Graphic Expression and Communication Unit 7 Technologies 1st ESO – IES Poeta Julián Andúgar Antonio Ruiz Hernández
Graphic Expression We have to distinguish between: Artistic drawing No rules Express feelings and emotions Technical drawing International standards (rules) Transmit ideas – Represent objects
Graphic Expression Aims of graphic expression in Technology: 1. To design objects or organise ideas 2. To show our ideas to other people 3. To make our designs attractive
Graphic Materials Pencil. They have a wooden case with a lead inside made of graphite and clay. +
Graphic Materials: Pencil There are two types of pencil: H and B. Hard pencils (H) Thin lines Technical drawing Soft pencils (B) Thick lines Artistic drawing Intermediate
Graphic Materials: Paper Paper can be classified by size, weight and finish. Depending on the size we distinguish different formats: Starting with DIN-A0 (Deustche Industrienorm): 84.1 cm cm A5 A1 A2 A3 A4
Graphic Materials: Paper Depending on the weight the paper is thicker or thinner. Depending on the finish we distinguish: Rough paper Smooth paper Shiny paper
Drawing tools Ruler. We use it to measure the length of a segment. Protractor. We use it to measure and draw angles.
Drawing tools Set square. For drawing parallel and perpendicular lines. They come in two shapes: Right-angled isosceles triangle. Right-angled scalene triangle
Drawing tools Compasses. Two connected arms, one with a sharp metal point and the other with a lead. It is used to draw circles and arcs.
Sketch, Diagram and Technical Drawing Sketch. Freehand. Shows first idea of the object. Diagram. Freehand. Gives more specific information: measurements, materials,… Technical drawing: Same information as a diagram, but using drawing tools (ruler, set squares, compasses,… or a computer) SketchDiagramTechnical Drawing
Scales Definition. We use the scales to fit the objects on the drawing surface (paper). There are 3 types of scales: Full Scale. We draw the life-size object. (S = 1:1). Scale to reduce. To draw objects bigger than the paper. (S = 1:X). Examples: S=1:2, S=1:10… Scale to reduce Scale to enlarge. (S = X:1). Examples: S=2:1, S=5:1,… Scale to enlarge
Dimensions Definition. We use dimensions to indicate the measurements of an object.dimensions Dimension rules 1 st. Normally dimensions are expressed in milimeters. If not, we have to indicate the units. 2 nd. Don’t duplicate the information (only draw the necessary dimensions). 3 rd. Draw the dimension centered above the dimension line. If it is vertical, draw it on the left. 4 th. Don’t use parts of the piece as auxiliary dimension lines. 5 th. If possible, no line should cross any dimension line
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