Gold Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Silver Sponsors Taking SharePoint to the Cloud Aaron Saikovski Readify – Software Solution Specialist
Agenda About me SharePoint Cloud Story SharePoint Reference Architectures SharePoint Cloud Options Demos
About Me
SharePoint Cloud Story
Scale up/down as demand grows/shrinks It must be secure and supported Simply consume the service Easily manage costs, pay for what I use Running latest versions Backups aren’t my problem 99.9% uptime It just works Single Sign on Easy to understand SLAs And many more… Cloud Goals
SharePoint is now “Cloud” ready Scale up/out/down – elasticity 99.9% uptime is achievable Office365 Vs. Azure Vs. AWS Vs. Private cloud SaaS Vs. IaaS SharePoint roles/tiers suit cloud deployments Patching is still fun Plan -> Test -> Deploy -> Stabilise -> Go Live..Faster SharePoint Cloud Story
SharePoint Reference Architectures
WFE (query, request manager) Application servers: Central Administration Search component Application services SQL Server: Central Administration Config databases Content databases Search databases SharePoint Architecture (Quick Review) Don’t forget Office Web Apps needs its own farm!!
Highly Available SharePoint Farm (Sample)
Azure IaaS SharePoint Reference Architecture 2 Windows Virtual Machines for Active Directory 2 SQL Server VMs 1 Windows VM for Quorum 2 SharePoint Application Servers 2 SharePoint Web Servers Source:
AWS SharePoint Reference Architecture
AD Sync Prov. SCOM ULS SPDiag WER DNS SMTP Admin Backup SharePoint Architecture – Office365 Content: WFE App Server Crawl WFE CA Timer Jobs Sandbox Federated Services: Fed App Fed Query Fed CA Fed Idx SQL: SQL AD Directory: Stamp 1: Content: Federated Services: SQL: WFE App Server Crawl WFE CA Timer Jobs Sandbox Fed App Fed Query Fed CA Fed Idx SQL AD Directory: Stamp 2..N: Network 1..N: NLB Datacenter 1..N: Content: Federated Services: SQL: WFE App Server Crawl WFE CA Timer Jobs Sandbox Fed App Fed Query Fed CA Fed Idx SQL AD Directory: Stamp 1: Content: Federated Services: SQL: WFE App Server Crawl WFE CA Timer Jobs Sandbox Fed App Fed Query Fed CA Fed Idx SQL AD Directory: Stamp 2..N: Network 1..N: AD Sync Prov. SCOM ULS SPDiag WER DNS SMTP Admin Backup NLB Disaster Recovery Datacenter 1..N: Grid Manager Global Directory Tenant Admin (UI) Commerce backend DNS (multiple) OrgID Auth, Svc. Incident Management Azure (Windows/SQL) CDN Services Network 1 Datacenter 1 Example: Scalable
InternetMicrosoft data center Intranet Customer network User profile storeSite collection Secure store Search service Active Directory Microsoft Online Directory Service Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Perimeter network Firewall Active Directory Federation Services Client-side object model pipeline Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Directory synchronization Server-to-server trust Windows Azure Active Directory Access Control Services Hybrid SharePoint Cloud
SharePoint Cloud Options
You own and run the farm i.e. patching etc. Can take time to build environment(s) Usually pre-built for you Rackspace etc. can run this for you Must plan for HA/DR (RPO, RTO) Single or Multiple datacentres Check SLAs (99.9%?) Requires dedicated staff – ongoing maintenance Run full trust code, timer jobs etc SharePoint On-Prem/Private Cloud
SharePoint IaaS (Azure or AWS) Plan and build the environment – PowerShell AWS is in Aust. Azure coming 2014! You own and run the farm..patching etc. HA/DR – Set Azure Region/AWS Availability Zone Pay for what you use - VM size, storage, network etc Usually 99.9% uptime if more than 1 VM per zone Similar to hosted model but you have more control PAYG Utility computing Pretty much do anything you want Full trust code, timer jobs, patching
SharePoint on AWS (Amazon EC2) Start with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Provision preconfigured Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) within Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Use Cloud Formation to speed up deployment Suggested AMIs for SharePoint 2013: WFE - m3.xlarge (4 cores, 15GB RAM, 2x40 SSD) App - m3.xlarge (4 cores, 15GB RAM, 2x40 SSD) SQL- c3.2xlarge (8 cores, 15GB RAM, 2x80 SSD) ADDS-m3.large (2 cores, 7.5GB RAM, 1x32 SSD) Source:
SharePoint on Microsoft Azure (IaaS) Provision VMs Active Directory SQL Server 2012 SharePoint 2013 Provision multiple VMs for HA PowerShell to automate deployments Suggested VMs for SharePoint 2013: WFE - A4 (8 cores, 14GB RAM, OS 127GB, Temp 20GB) App - A4 (8 cores, 14GB RAM, OS 127GB, Temp 20GB) SQL - A6 (4 cores, 28GB RAM, OS 127GB, Temp 20GB) ADDS- A2 (2 cores, 3.5GB RAM, OS 127GB, Temp 20GB)
SharePoint Online (SaaS) Choose where to provision the O365 tenant DirSync and ADFS required for Single Sign On Nothing to patch, run or maintain! 99.9% uptime Virtually unlimited storage <1TB per Site Collection <1TB OneDrive for Business No server side or full trust code allowed!! Easy to maintain and manage Limited PowerShell support (Get-SPOSite etc) Reference: limits-HA aspx
SharePoint Online/Hybrid When you need to maintain an on-premises environment for security reasons Main use cases: Hybrid Search SAP/Duet (Must be Hybrid) Line Of Business Systems Useful for the “data sovereignty” conversation Can use Azure or AWS for “on premises”
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