Dynamic Modelling Requirements for Users David Cashman Grid Code Review Panel 20 th February 2013
Motivation Current Grid Code specifications for Dynamic models are outdated and unbalanced: –Different standards for Conventional Generators, WFPS, Interconnectors Increase in range of studies performed and software utilised by TSO: –PSS/e, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, DSA Tools Variation in technologies included in model: –Conventional: Governors, Exciters, PSS, OEL and UEL protection –WFPS: Full Converter, DFIG, Control Systems –HVDC: LCC, VSC, Control systems
Approach Taken Standardise requirements of models for all Users of the system irrespective of technology type Planning Code Appendix updated to cover data and modelling specifications for all users Define a standard Confidentiality Arrangement between the TSO and the Users Bring requirements closer to SONIs Wind Farm Setting Schedule
Modelling Requirements for Users GC Modification Updated sections PC.A4-6 for data specifications for Generators, WFPS, Interconnectors Text drafted to be inserted in the Grid Code as PC.A8 to define improved modelling requirements for all Users Dynamic Models Specification for Users Supplementary document to be placed on TSO website. Text outlines usability guidelines and software versions. EirGrid Confidentiality Agreement Confidentiality Agreement the TSO will enter with the User if models are commercially sensitive Overview of Documents
Main Updates to Data Specifications PC.A4: for Generators mostly remains unchanged – one new section on Mechanical data – where appropriate and justified PC.A5: New section for Controllable WFPS –Based on existing requirements in PC.A4.10 –Parameters of WTGs and Controllable WFPS required including electrical, aerodynamic, control and protection systems required –Harmonic and Short-Circuit Contribution of Controllable WFPS at Connection Point PC.A6: for Interconnectors some changes to data requirements PC.A7: for Demand Side Units unchanged PC.A8: Dynamic Model Requirements for Users
Main Updates to Model Requirements Users shall provide models for RMS and where required EMT simulation Software packages required are defined: –Siemens PSS/e, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, DSA Tools TSAT Source Code of models to be provided Black box models are unacceptable Sample cases of model to be provided demonstrating the correct functionality of the model
Confidentiality Agreement The requirement is on the User to provide a model suitable for representing its plant The TSO will enter a standardised NDA with Users where models are commercially sensitive TSO required to share models with other TSOs, DSOs and third parties to perform duties The TSO will agree to directly interact with the OEM in relation to models provided the OEM enters NDA Ad-hoc NDAs with OEMs for specific plants will not be accepted