Session 1 overview & planning M Melanie Lewis MCED 18 August 2012
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Overview Principles of strengthened NCS: Social Transformation, Active and Critical learning, High Knowledge & Skills, Progression & content, Human Rights & Inclusivity, Value of Indigenous Knowledge, Credibility, quality & efficiency Documents to be used with CAPS
National Protocol for Assessment Management of SBA P4-6 Definitions of Assessment Terminology Assessment of NCS. P7-12 Requirements for Final End-year- Exams. P13 Assessment of learners with special needs P 35-37 Registration of additional subjects P13-14 Management of School leaner profiles P32-34 Principles of Recording and Reporting P17-24 Management of School Assessment Records P26-31 Absenteeism from Exams and SBA P 15-16 Requirements for Teacher files P25
National Policy Pertaining to the Progression and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statements Grades R – 12 Certification Requirements NSC. P 51-53 Definitions of Assessment Terminology Duration of NSC. P 30 -31 Entrance Requirements to FET. P 30 Approved Subjects. P 59 Concessions for Immigrants. P40- 42 Programme Requirements Gr. 10-12. P 31 Supplementary Exams. P 54 NSC endorsement for learners with Barriers. P 43-47 Time allocation per subject. P.50-51 Provisos for FET: Subjects presented. P. 32-36 Changing subjects in Gr 10, 11 and 12. P48-49 Promotion requirements Gr 10 – 12. P36 - 37 Assessment Gr. 10 -11. P 37 - 38 Assessment Gr. 12. P 38 Concessions for learners with learning Barriers. P42-43 Recording and Reporting. P 38- 39
CAPS DOCUMENT Aims of the NCS. P 5 Adapted NCS Principles. P4 Time Allocation per subject per Grade. P 9 Definitions of Informal and Formal. Assessment. P 44 Overview of Topics. P 10 Weighting of Topics. P 8 Examination guidelines plus Time and Marks allocation. P 49-51 Requirements to offer subject. P 9 Programme of Assessment. P 45 Annual Teaching Plan. P 13 - 33 Explanation of forms of assessment P 47
Overview Documents repealed: Purpose of Business Studies LPG & SAG – as per year of implementation Purpose of Business Studies Envisaged learners Main topics & weighting ( EVRO) Importance of planning and lesson preparation Resources LTSM Text Books (Approved catalogue)
Four main Topics Business Environment Business Venture 25% Business Roles Business Operations
Planning Planning is important and necessary For accountability to parents, officials and other stakeholders A proper Annual Teaching Plan gives teachers a plan in terms of content, resources, assessment, starting and completion time A proper lesson preparation must state the topic covered, date started and completed, textbook/ resources used, and assessment. See example below
Teacher File (5 min) What is the importance of a teacher file? Each teacher must keep a single file for planning and moderation purposes. What are the essential requirements of a teacher file? The file must consist of: Annual work schedule/Annual teaching plan A record of starting of the lesson and completion date. Assessment Plan
Teacher File Formal Assessment Tasks and memoranda Indication of Textbook(s) and any other resources to be used Record sheets containing learners’ marks for each formal assessment task Any intervention that is planned by the teacher to assist learners especially those who are experiencing barriers to learning.
Specific Resources used per Topic/sub topic Planning SUBJECT: _________________________ GRADE: ______ TERM: ___ Topic Content Date started Completion date Specific Resources used per Topic/sub topic Assessment (specifics – refer to templates, examples, etc in teacher working file) Lesson preparation in the teacher’s working file. Learner books as evidence of teaching and learning process Recording and reporting of learner performance as evidence Hint: Annual teaching plan can be adapted for this purpose (completely optional)
Resources (5 min) Resources to offer Business Studies as a subject are the responsibility of the school. Each learner should have: a textbook stationery other relevant resources. The teacher should have: a variety of textbooks for reference a Partnership’s Articles of Association Legislation, e.g. : Companies Act, 71 of 2008, Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998, Intellectual Property Act No. 51 of 2008 National Credit Act No. 34 of 2005, Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008, Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 75 of 1997,
Resources Labour Relations Act No. 66 of 1995, Black Economic Empowerment Act No.53 of 2003, Skills Development Act No.97 of 1998, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act No. 130 of 1993, Hire Purchase Act, Long-term Insurance Act 52 of 1998, Short-term Insurance Act 53 of 1998, etc. Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) - new founding document of a company Specimen of contract forms Bank brochures Business and financial magazines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy – any company The King Code of Governance for South Africa 2009
Textbooks/LTSM effective tool for teaching and learning presents all the topics in the content overview knowledge and concepts are well scaffolded to provide understanding and insight variety of activities/ exercises that are clear and address different cognitive levels. Insert pictures of textbooks on approved list. NB: Each learner should have a textbook per subject to take home to study and do homework.
Grade 11 Approved Books – Catalogue Via Afrika Business Studies Grade 11 Fast Track Business Studies Grade 11 Platinum Business Studies 11 Solutions for all Grade 11 Focus Business Studies Grade 11 Enjoy Business Studies Grade 11 Business Studies for Young Grade 11 Geniet Besigheidstudies Graad 11 Via Afrika Besigheidsstudies Graad 11
Activity Instructions: You have 15 min to complete the activity In groups of 4 working on the ATP template provided please do the following: What are the skills that learners can acquire from Business Studies? Mention the four main Business Studies topics and their weighting. Using your CAPS document pg.23 – 31, study the Annual Teaching Plan by completing the following: Identify new grade 11 content Identify the content moved from other grades to Grade 11 Identify the different Business Studies topics per term. 4. Comment on the progression of content from one grade to another. You have 15 min to complete the activity 5 min to report back.
Thank you