The development and application of the A4 game for Teaching POM courses Hongyi Sun Department of MEEM Teaching/Research: Engineering management Creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship Team work and communication
Background & problem HK students shy away from POM POM is complicated with technical issues Far from reality: no labs for POM IT simulation: virtual not reality Can only visit, but no chance to practice, Management Game Fewer POM games: >1000s vs <100 A few POM very complicated
Expected delivery: A simple, physical, cheap A4 game for MRP, JIT A simple game Cheaper physical process (paper work) Environmental friendly (A4 paper) Student involvement HANDS-On experience in a physical environment for the purpose of practice
The design of A4 game
Self-assessment (a GE xxxx, Teamwork and Communication) Student assessment Quantitative survey Qualitative comments Peer review in paper to conference/journal Analysis of all feedback and further development: future projects
Future impact: Learning by involvement Tell me and I will forget (50%) Show me and I will remember (50%) Involve me and I will understand Step back and I will act 学而时习之,不亦说乎? 告诉我,我会忘记; 演示给我,我可能会记住; 但让我参与其中,我就会理解了。 老师让开,我来行动!
Homunculus ( 身体对大脑的感知比例) 六根 Senses 六种感觉 眼 eyes 视觉 耳 ear 听觉 鼻 nose 嗅觉 口 mouth 味觉 身 body 触觉 意 mind 知觉
Future impact: Involve students by games Action-based Learning by involved in games Principle participation practice (lecturing) (games) (Game, discussions) Team work communication Ownership Decision making Hands-on experience
Future expectation/plan ERG: supporting longer and larger projects Professional education: SES Report 2010 Training for a specific job/profession, 4.29 /7 Discussed your career plans and ambitions with a lecturer/tutor 1.87 / 4 Research Question: Does our professional education really influence professional intention of our students?
An empirical research on the impact of education on entrepreneurial intention TPB What (CILO) Why (objective) Who (role model) How (TLA) Entrepreneurial intention (EI) of students Self-interest Social norm Self-efficacy Figure 1 A conceptual model linking GE, OBTL and EI by TPB GE 2304 Planned Behavior Theory (PBT) Implications for teaching GE 2304