Spieltheorie II SS 2005 Avner Shaked
Game Theory II SS 2005 Avner Shaked
Game Theory II K. Binmore Fun & Games A Text on Game Theory D.C. Heath & Co., 1992
Game Theory II M. Osborne & A. Rubinstein Bargaining and Markets Academic Press, 1990
Game Theory II K. Binmore Fun & Games A Text on Game Theory D.C. Heath & Co., 1992 M. Osborne & A. Rubinstein Bargaining and Markets Academic Press, 1990
Nash Bargaining Theory Nash Verhandlungstheorie A Bargaining Problem S - a feasible set d - a disagreement point John Nash
Nash Bargaining Theory u2 u1 S
Nash Bargaining Theory bounded u2 u1 S closed
Nash Bargaining Theory u2 u1 S B A
Nash Bargaining Theory u2 u1 S d
Nash Bargaining Theory u2 u1 S d
Nash Bargaining Theory A Nash Bargaining Solution is a function u2 u1 S d
Nash Bargaining Theory A Nash Bargaining Solution is a function u2 u1 S d
Axioms A1-A4 A1 (Pareto) d S A2 (Symmetry)
A3 (Invariance to affine transformation) Axioms A1-A4 A3 (Invariance to affine transformation) A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA)
A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA) Axioms A1-A4 A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA) u2 u1 d
A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA) Axioms A1-A4 A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA) Gives f(T,d) a flavour of maximum IIA is violated when Pasta Fish Meat