Giuseppe Ghiani, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, Lucio Davide Spano {giuseppe.ghiani, fabio.paterno, carmen.santoro, CNR-ISTI, HIIS Laboratory, Via G. Moruzzi Pisa, Italy
Adaptation of SFE Systematic approach for the adaptation problem Tasks Sense the context Reason about the sensed data for identifying the situation Select the most appropriate actions Execute them Very different aspects to be considered Adaptation architecture Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation
Architecture Components Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation UI Definition Rules Rule Interpreter Context Manager Platform 1 Adapter Platform 1 Generator Platform 1 SFE Platform 2 Adapter Platform 2 Generator Platform 2 SFE Platform n Adapter Platform n Generator Platform n SFE Entity Description … CD
Design Time Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation UI Definition Rules Rule Interpreter Context Manager Platform 1 Adapter Platform 1 Generator Platform 1 SFE Platform 2 Adapter Platform 2 Generator Platform 2 SFE Platform n Adapter Platform n Generator Platform n SFE Entity Description … CD
Run Time Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation UI Definition Rules Rule Interpreter Context Manager Platform 1 Adapter Platform 1 Generator Platform 1 SFE Platform 2 Adapter Platform 2 Generator Platform 2 SFE Platform n Adapter Platform n Generator Platform n SFE Entity Description … CD
ASFE-DL Abstract UI Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation
ASFE-DL Concrete Desktop UI Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation
Concrete Interactors: Edit
Concrete Interactors: Only Output
Concrete Relations
AAL-DL Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation
Context Management Language Context to be sensed in real time Different Context Delegates provide data Context Manager collects data from different delegates Different operations Insert a context entity Query an entity Query all entities Update an entity Delete an entity Reset an entity Subscribe for an entity update Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation
Conclusion Adaptation Architecture Different modules for managing different aspects Design Time Initial Application Configuration Rule Language Definition of the adaptation logic Context Management Language Different implementations of sensing delegate Different shared managers for Context sensing Adaptation decisions Lucio Davide SpanoA Set of Languages for Context-Aware Adaptation