Shevington High School Standards
Uniform All students are expected to be in FULL Shevington High School uniform whilst inside the building. This includes ties worn properly, blazers worn, shirts tucked, top buttons fastened and shoes on.
Students are expected to wear plain black shoes with a flat heel. No trainers No Pumps No Boots No Sandals No Canvas Style Shoes
Any pupil wearing inappropriate footwear will work separately
Uniform Any pupils arriving at school wearing jeans, be they blue or black, will not be allowed to attend lessons, but will work separately Jewellery is not permitted and failure to remove jewellery may lead to C5 detention for being in defiance of school rules. Make-up is not permitted. Any student wearing nail varnish, acrylic nails will be asked to remove it before going to lessons Any pupil arriving at school with hair that has been dyed an unnatural extreme colour or dip dyed will work separately. Pupil are not allowed unprofessional hairstyles this includes markings cut into hair or very short hair (number 1). Any pupil arriving at school with an inappropriate hair style will work separately. Outdoor coats must be taken off inside the school building.
You Must Carry a Bag Big enough to carry an A4 folder and your PE Kit
Equipment Black Pen, ruler, pencil, calculator, planner
Mobile Phones We understand that students may wish to use their mobile phones on their way to and from school, during break times and lunch times but these must be switched off and in bags by the time they reach class. If any student has a mobile phone or music device switched on or visible in a lesson they will be issued a C2. Mobile phones and earphones must not be used on school corridors. A second warning will result in a device being confiscated. The first time a phone is confiscated the item will be retained at reception for a student to collect. The second time a phone is confiscated the item will need to be collected by a parent The next time a mobile phone is confiscated it will be held until a meeting between parent/carer, student and progress leader or pastoral tutor can be arranged.
Rewards R11 point for attending a lesson R2Verbal Praise R3Green Slip & 1 point-draw each week for a lunch voucher R4Post card home- from class teacher R5Gift Voucher for attendance-Mrs rice R6Progress leader-termly trips, from breakfast, cafe lunch, R7Senior teachers awards
Sanctions Consequences C1Verbal warning C2Verbal warning and removal of points C320 minute catch up detention C4Removal from class, SML Tuesday night 1 hour detention C5Progress leader detention Thursday night C6Senior teachers detention Friday night C7Internal exclusion C8Fixed exclusion C9respite C10Permanent exclusion