A Letter from The Japan Batch Forum Issued date 16 May 2004 URL: JBF published S88 Tutorial Book for End Users About Japan Batch Forum (JBF) The JBF is a research and study group in Japan. The JBF has reorganized as a standing committee since The JBF was originated as a workshop in the Process System Engineering 143 (PSE143) committee in The PSE143 is a committee of university- industry cooperative research committees in the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) since its establishment in 1932 as a non-profit foundation. In April 2003, the JBF has switched to current board members. The JBF has been challenging on 3 core categories. 1.To prevail S88 by the tutorial book and the lecture course 2.To focus the trend of S88 and S95 with the collaboration with International committees 3.To study the Batch technology Currently the total number of members are 50, they come from various fields; end users, vendors, system integrators and academics. We have been holding the plenary meeting 4 times a year, and we also have three working groups for specified issues. Some Working Group (WG) hold meetings every month. We’ve published a 44- page, A4 size S88 tutorial book written in Japanese in the end of March, This project has been started in the beginning of At first, we had made an abridged translation by the JBF board members, but several phrases did not fit engineering practice in Japan, so we’ve abandoned this way. The right kind of book, it was very difficult to decide. Finally, we’ve determined to publish enlightening book, that is based on how to apply the idea of the S88. This tutorial book is useful not only to batch novices but also engineers in other fields, students and researchers. We believe, the S88 concept is useful in every variable product manufacturer. This book was used as a textbook of a class room in an famous auto-parts manufacturer already.
MEXT : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology JBF : Japan Batch Forum JSPS : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science PSE143: Process System Engineering Research 143 committee WS25 : Workshop 25 WG : Workgroup WG1WG2WG3 JBF Japan Batch Forum WS25 Benchmarking in the Process manufacturing PSE143 Prof.Onogi Nagoya University JSPS M. Ono Organization of the Japan Batch Forum (JBF) since Oct.2003 MEXT S88 and S95 research with IEC-WG Performance and plan since 2003 Conference 16 Nov.2003 At the Measurement and Control Show 2003 Tokyo 15:00-17:00 The present and future of Batch system A.Sugiura (JBF) 40min For the better design of batch systems N.Wakiyama (JBF:Yokogawa) 40min For the better design of batch systems H.Tanaka (JBF:Yamatake) 40min Plenary Meeting 12 Apr th meeting GIMA (Generic Information Model-Application) and application to the Batch Simulation by AIE research Dr.Ishikawa 16 Jan th meeting An approach to the business modeling by Jeel Mr.Matsumoto How to coordinate Enterprise strategy and IT strategy by Hitachi Mr.Yoshida 15 Oct th meeting Morinaga Milk Tama-site study tour Four facilities are in this site. 10 Oct 2003 PSE143 meeting Activity report of JBF and WG1,2,3 at the plenary meeting of the PSE Jun th meeting Automatic Generator of the control recipe to the master recipe by Tokyo Institute of Technology Dr. Aoyama and Dr. Gabbar Integrated environment of Batch Batch implement research Chairman Mr.A.Sugiura Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. Vice-Chairman and GM of the WGs Dr. T.Fuchino Tokyo Institute of Technology Co-Vice-Chairman Mr.K. Kawano Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. Secretary Dr.T.Kitajima Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Technology [People]