Civil Rights Movement P4 Identify the key belief of each Civil Rights activist and evaluate if their strategy had merit? –Malcolm X –Stokely Carmichael –Black Panthers
By the 1960’s some people felt the Civil Rights movement was taking too long and too many people were getting hurt, and some wanted to take a more radical, confrontational, violent route Urban Violence- countless riots lead to discontented civil rights advocates and activistsUrban Violence- countless riots lead to discontented civil rights advocates and activists –Ex. Watts Riots-(1965)- white policemen arrest a young African American for drunk driving, cop would not allow brother to drive car home -6 day riot, 34 dead, 3,500 arrests, 900 injured, $30 million destroyed-6 day riot, 34 dead, 3,500 arrests, 900 injured, $30 million destroyed Outcome- even more race riots in 100+ cities, and new leaders emergeOutcome- even more race riots in 100+ cities, and new leaders emerge –Even though LA does not have segregation like the South, what problems would Af/Ams in the north have to deal with and want solved?
Malcolm X- born Malcolm Little, jailed at 20yrs old for burglary, turned to the Muslim Faith called The Nation of Islam Analyze why some Af/Ams moved away from Christianity and were attracted to Islam? Ideas- 1) whites were the cause of black's problems, so blacks should live separately from whites and take care of themselves (not rely on whites to help blacks) –2) Blacks have a right to self defense if attacked by whites How are whites and moderate Christian Af/Ams like MLK going to respond to Malcolm X’s message? –Malcolm X frightened whites and moderate blacks
–Malcolm X’s popularity nationally caused resentment in the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X was close friends with and helped convert Muhammud Ali and Kareem Abdul Jabbar to Islam) –Outcome- his race philosophy changes when he makes a Hajj to Mecca and he starts to accept racial equality and peaceful protest Leaves the Nation of Islam and starts preaching racial solidarity (assassinated by the Nation of Islam) Imagine how the Civil Rights movement could have been different if Malcolm X had lived and been around to after MLK was assassinated
Black Power- a new generation of Af/Ams embrace their racial difference as a positive and grow their hair long, celebrate African roots, and demand African/Americans studies at Universities Stokely Carmichael- leader of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Ideas: coined the phrase Black Power after being arrested during the – March Against Fear- 220 mile solitary march led by J. Meredith who was shot by a white man 1 st day but lived –Carmichael (SNCC), MLK (SCLC), and McKiss (CORE) finished march with different tactics (confrontational vs. nonviolent) Outcome- Carmichael arrested and beaten but becomes a grassroots hero because he wants the Civil Rights movement to become more confrontational and more black (leave whites out of the movement)Outcome- Carmichael arrested and beaten but becomes a grassroots hero because he wants the Civil Rights movement to become more confrontational and more black (leave whites out of the movement) –Should whites be apart of the Civil Rights movement?
Black Panther Party BPP- started in 1965 in Oakland, Ca Why do you think the Civil Rights movement has moved to CA where there is no segregation? Leaders- Huey P Newton & Bobby Seale Ideas- empower blacks to stand up against police brutality + take control of the community, also preached armed revolt (openly carried guns as a 2 nd Amendment right)Leaders- Huey P Newton & Bobby Seale Ideas- empower blacks to stand up against police brutality + take control of the community, also preached armed revolt (openly carried guns as a 2 nd Amendment right) –Evaluate if you feel that the BPP has the right to carry guns and confront the police? Started Charity Work like breakfast programs, day care, and other servicesStarted Charity Work like breakfast programs, day care, and other services Style- black Berets, leather jackets, sunglassesStyle- black Berets, leather jackets, sunglasses –Why do you think style is so important for the BPP? Outcome- FBI investigations to break up the BPP and shootouts w/ police end the partyOutcome- FBI investigations to break up the BPP and shootouts w/ police end the party