DISTANCE AND MEASUREMENT Prepared by Selçuk NAS This presentation is required office XP
x x + y y = 1852 , 3 m. 2 x y 1 nautical miles = 1852,3 m. 6076 feet Ellipse which is tangent at the Pole 1’ x X= 6108 feet Y= 6046 feet x + y 2 = 1852 , 3 m. 1 nautical miles = 1852,3 m. 6076 feet 1’ y x y Ellipse which is tangent at the Equator
Stop it 100 on equator = 10 x 60’ = 600’ = 600 Nautical Miles 100
DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY MARITIME BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF DECK Mercator Projection Imagine wrapping a sheet of paper around the earth, with a light bulb in the center to project the image of the earth’s surface. Unwrap the paper, and you have a mercator projection chart. SELÇUK NAS 1 1
Great Circle - A circle formed on the surface of DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY MARITIME BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF DECK Great Circle - A circle formed on the surface of the earth by the intersection of a plane passing through the center of the earth, thereby dividing the earth into two equal parts. 1 1
Composite Track 2495 NM Rhumb Line 2730 NM Great Circle Route San Diego Great Circle Route Rhumb Line 2730 NM Oahu, HI
1 Deniz Mili (Nautical Miles): 1852,3 metre. 1 Deniz Mili : 2000 yarda (Yards) 1 Deniz Mili : 10 gomina (Cables) 1 Fit (Feet) : 30,48 cm. 1 Fit : 12 İnç (Inch) 1 İnç (Inch) : 2,54 cm. 1 Kulaç (Fathom) : 183 cm. 1 Kulaç : 6 Fit
X ( NM.) = 1,17 { Y (feet) + Z (feet) } Geographical Range X Z Y X ( NM.) = 1,17 { Y (feet) + Z (feet) }
THIS PRESENTATION WAS PREPARED BY SELÇUK NAS E MAIL : snas@deu.edu.tr Mobile Phone : 0 532 331 51 31 Phone : 0 90 232 278 22 30 Address : Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Deniz Isletmeciligi ve Yonetimi Yuksekokulu, Kaynaklar Yerleskesi, Buca, Izmir, TURKEY You can use all my product where ever you want.