5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting CLUSTERPLAST Kick-Off Meeting
Proplast Created in 1998 by 4 big groups operating in the plastic sector (Bayer, M&G, Basell, Guala Group) Born to develop and PROmote the PLASTic culture, at the beginning mainly through training activities Now Consortium of companies and universities 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Members 113 enterprises 1.Compounds and polymers producers (12) 2.Plastic processing companies (49) 3.Machinery and other devices (19 4.Instruments, tools and software (11) 5.Labs, research centers, others (22) 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Members 8 industrial associations 1.API Alessandria 2.UNIONPLAST 3.PlasticsEurope Italia (FEDERCHIMICA) 4.TMP (Italian association plastic materials technicians) 5.UCISAP 6.UNIONE INDUSTRIALE DI ALESSANDRIA 7.UNIONE INDUSTRIALE DI REGGIO EMILIA 8.Society of Plastics Engineering Italia (SPE) 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Members 3 foundations and public bodies 1.Alessandria Municipality 2.Alessandria Province 3.Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Alessandria – Bank foundation 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Members 12 universities 1.Politecnico di Torino 2.Università Piemonte Orientale 3.Università di Genova 4.Università di Pisa 5.Università di Palermo 6.Università di Salerno 7.Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 8.Università di Messina 9.ICIMSI Supsi (Svizzera) 10.Università di Milano 11.Università di Camerino 12.Università di Brescia 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting 136 members
Our services (1) 1.HR services Training activities (all levels) Plastic processing degree (Politecnico of Torino - 30 students/year) CAD-CAM and design experts parts and molds (15 students/year) Master in polymer sciences and tecnology (15 students/year) Company training Seminars and congresses Recruitment services Recruitment Organisation of stages and thesis (in Italy and abroad) Tech. Competences evaluation and mapping Continous training programs Talent management 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Our services (2) 1.Technical services Product design (co-design – rapid prototyping) Process design - LCA LCE Process optimisation and technical support Materials - manufact testing (characterisation) Material selection Material optimisation (compounding) Packaging tests (material characterization and processing) 2.Scientific consultancy: polymer optimisation, new compounds, applied research (nanocomposites, biopolymers etc) 3.Others: patenting, marketing, aesthetic design, communication, 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
The local network 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting PROVINCEENTERPRISES%PERSONNEL% Torino76757% % Vercelli383%5312% Biella282%4862% Verbano-Cusio- Ossola 322%2561% Novara1048%16515% Cuneo12910%331011% Asti846%10814% Alessandria16512%325311% TOTAL % %
The international network 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
Project expectations to improve sinergies beetween the various involved Regions - networking to improve mutual solutions/strategies for some practical actions to be developped (training activities, mentoring etc) 5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting
5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting Project expectations Regional strategy: Alessandria Region -> Piedmont Region -> ALPMED Region -> Eu Region –Enforce the action of PROPLAST as a R&D body recognised at Eu level –Enforce the actions of the Innovative material Pole (Piedmont regional pole centered in Alessandria)
5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting Project expectations Plastic convertor industry evolution in your region: –Allow Proplast members (SMEs) to enter into a specialised EU network of customer/suppliers/R&D bodies –Easily build partnerships for R&D funded projects (Eu calls, Manunet, Interreg, etc)
5-6 February 2009WP Presentation-CLUSTERPLAST KO Meeting Project expectations Research infrastructures and priorities: –Exchange of experiences, knowledge and know-how –Phd mobility –Training activities (master courses) –Eu R&D project building – reciprocal involvement