradley, Brown, Marks, Mackay, Friend, Burns, Holmes (U Cambridge) Light-emitting diodes based on conjugated polymers Braun, Heeger (UC Santa Barbara) Visible light emission from semiconducting polymer diodes Friend, Gymer, Holmes, Burroughes, Marks, Taliani, Bradley, Dos Santos, Bredas, Logdlund, Salaneck (U Cambridge) Electroluminescence in conjugated polymers Tang, Vanslyke, Chen (Kodak) Electroluminescence of doped organic thin films Tang (Kodak) Organic electroluminescent cell Tang, Chen, Goswami (Kodak) Electroluminescent device with modified thin film luminescent zone Vanslyke, Tang (Kodak) Organic electroluminescent devices having improved power conversion efficiencies Friend, Burroughes, Bradley (Cambridge Research & Innovation) Electroluminescent devices Vanslyke, Tang, Roberts (Kodak) Electroluminescent device with organic luminescent medium
Journal article and patent counts by 4-year periods (e.g , ) for LEDs and OLEDs.
OLED dataset
Maps of the SSL scientific literature. Level-3 clusters with level-4 assignments and a stylized version of the level-4 map (inset). Sizes of clusters in the stylized map reflect relative numbers of papers in each cluster. 35 A A2 A3 B2 B C2 A C1 A5 A6 A7 A1: GaAs, InP (22%) B1: Carrier Dynamics (4%) A2: Se, Te, Mn, Fe (11%) A7: Si, SiO 2 (9%) A3: GaN (10%) A6: Organics (23%) A5: S, Se (7%) C1: HMVR Instrumentation (1%) B2: Quantum Wires/Dots (5%) A4: ZnO (2%) C2: Sensors, Phototherapy, Optics (4%) Increasing electron and hole localization
Performance and trends in the scientific literature by country in the 11 level-4 groupings.
A1: GaAs, InP B1: Carrier Dynamics A2: Se, Te, Mn, Fe A7: Si, SiO 2 A3: GaN A6: Organics A5: S, Se C1: HMVR Instrumentation B2: Quantum Wires/Dots A4: ZnO C2: Sensors, Phototherapy, Optics Spintronics Nanophosphors AlGaN UV LEDs Nanowires Polyfluorenes Electro- phosphorescence Heat mapping according to: Actual citations / Expected citations LOWHIGH Ratio < > 3.0 Distribution and impact of recent topics (level-2 clusters) on the stylized map of the SSL scientific literature. Sizes of clusters in the stylized map reflect relative numbers of papers in each cluster.
Maps of SSL patents. Level-3 clusters with level-4 assignments and a stylized version of the level-4 map (insert). Sizes of clusters in the stylized map reflect relative numbers of patents in each cluster D1 D3 E4 D2 E2 F1 F2 F3 E3 E1 62 D1: OLEDs (18%) D2: LEDs & Optics (11%) D3: LEDs & Heterostructures (8%) E1: Linear Arrays (5%) E2: Switches, Indicators (5%) E3: Indicators, Scanners (8%) E4: Sensors (4%) F1: Backlights, Panels, Phosphors (15%) F3: Lamps, Controls (19%) F2: Portable Lights (6%) Chips to Systems to Apps Organics Inorganics
Performance and trends in the patent literature by country in the 10 level-4 groupings.
Distribution and impact of recent topics (level-2 clusters) on the stylized map of the SSL patent literature. Sizes of clusters in the stylized map reflect relative numbers of patents in each cluster. D1: OLEDs D2: LEDs & Optics D3: LEDs & Heterostructures E1: Linear Arrays E2: Switches, Indicators E3: Indicators, Scanners E4: Sensors F1: Backlights, Panels, Phosphors F3: Lamps, Controls F2: Portable Lights Phosphor-converted LEDs Photocuring and phototherapy LED retrofitting lamps Ornamental LED packages Ink-jet printed OLEDs Heat mapping according to: Actual citations / Expected citations LOWHIGH Ratio < > 3.0 Heat mapping according to: Actual citations / Expected citations LOWHIGH Ratio < > 3.0 Active- matrix displays Multicolor OLEDs Thermal transfer for OLED fabrication OLED encapsulation
Not used
Age distribution of level-2 clusters for scientific literature and patents.
Boolean Search Phrase: SSL = S 1 OR S 2 OR S 3 OR S 4 OR S 5 OR S 6 OR S 7 lum* semic* copolym* OR polym* OR organic OR “II-VI” OR “III-V” OR “III-nitride” OR “gallium nitride” OR “GaN” light emi* “active layer” OR “active region” OR “clad layer” OR “cladding layer” OR “well layer” OR epit* OR hetero* OR “pn junction” OR “II-VI” OR “III-V” OR “III-nitride” OR “gallium nitride” OR “GaN” “plasma” OR “noble gas” OR fluoresce* layer* OR copolym* OR polym* OR organic OR diode* OR semi* “an” OR “HB” OR “white” OR “UV” OR “blue” OR “green” OR “amber” OR “red” LED array* OR dev* OR display* OR element* “semiconductor light source” OR (solid state light*) “EL” dev* OR display* OR “element” OR “elements” OR lamp* OR panel* OR phosphor* “LEDs” OR OLED* OR (“a LED” NOT (“led to” OR “led from”)) electrolum* OR electrophos* S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 S5S5 S6S6 S7S7
oled* OR polym* OR monom* O = OR ligand OR hydroxy OR macromol* OR (organic metalorganic) Partitioning the Dataset by Materials SSL Organic = SSL AND Organic SSL Inorganic = SSL NOT Organic SSL